Tell us southwind, why does..not believing in the concept of 'Immaculate conception' ,..qualify (in your twisted mind) a person being an atheist ?????????????????????? (Jews don't believe in " I C ". Are THEY Atheists) ????
You are right, and I apologise 'Tree for misconstruing your post !
Racists up North ? Of Course. BUT, you good ol' boys..STARTED..this African hatred, and from all accounts are still at it.
Just to clear this 'hatred business up southwind,......I..Hate.......H A T E R S !!!!!!!!!!!
For example; You HATE Unions. (like those of us who belong to them are in your twisted mind, some kind of unamerican members of a satanic cult) OK, no problem. You HATE unions,.........I HATE You ! See, it's not Rocket Science.
Truth be told, my wife LOVES the 'Darn things (grits), but aside from those nasty things, IMHO a southern breakfast can't be beat ! Honest !
Eolesen,.................You DO, what YOU gotta' DO brother !!!!!!!!!!
How they hangin' ??? : ) : ) : )