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"Corporate Restructuring" Announcement?

Heard rumblings of some kind of restructuring announcement coming right after the first of the year....anyone heard? I've heard rumors from 10% Management layoff to stations getting rid of CSMs alltogether. One station (LAX) apparently has ordered all of their managers to a mandatory meeting on Jan 06, even those on VC are required to attend.

Anyone hear if the meeting took place in LAX. News if any?
yeah - the original poster should man(woman) up here. I shared this info with others too.
If there is going to be a restructuring, I'd be shocked if it were announced before corporate earnings are released, presumably on 20th (AA's calendar for earnings releases is usually the third Wednesday of the first month of the quarter).
I have not heard from LAX person I know since the meetings, the day before it was rumored to have been about raises for CSM's and Shift Managers (3,'s 4's, 5's) more $$=Less Managers in the operation.
The speculation re: any restructuring is comical - it's always heavily salted with really good ideas from the floor, exactly the type of ideas that hold no benefit nor job justification for the management types at the top of the food chain. To actually do something FOR the company will take much more than appearances/token actions on the part of the frat boys and BOD.

It must be viewed from their perspective - "How can we get more from this company before we drive the final stake in its heart?" There, you'll find the answer you're looking for.

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