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AMFA at AA- consolidated thread

Yes good luck to us all. I hope for a vote once and for all. If the other two "unions" are so confident in their positions, then they should not fear a vote. If the company were truly impartial 🙄 then they would not fear a vote. Vote AMFA. Vote NO to more industrial unionism. Vote NO to more back-room deals. Vote NO to zero accountability. The teamsters obviously were brought in to dilute the AMFA drive. Then, imho, they saw a chance to bolster their own thinning membership. The teamsters/twu are one in the same guys/gals. Both are too big to serve their membership. They are only interested in keeping the dues flowing. When the two big unions start with a disinformation campaign and list AMFAs flaws ask yourself. What has the twu done? They have agreed to concession after concession. Repeatedly sacrificed the AMT interests to mitigate losses in other work groups. The twu has agreed to cut thousands of AMT jobs. AMFA will not solve all our issues overnight but that is not the point imo. AMFA will, for the first time, give us as AMTs the ability to actually have our voices heard. We will not be patted on the head and sent to the kids table while the adults discuss things. ALL AMTs have worked too hard to obtain your tickets and build your knowledge/experience to continue to allow your interests to be represented by industrial unions. Good luck, God Bless and VOTE AMFA @ AA!!!!!!!!
I signed an ibt card as well, but will vote AMFA! When the ibt organizer came to my door I pretty much ripped him. He asked what if AMFA were not on the ballot? What if it were only ibt or twu? I told him I`d much rather have NO UNION than have either one of those two soup sandwiches "representing" me. VOTE AMFA @ AA!!!
Thanks for the words of encouragement. Now it is up to the NMB to do the right thing.
Plenty of rumors during the card drive. One big one was the accusation from Jim Little to Hoffa about forgery of cards. We will see if this was a ploy or had creditability.
We will see in a few weeks if and who has enough cards to get an election. Many feel the Teamsters filed without enough cards but that is all speculation until the NMB makes the final decision on the eligibility numbers. In the mean time the unions should prepare for a open forum debate since they all feel they can do a better job in representing us over the other. My feeling is that I am tired of the Industrial unions. They had their chances over the years to prove themselves. Now it is time for class and craft unions to focus on their specific members and represent their members better than what the IAM, TWU and IBT have done in the last 10 years. All this hard work on the AMFA card drive hinges on the final outcome of the NMB. I'm crossing my fingers and hoping for the best.
Teamster support at AA is sparse at best. Not unlike the posts above, the refrain I hear most often is "I signed a Teamster card, but if it comes down to a vote, I'm voting for AMFA!" AA mechanics see the UAL AMTs wishing they could have a do over. The IBT can't even get the AMTs from Continental and UAL (both IBT represented) under one contract after years of being merged. Failed pension plans, corruption, no accountability, are just a few things that come to mind when I hear the Teamsters brought up.

Anomaly wrote: "We did it! Many months of hard work organizing and getting Teamster cards signed have led to this historic moment."

Should read as follows: "We did it! Many months of lying, mis-leading, and complete fabrications, and getting Teamster cards forged have led to this historic moment."

Anomaly who cares who filed first or second. Let's first see who has the 50% plus one to get an election. Secondly we will see who will win an election, it may end up being the TWU and AMFA all alone on the ballot. Your teamsters will have to deal with the exact, I repeat, the exact same "padded" list offered by the company and the TWU. Your teamsters will also have to deal with a full blown investigation of possible forgery being committed by the teamsters organizers in which Jimmy has put it in writing to Hoffa to address. NMB will have all this information handed to them during the contesting of the teamsters filing.
Please, for the love of God, continue to post throughout this election, as your ignorant, uneducated posts are some of the best reminders as to why the AA M&R employees should reject the IBT and vote instead for AMFA.

They just don't get it......
Anomaly who cares who filed first or second. Let's first see who has the 50% plus one to get an election. Secondly we will see who will win an election, it may end up being the TWU and AMFA all alone on the ballot. Your teamsters will have to deal with the exact, I repeat, the exact same "padded" list offered by the company and the TWU. Your teamsters will also have to deal with a full blown investigation of possible forgery being committed by the teamsters organizers in which Jimmy has put it in writing to Hoffa to address. NMB will have all this information handed to them during the contesting of the teamsters filing.

swamt, one of the many problems with amfa we had at United was the misinformation. The way I see it, you have it wrong. In an unreapresented electioin filing with the NMB subsequent unions are given a sepcified amount of time to show they also have enough interest in order to be added to the ballot. Nerither AA and US Air are un-represented. This Teamster NMB filiing is to decertify a bargaining unit. The way I understand it, if the IBT has enough cards, there will be a run off election with the TWU. If not, TWU has another year.

That's it. There is no window for amfa to file. As it would have been if amfa filed first, the other (third) union becomes nothing but a spectator. Why did amfa file hours after rather than wait a week for a surge of new cards? Why are some of these posts claiming that Teamster organizers eluded to the fact that there could only be one other choice in the election? Why is there NOTHING about any of this on the amfa national web site???

I signed an ibt card as well, but will vote AMFA! When the ibt organizer came to my door I pretty much ripped him. He asked what if AMFA were not on the ballot? What if it were only ibt or twu? I told him I`d much rather have NO UNION than have either one of those two soup sandwiches "representing" me. VOTE AMFA @ AA!!!

Typical of amfa, supporters are free to share or create unchecked/ incorrect information. In fact, that is where most of the information comes from with this association despite all the inconsistancies. You all were skunked by the very thing we learned to depised about amfa. No real leadership.
I signed an ibt card as well, but will vote AMFA! When the ibt organizer came to my door I pretty much ripped him. He asked what if AMFA were not on the ballot? What if it were only ibt or twu? I told him I`d much rather have NO UNION than have either one of those two soup sandwiches "representing" me. VOTE AMFA @ AA!!!

Signed the IBT card for the same reason, anything but the TWU, rather be non-union then TWU!!!! I would get better representation, without paying the juice to the TWU for the right to work at AA.
swamt, one of the many problems with amfa we had at United was the misinformation. The way I see it, you have it wrong. In an unreapresented electioin filing with the NMB subsequent unions are given a sepcified amount of time to show they also have enough interest in order to be added to the ballot. Nerither AA and US Air are un-represented. This is to decertify a bargaining unit. The way I understand it, if the IBT has enough cards, there will be a run off election with the TWU. If not, TWU has another year.

That's it. There is no window for amfa to file. As it would have been if amfa filed first, the other (third) union becomes nothing but a spectator. Why did amfa file hours after rather than wait a week for a surge of new cards? Why are some of these posts claiming that Teamster organizers eluded to the fact that there could only be one other choice in the election?

Typical of amfa, supporters are free to share or create unchecked/ incorrect information. In fact, that is where most of the information comes from with this association despite all the inconsistancies. You all were skunked by the very thing we learned to depised about amfa. No real leadership.

Actually you need to educate yourself about filings and what will happen when 2 unions file with or without the numbers. Like the other poster said above, pls keep posting thru this election at AA. AMFA appreciates your support.
swamt, one of the many problems with amfa we had at United was the misinformation. The way I see it, you have it wrong. In an unreapresented electioin filing with the NMB subsequent unions are given a sepcified amount of time to show they also have enough interest in order to be added to the ballot. Nerither AA and US Air are un-represented. This is to decertify a bargaining unit. The way I understand it, if the IBT has enough cards, there will be a run off election with the TWU. If not, TWU has another year.

That's it. There is no window for amfa to file. As it would have been if amfa filed first, the other (third) union becomes nothing but a spectator. Why did amfa file hours after rather than wait a week for a surge of new cards? Why are some of these posts claiming that Teamster organizers eluded to the fact that there could only be one other choice in the election? Why is there NOTHING about any of this on the amfa national web site???

Typical of amfa, supporters are free to share or create unchecked/ incorrect information. In fact, that is where most of the information comes from with this association despite all the inconsistancies. You all were skunked by the very thing we learned to depised about amfa. No real leadership.

If your problem with AMFA was as you state above, then the membership should have removed and replaced the individuals that were not doing their jobs, not the entire union. Now the UAL boys are regretting replacing AMFA.
You see Anomaly, we are having a recall of an officer right now, you can't do that with any other union out there, period.
Actually you need to educate yourself about filings and what will happen when 2 unions file with or without the numbers. Like the other poster said above, pls keep posting thru this election at AA. AMFA appreciates your support.

The choice will be IBT or TWU. swamt I think it would be irresponsible to advise these guys to go non union and loose what little protection they have to pay, benefits, and retirement. But that is your conscience.
The choice will be IBT or TWU. swamt I think it would be irresponsible to advise these guys to go non union and loose what little protection they have to pay, benefits, and retirement. But that is your conscience.
Where did I post to vote non-union? Never did I state that anywhere in my posts. You still don't understand how this all works...

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