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AMFA at AA- consolidated thread

lol trickery seems to be most unions middle name and I'll include the whole lot of em that
I dissagree. AMFA's campaigns are member driven and are not dollar motivated like buisness unions such as the ibt,twu,iam etc. etc. You have to live it to understand it.
I just wanted to say Good Luck to all the mechanic's at AA. I am with southwest airline and since Amfa took over I have never felt better about having some input in the union that represents me. All of the officers are held accountable,anyone can sit in while negotiations are going on (just get on list),All of your dues dollars can be seen where they were spent on your request.

Everything with Amfa is out in the open for everyone to see! No back room deals! Everything is voted on!

All this can be yours too, JUST VOTE AMFA!!

Just a mechanic on the floor
why nothing from amfa no news release no email? what gives
Get ready to rumble
are you sure?

No, he is not sure. As usual, the twu misinformer did exactly what he has been doing for many months. Telling only half of the story.


The big news item left out of this post and others is that the Teamsters filed about 6 hours before the amfa reacted. What does this mean?? amfa may not get a ticket to the dance. The association is scrampling to play catch up and can only hope and pray for some miracle to allow them to join the ballot.

Dont be too hard on the informer, in fact THANK HIM. To file for this election, the Teamsters needed a certain number of valid signatures. twu informer helped the ibt accomplish this by at least one.

Yes there is some support, hell.I signed a card myself but wouldn't vote for the Teamsters....ever

Thanks dude.... :lol: :lol: :lol:

Vote for the Teamsters or not, your contribution probably helped block amfa from even having a chance to participate. Cant wait to call you a dumba** in person.
oooops, Sorry amfa dudes.....


BIG NEWS! We Filed Today for Our Teamster Election

May 28, 2013

At 10 a.m. today in Washington, D.C., a number of our coworkers gathered with leaders from the Teamsters Airline Division to announce that we filed for our union election! Our application for an election to become Teamsters was officially filed at 9 a.m. at the National Mediation Board. We did it! Many months of hard work organizing and getting Teamster cards signed have led to this historic moment.

Click here to read the leaflet about our filing to become Teamsters. Also, read this press release announcing our filing.

Soon we will have the opportunity to vote in the Teamsters so we can fight to protect our craft and raise standards for mechanics and related at AA. We’re proud to join forces with our future brothers and sisters at US Airways who filed for their Teamster election earlier this month. Our movements are coming together.

The Teamsters are the only union with the skills and resources to stand up to management and fight for mechanics and related at the world’s largest airline. With our filing today, we have made a major step toward winning powerful, industry-leading representation with the Teamsters. After years of concessions, outsourcing and weak representation, our campaign is about us changing course and fighting back. We are drawing a line in the sand – it’s time to stand up and restore the dignity of our profession.

As Teamsters General President Jim Hoffa said in a press statement this morning, “Today’s election filing is a tremendous milestone for American Airlines mechanics who have built a powerful mechanic-led campaign for Teamster representation. Their determination despite the tough odds has led to this historic achievement and will lead to a strong future for mechanics and related at AA.”

“For too long mechanics in the airline industry have seen jobs outsourced and standards plummet, compromising maintenance quality, workers’ livelihoods and the safety of the flying public,” said David Bourne, Director of the Teamsters Airline Division. “This impressive campaign for Teamster representation at America Airlines represents a huge step toward reversing this trend. The Teamsters Airline Division is proud to work with these mechanics in this historic effort.”

Check out the flier on today’s filing. Let’s keep working together in the coming weeks and months to get the job done and rebuild our craft with Teamster power!

With the TEAMSTERS We Will WIN!

For more information, visit the AA Mechanics for Teamsters campaign website or call the hotline at 877-589-4951.
Being first doesn't mean coming in first when the election is ultimately held... I suspect there were people who signed cards just to get an election, regardless of who was collecting them.
I signed an IBT card when AMFA/AMP fizzled away. I'll admit it. I despise the TWU that much! Then AMFA came back around. I've seen more AMFA shirts than I have IBT in the hangars but it seems the TWU is fighting against the IBT more than against AMFA. Think the IBT is a decoy hired by the TWU to divide and split the votes so AMFA doesn't have the 50+% votes required? I wouldn't put it past the AFL-CIO.
I just wanted to say Good Luck to all the mechanic's at AA. I am with southwest airline and since Amfa took over I have never felt better about having some input in the union that represents me. All of the officers are held accountable,anyone can sit in while negotiations are going on (just get on list),All of your dues dollars can be seen where they were spent on your request.

Everything with Amfa is out in the open for everyone to see! No back room deals! Everything is voted on!

All this can be yours too, JUST VOTE AMFA!!

Just a mechanic on the floor
Thank you 1a, I hope you're right. We desperately need TRANSPARENCY!!. Unfortunately we have to find out most our information from newspapers and it looks like that's how we are continuing to find out info even from the three competing unions. For instance as simple as just a filing date.

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