swamt, one of the many problems with amfa we had at United was the misinformation. The way I see it, you have it wrong. In an unreapresented electioin filing with the NMB subsequent unions are given a sepcified amount of time to show they also have enough interest in order to be added to the ballot. Nerither AA and US Air are un-represented. This is to decertify a bargaining unit. The way I understand it, if the IBT has enough cards, there will be a run off election with the TWU. If not, TWU has another year.
That's it. There is no window for amfa to file. As it would have been if amfa filed first, the other (third) union becomes nothing but a spectator. Why did amfa file hours after rather than wait a week for a surge of new cards? Why are some of these posts claiming that Teamster organizers eluded to the fact that there could only be one other choice in the election? Why is there NOTHING about any of this on the amfa national web site???
Typical of amfa, supporters are free to share or create unchecked/ incorrect information. In fact, that is where most of the information comes from with this association despite all the inconsistancies. You all were skunked by the very thing we learned to depised about amfa. No real leadership.