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Unhappy Americans ask to secede from US

Dunno.... Archie Black Bears keeps getting closer and closer to my ignore list...
Why do some Republicans go to the EXTREME reaction of secession when they don't get their way? Texan secessionist got over 70,000 signatures! A bunch of whiners that wrap themselves in our beautiful flag, then the so-called patriots threaten to CUT and RUN. I had to endure the 12 years of the Bush Presidencies, never did I think of trying seceed from the country I LOVE.

Secessionists are PATHETIC.
just to switch tracks for a few minutes, I read a story about an oklahoma traffic reporter who gave directions and traffic conditions to people who promised to move to Canada if Obama won.

the report also said Canadian immigration lawyers had an increase in inquiries from americans but here's the kicker....these anti obama defectors were wanting to move to a country that has high taxes, national healthcare and strict gun control!

Bwa ha ha haa!
just to switch tracks for a few minutes, I read a story about an oklahoma traffic reporter who gave directions and traffic conditions to people who promised to move to Canada if Obama won.

the report also said Canadian immigration lawyers had an increase in inquiries from americans but here's the kicker....these anti obama defectors were wanting to move to a country that has high taxes, national healthcare and strict gun control!

Bwa ha ha haa!
Wait, check out these pathetic losers - If Obama wins, I'm moving to Australia. Read how ignorant these folks are about Australian politics and society.

Why do some Republicans go to the EXTREME reaction of secession when they don't get their way? Texan secessionist got over 70,000 signatures! A bunch of whiners that wrap themselves in our beautiful flag, then the so-called patriots threaten to CUT and RUN. I had to endure the 12 years of the Bush Presidencies, never did I think of trying seceed from the country I LOVE.

Secessionists are PATHETIC.

Little different with a bunch of extreme leftist clowns hell bent on taking America and what it stood for, down in the global community.
The other side of the tracks !

Look ! Another atheist !

Hatin on all things southern now !
"NO", you tell me for a fact, that no Yankees, look at a black person and think or say the N-word, you self-centered, self rightgeous BIGOT !

You are now officially on Barry-O's sh!t-list ! Whether or not you live in the south, having family from the south or currently living there, automatically places you on said list !

Tell us southwind, why does..not believing in the concept of 'Immaculate conception' ,..qualify (in your twisted mind) a person being an atheist ?????????????????????? (Jews don't believe in " I C ". Are THEY Atheists) ????

You are right, and I apologise 'Tree for misconstruing your post !

Racists up North ? Of Course. BUT, you good ol' boys..STARTED..this African hatred, and from all accounts are still at it.

Just to clear this 'hatred business up southwind,......I..Hate.......H A T E R S !!!!!!!!!!!
For example; You HATE Unions. (like those of us who belong to them are in your twisted mind, some kind of unamerican members of a satanic cult) OK, no problem. You HATE unions,.........I HATE You ! See, it's not Rocket Science.

Truth be told, my wife LOVES the 'Darn things (grits), but aside from those nasty things, IMHO a southern breakfast can't be beat ! Honest !

Eolesen,.................You DO, what YOU gotta' DO brother !!!!!!!!!!


How they hangin' ??? : ) : ) : )
Don't start suckin' up Barry-O ! We all know the real NHBB Barry-O !

I don't hate unions, I just don't believe in them ! At one time, in American history, Unions were needed ! Today though, they are a hindrance to job growth, something we desperately need right now, and productivity ! Think Boeing and the jobs that could have been created in S.C. !
Oh no, another "Redneck" state ! And to be honest, I haven't seen a union, lately, that has been able to do a damn thing for their members during Bankruptcy ! NW, AA just to name a couple. And don't think for one second, Amcrack could file for BK and in the process take your precious contract to the nearest paper shredder !
And one more thing! Unions number one priority these days are making sure it and it's leaders stay in power, workers come 2nd !
Are you shiitin' me !
I wouldn't feed that CRAP to my DOG.

Now as far as me HATING anyone, well it goes like this.
OBVIOUSLY there are GOOD southern people, who from cradle to grave Never HATE.
But as a Lot of regulars on here, besides me, have stated, your neck-of-the-woods still has an inordinate amount of good ol' boys who when laying thier eyes on a black person,....................automatically see a " N'r " !
Now YOU tell ME that I'm wrong.
GO AHEAD dammit, Tell Me I'm Wrong !!!!!
(if you can) !

If you take more bath salts you will become invisible to the storm troopers.

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