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'Deathers' take over where 'birthers' left off

Coming from the printing industry your thought was my first thought as well. Then I thought about it for a second and it occurred to me that if the public desires it then it is IMO the responsibility of Government to provide it, end of story, case closed.

If as a result of releasing the pictures, one US service person dies. Is that a fair trade off? If so, what about 10? Twenty? What is the cut off when the trade off is not worth it anymore?

Here is a picture.


When people thought it was real they were happy. They were told it was fake so they are not happy. They did not know if it was real or fake. We still do not know if it was real of fake aside from the people in DC telling us it is fake. It still could be real and they are lying to us. They could leak a fake photo to us and tell us it is real because they really kept him alive and he is being interrogated with sugar cookies right this very minute. There is nothing the picture will do except satiate morbid curiosity. The 'debate' will continue as to whether or not the picture is real. Whether he is alive or dead. Who killed him and when.

While there is no guarantee that a service person will die if the picture is released there is a possibility that it could happen. Were it a matter of suppression of rights guaranteed under the COTUS I would say that the rights take precedents. I do not believe seeing the picture is a right. The POTUS has an obligation to prevent unwarranted harm to come to the soldiers. I believe that with holding the picture is justified since releasing them will solve nothing.
While there is no guarantee that a service person will die if the picture is released there is a possibility that it could happen.

It's possible that I will win 90 million dollars tonight when they draw the Powerball Lottery. Equally possible is I will be struck by lightening trying to cash the winning ticket. Many things are possible but are they plausible and probable? I say NO in this case.

Were it a matter of suppression of rights guaranteed under the COTUS I would say that the rights take precedents. I do not believe seeing the picture is a right.

A right? no rights here, except in a free society there is a guarantee of a free press and the right to free speech. Withholding information under the guise of "National Security" seems to be at minimum partially at odds with the First Amendment. Using fear of retaliation from OBL's followers/operatives is a piss poor reason to deny access. There are certainly Pros and Cons to the release. I always tend to side with Freedom & Liberty which in this case is nothing more then the public's morbid voyeurism unchained.

The POTUS has an obligation to prevent unwarranted harm to come to the soldiers. I believe that with holding the picture is justified since releasing them will solve nothing.

Agreed! So then why are we there in the first place, in harms way? (Insert Typical Blame Bush Reply HERE)
It's possible that I will win 90 million dollars tonight when they draw the Powerball Lottery. Equally possible is I will be struck by lightening trying to cash the winning ticket. Many things are possible but are they plausible and probable? I say NO in this case.

I was trying to figure out a good example and the lighting works well I think. There is no law that prohibits you from running out side holding a golf club in the middle of a storm. It is generally acknowledged that its not a good idea to do so. Are you going to do so to prove that you are free to do so? Are you willing to gamble your life on the probability that you will not get struck?

A right? no rights here, except in a free society there is a guarantee of a free press and the right to free speech. Withholding information under the guise of "National Security" seems to be at minimum partially at odds with the First Amendment. Using fear of retaliation from OBL's followers/operatives is a piss poor reason to deny access. There are certainly Pros and Cons to the release. I always tend to side with Freedom & Liberty which in this case is nothing more then the public's morbid voyeurism unchained.

I side with the value of the information verses the harm that it could cause. The life of one soldier is not worth the picture or the restriction of freedom that it entails.

Agreed! So then why are we there in the first place, in harms way? (Insert Typical Blame Bush Reply HERE)

Because we broke it and we are a nation that want's to fix things and is unwilling to acknowledge that it cannot be fixed. Because since we line in a political world the withdrawal will have political consequences. You seem to say that as if Bush did not put the troops there and initiate (with Congresses blessing) a war in two countries that it seems were not a threat.
Because we broke it and we are a nation that want's to fix things and is unwilling to acknowledge that it cannot be fixed. Because since we line in a political world the withdrawal will have political consequences. You seem to say that as if Bush did not put the troops there and initiate (with Congresses blessing) a war in two countries that it seems were not a threat.

You can ALMOST justify Afghanistan, Iraq and Libya can't be justified even a little.

Now you know why I'm so strident regarding Energy Independence. Once we reach that point we're in a position to tell the UN, NATO, SEATO, OPEC and a host of other treaty entanglements and tell the world to pound sand with little consequence to the American Public. just pulling out our troops from all of these foreign entanglements will save us nearly a Trillion Dollars, which is about the same number we're currently short on budget wise. The only Armed Forces that should be stationed overseas are the respective Embassy Contingents & the clandestine services.

Everyone else comes home. Part of the savings is redirected to the CIA and other clandestine organizations to bring the war on terror to our enemies. When the boys come home they're will be plenty of jobs in the oil/energy industry. If NATO wishes US troops in Europe they can pay the bill. Otherwise no dice. I work on the Outlaw Biker Theory which is "Ass, Gas or Grass, NOBODY rides free". As always we'll be delighted to give our allies a discount on our advanced Military Hardware, but they still pay like everyone else. The business of America IS Business.

Under my plan you never have to have a debate over releasing photos as our involvement will be merely suspected and not confirmed. Problem Solved. If I were President I wouldn't have issued a statement. If someone asked I'd answer honestly, otherwise not saying a word. Now this is a contradiction to previous posts to a point. I NEVER volunteer info. However if asked, I answer candidly. Drives the G/F nuts
And if I were president Halle Berry would be my chief of staff. Until that time I would prefer to discuss the current situation and the reality of it.

Assuming there is a picture and if it were released and a soldier were to get killed because of it. Is that worth it to you? I do not think it is.
And if I were president Halle Berry would be my chief of staff. Until that time I would prefer to discuss the current situation and the reality of it.

Assuming there is a picture and if it were released and a soldier were to get killed because of it. Is that worth it to you? I do not think it is.

Soldiers are getting killed by those cockroaches regardless if a picture is published or not! Utterly stupid to think that a picture will cause harm when harm is already their intent! We just blew his brains out and tossed him in the sea. But a picture would be somehow considered over the top???

Seriously where do people get this crap from?
And if I were president Halle Berry would be my chief of staff. Until that time I would prefer to discuss the current situation and the reality of it.

Assuming there is a picture and if it were released and a soldier were to get killed because of it. Is that worth it to you? I do not think it is.

Not a Halle Berry guy. I love redheads so I'd go with Julianne Moore, she cleans up good and since she's tall she could pull off the Chief of Staff "look" pretty well.

I have to be brutally candid I fail to see how one could ever show cause and effect between releasing a photo and the death of a specific soldier. Could I see an attempt to blow up Leon Pannetta or someone of his level in retaliation? Absolutely

If we use Obam's Football analogy that there is no need to "spike the ball", my gut says, "Spike the ball and run up their sideline screaming WHO's NEXT M F'ers" which is probably why it's a good thing I'm not President M y basic instinct is that I've killed their leader and I would want to exploit that to taunt them into making a mistake so I can kill more of them. The leadership is in mourning, taunt them into something stupid, remember we have a "Treasure Trove" of info now and we need to exploit that like a whore exploits a drunken sailor on shore leave.
This is all just another example of the left and their Alinsky tactics...all in the name of defending Obama from any criticism.

RULE 12: Pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Cut off the support network and isolate the target from sympathy. Go after people and not institutions; people hurt faster than institutions.

Here’s how the left, in collusion with liberal media, achieves this. They pick, personalize and isolate the target with a single word, add the letters E-R-S then attack and ridicule. Simply adding “ers” to the end of a word may seem like a simple and somewhat lazy approach but it’s been fairly effective. Let’s examine a short list of the “ers.”

This is the first and most obvious of the “ers” because as the Tea Party emerged in the spring of 2009 it was immediately recognized by the left and the media as a threat to Obama. The term Teabagger was pushed on liberal blogs and instantly embraced by a number of high level media figures, notably CNN’s Anderson Cooper and MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow among others. The Maddow link goes to a HuffPo story titled Teabagging Rallies Ruthlessly Mocked On Maddow Show. See Rule 12 above. Are you starting to get the picture?

The whole “birther” thing is particularly interesting because contrary to everything you’ve heard, this movement was started by liberals. When was the last time that anyone in the media mentioned that Red State, one of the most influential conservative blogs in America, banned birthers? In this case, the left with help from their media allies, successfully transferred ownership of the issue to anyone who questioned Obama’s conspicuously absent paper trail.

The term deathers has been employed twice. The first time was during the furious debate over ObamaCare when Sarah Palin said government bureaucrats or “death panels” could ultimately decide who gets life saving healthcare. The media conveniently overlooked Obama’s famous “let them eat painkillers” moment while liberals in the blogosphere proceeded to label all opponents of ObamaCare as deathers. The second time the deather term was utilized happened just last week. As news broke that Osama Bin Laden was killed by a Navy SEAL team, the Obama Administration initially suggested it would provide photographic proof. Now that Obama has decided not to release the photos, anyone who wants to see them is a deather. Last Thursday, 5/5/11, CNN published a piece titled Deathers Take Over Where Birthers Left Off.

Tenthers is a term used by the left to mock supporters of state rights described in the 10th amendment to the United States Constitution. The use of the word arose during the ObamaCare debate as numerous states chose to exercise their constitutional right to defy the federal government. The Attorneys General of 26 states are currently engaged in a legal battle with the White House over ObamaCare.

Haters or H8ERS is a term used by the left to describe anyone who they perceive as an opponent of gay marriage. It doesn’t matter to the left that many prominent conservatives have endorsed civil unions or even gay marriage. The left relies on painting any and all conservatives as people who “hate” anything that impedes their political agenda.

By the time the 2012 presidential election is in full swing, all of the old “ers” terms will be in heavy use and and even more “ers” will be invented. The new “ers” will be created by liberal blogs like Daily Kos and the Huffington Post. From there, they’ll be granted legitimacy by news networks like MSNBC, CNN and others.
How does the press handle the Osama assassination?

Not a Halle Berry guy. I love redheads so I'd go with Julianne Moore, she cleans up good and since she's tall she could pull off the Chief of Staff "look" pretty well.

I have to be brutally candid I fail to see how one could ever show cause and effect between releasing a photo and the death of a specific soldier. Could I see an attempt to blow up Leon Pannetta or someone of his level in retaliation? Absolutely

If we use Obam's Football analogy that there is no need to "spike the ball", my gut says, "Spike the ball and run up their sideline screaming WHO's NEXT M F'ers" which is probably why it's a good thing I'm not President M y basic instinct is that I've killed their leader and I would want to exploit that to taunt them into making a mistake so I can kill more of them. The leadership is in mourning, taunt them into something stupid, remember we have a "Treasure Trove" of info now and we need to exploit that like a whore exploits a drunken sailor on shore leave.

Moore wold work for me as well. The point being neither of us will be POTUS and neither Berry or Moore will be CoS anytime soon.

You would show cause the same way cause was showed with the Prophet cartoon idiocy that happened. Not very difficult.

Interesting idea but I seem to recall in your previous post you said you would not announce his death.
Under my plan you never have to have a debate over releasing photos as our involvement will be merely suspected and not confirmed. Problem Solved. If I were President I wouldn't have issued a statement. If someone asked I'd answer honestly, otherwise not saying a word. Now this is a contradiction to previous posts to a point. I NEVER volunteer info. However if asked, I answer candidly. Drives the G/F nuts

I do not think the announcement or the picture is needed. Look at Israel. They are knocking off leaders left and right. They never announce and they sure as heck never publish a photo.

I don't know why the announcement was made. I am sure part of it was political (look what I did). Given the fact that the helo was lost in the back yard and they had the high tech rotor assembly left there there was not too much of a choice. OBL is dead and there is a high tech as yet unseen rotor in the back yard...... Hmmmmmm wonder who did this? Not a hard puzzle to figure out. Had the helo not broken down I wonder how it would have played out.

I would have kept it quite and used the intel to go after some others. No reason to publish the info and there is still no reason to publish the photo. It will accomplish nothing.
Moore wold work for me as well. The point being neither of us will be POTUS and neither Berry or Moore will be CoS anytime soon.

You would show cause the same way cause was showed with the Prophet cartoon idiocy that happened. Not very difficult.

Interesting idea but I seem to recall in your previous post you said you would not announce his death.

I do not think the announcement or the picture is needed. Look at Israel. They are knocking off leaders left and right. They never announce and they sure as heck never publish a photo.

I don't know why the announcement was made. I am sure part of it was political (look what I did). Given the fact that the helo was lost in the back yard and they had the high tech rotor assembly left there there was not too much of a choice. OBL is dead and there is a high tech as yet unseen rotor in the back yard...... Hmmmmmm wonder who did this? Not a hard puzzle to figure out. Had the helo not broken down I wonder how it would have played out.

I would have kept it quite and used the intel to go after some others. No reason to publish the info and there is still no reason to publish the photo. It will accomplish nothing.

I change my mind on this about 5 times a day actually. Balancing the interests of the government with the citizens right to know is tough business
So know you do not know if the picture should be released? May be being POTUS and deciding if a simple picture should be released is not quite as easy as some think. There are consequences for actions. I am thankful that this is one consequence we do not need to be concerned about, at least until someone decides they are going to cave to public pressure and release the stupid picture.
So know you do not know if the picture should be released? May be being POTUS and deciding if a simple picture should be released is not quite as easy as some think. There are consequences for actions. I am thankful that this is one consequence we do not need to be concerned about, at least until someone decides they are going to cave to public pressure and release the stupid picture.

The Donald is working on this issue as we speak.....

So is Associated Press considered "deathers"?

Last Monday, the AP filed a Freedom of Information Act request for the photographic and video evidence taken during the raid on bin Laden's compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. The organization's FOIA request included a reminder of the president's campaign pledge and a plea to be more transparent than his predecessor. "The Obama White House 'pledged to be the most transparent government in U.S. history," wrote the AP, "and to comply much more closely with the Freedom of Information Act than the Bush administration did.'"

"This information is important for the historical record," said Michael Oreskes, senior managing editor at The Associated Press. "That's our view."

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