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'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off

So that means we can count the two of in to volunteer to fall on the sword? You sound lime cowards to me. Typical arm chair cowards.

If you don't know 'by now' that islamic nuts don't need an excuse to kill anyone, then you are a lost cause.
I don't need to see a picture but if it's released and these nut jobs kill someone over it, then so be it.
We shouldn't ki$$ anyone's A$$, if we find out who killed someone over it, then we should send a JDAM up their butt.

When the prophet picture BS happened, the nut jobs rioted. It happened. I dont care and did not ask if you agreed with it. I do not agree with it. I did not agree with getting spanked for swiping a cookie. Swiping a cookie resulted in a spanking. Did wanted the spanking less than I wanted a cookie so no more stolen cookies.

You are quite generous with peoples lives in order to see the picture. I would prefer no one die over a picture.
When the prophet picture BS happened, the nut jobs rioted. It happened. I dont care and did not ask if you agreed with it. I do not agree with it. I did not agree with getting spanked for swiping a cookie. Swiping a cookie resulted in a spanking. Did wanted the spanking less than I wanted a cookie so no more stolen cookies.

You are quite generous with peoples lives in order to see the picture. I would prefer no one die over a picture.

I didn't ask you either. So you believe that Merika should be subjugated to a Pavlovian response and put our heads in a hidey hole. Be afraid to 'offend' nut cases for 'fear' of retaliation. Is that how you lived your life?

Do you still eat cookies or crap you pants when you see one. 🙄
Let me know how you feel when someone dearth you dies due something that could have been avoided.
Let me know how you feel when someone dearth you dies due something that could have been avoided.

I have had 'many' people die that are dear to me, so what?
The only thing in life that can not be avoided is death.
Prepare to meet your maker every day as it may be your last.


'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off

:wacko: #1

:wacko: #2


:wacko: # ???

Get ready folks, it's going to be a rough ride.... :lol: :lol:

Just as with 9-11, moon landing and other histoical events there are going to be nuts who say the whole thing was a hoax, inside job, false flag etc, etc. There will also be nuts like Alex Jones who will see this as a money making opportunity off all the other wackos out there.
Spreading hate is what a certain group of conservatives thrive on.

You are turning into one of their tools.

When the facts speak for themselves who am I to interrupt. Enlighten us as to how $5/Gal gas and a proposed tax on the miles you drive will improve YOUR standard of living?
When you post 'facts' that may or may not be true they speak for you.

And they do not reflect well.
And if those deaths could be avoided would you have tried to avoid them? I try and avoid as much risk to life and limb as I am able. I certainly do not like the idea of someone else making a decision that could affect my life. There are certain things that I would be willing to put my life on the line for. A picture s certainly not on my list.

The only reason to see the picture is for morbid curiosity. The picture cannot provide any proof that anything happened. Morbid curiosity in my opinion is not a valid reason to release the pictures and place the lives of US service people at additional risk. They place their lives on the line every day. To loose the life one service person because some nut job got pissed off at the picture to me is not worth it. Not releasing the picture does not affect any ones life. No ones rights are being abridged. No one gets hurt. I do not see an up side.

As for the argument that the POTUS works for us .... I think the president has a responsibility to the troops as well as civilians. He has a responsibility to look out for them and ensure their safety as much as possible. Had he decided to release the picture and a suicide bomber took out a bus or a barracks that it would be inexcusable.

I believe Obama made the right decision.
When you post 'facts' that may or may not be true they speak for you.

And they do not reflect well.

I posted links and there is a pic lurking about showing Gas Prices and an article that talks specifically about the Gas tax on miles driven and that the GAO supports it. So I'm liking my reflection pretty well.

So I ask the same question again?
I doubt it will happen. It's just a balloon idea that will more than likely not go any where. Not sure why it's being proposed. To many cars on the road like mine with an analog odometer that I could just remove and roll back. Just another reason for me not to get a new car. 😛
What does it matter, photo or not? In today's world, photo shopping is a common practice even in journalism. Osama is dead or Obama is toast as president.

Coming from the printing industry your thought was my first thought as well. Then I thought about it for a second and it occurred to me that if the public desires it then it is IMO the responsibility of Government to provide it, end of story, case closed.

I for one am tired of a Federal Government thinking the American People have given it Carte Blanche to run roughshod over our rights AND responsibilities and I'm not just talking about the Empty Suit either. Go back as far as LBJ and Viet Nam and every regime in between. Eisenhower warned us, did we listen? Hell No!

"Government big enough to supply everything you need is big enough to take everything you have ... The course of history shows that as a government grows, liberty decreases"

A free people [claim] their rights as derived from the laws of nature, and not as the gift of their chief magistrate.

Timid men prefer the calm of despotism to the tempestuous sea of liberty

Were we directed from Washington when to sow and when to reap, we should soon want bread

"The constitutions of most of our states (and of the United States) assert that all power is inherent in the people; that they may exercise it by themselves; that it is their right and duty to be at all times armed; that they are entitled to freedom of person, freedom of religion, freedom of property and freedom of the press."

I wonder if the Empty Suit even knows who said the above? Doubting that most on the Left would fare better. Clearly in their minds this person just doesn't "Get It" after all it's about our children LOL. Release the damn pictures
I posted links and there is a pic lurking about showing Gas Prices and an article that talks specifically about the Gas tax on miles driven and that the GAO supports it. So I'm liking my reflection pretty well.

So I ask the same question again?

And your thread has one response.

From you.

A disciple of the ignored one?

Talking to yourself?
And your thread has one response.

From you.

A disciple of the ignored one?

Talking to yourself?

No idea! Maybe the truth is hard to confront. Or maybe it was a "Master of the Obvious" thread, some gain traction, some don't. It's a crap shoot all the way around on boards like this.

Also this was an interesting take on the picture release issue.

Huffington Post Article

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