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American Sniper

eolesen said:
Glad you volunteered. I stand corrected.Now, did you volunteer willingly, or to avoid jail?
eolesen said:
His business was following orders, asshat. And he did it with distinction.Kyle volunteered.You probably got drafted, and whined the entire two years you were in.Sure, question my lack of service if you want. I wanted to fly Hueys. My vision didn't even qualify me for infantry.
I guess you are just misunderstood by all of us...... what ever.
Ms Tree said:
Does not matter why he served. He did. You did not. And still stop lying about my supporting Bear.
So why the double standard? You don't have a problem calling out myself and others in defense of Barry-O but you, have yet called out Barry-O in defense of Chris Kyle and the fact he called an American hero, chicken-sh!t.
So until you do, your post concerning the matter, doesn't phase me!
Got it. Only those who served can comment on the military, which means we should never hear another word about it from Tree.
eolesen said:
Got it. Only those who served can comment on the military, which means we should never hear another word about it from Tree.
Not what I said at a and I'm guessing you are smart enough to know that so I'm not sure what you are trying to prove.
Ms Tree said:
Not what I said at a and I'm guessing you are smart enough to know that so I'm not sure what you are trying to prove.
Very simple actually. Apparently since you have yet to call out Barry-O ,a cough-cough veteran,for dissin' an American hero, Chris Kyle and have, numerous times, called out others , without milatary time, for dissin' Barry-O, you must have a double standard!
1. If you have military time, it's OK to disrespect a veteran.
2. If you don't have military time, it's not OK to disrespect a veteran.
southwind said:
Very simple actually. Apparently since you have yet to call out Barry-O ,a cough-cough veteran,for dissin' an American hero, Chris Kyle and have, numerous times, called out others , without milatary time, for dissin' Barry-O, you must have a double standard!
1. If you have military time, it's OK to disrespect a veteran.
2. If you don't have military time, it's not OK to disrespect a veteran.

Simple mind .. simple response.

What is it that Obama said that has you so wound up?
(Excluding the Powerful Submarine base @ Kings Bay) The State of GEORGIA has a lot of Army bases making it easy for those  'shoeless' Corn Pone Morons to get to.
The Govt. isn't stupid.  Thats why they've got so many military bases DOWN SOUTH ! 
It gives them..... fast Access to a SHIIT LOAD  of BLIND PATRIOTS !
"GET YOUR VIETNAM HERE"..........."SIGN Right Here BWOY". ....... " U BE In IRAQ Before you can count to FIVE "  !
"HURRY  HURRY, STEP Right UP "    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Funny part of Bears' ignorant statement about where the bases are located is that there used to be a lot more bases up north, but they got closed down for the real estate value. The guys down south recognized defense was worth more than McMansions.
Ms Tree said:

Simple mind .. simple response.

What is it that Obama said that has you so wound up?
And again. Please show us the post where you called out Barry-O for dissin' a veteran!
Glenn Quagmire said:
I'm pretty sure 777 fixer worked combat air ops on an aircraft carrier during active conflict. You are way off base here too. What is with all of you who didn't serve, questioning the 'type' of service, when you didn't do squat?
First, I was being sarcastic. Secondly 777 and I are discussing the subject. 
I in no way am questioning his service, but am acting accordingly to his questioning my 'story'. In other words, stay out of it.
southwind said:
And again. Please show us the post where you called out Barry-O for dissin' a veteran!
What exactly did he say that was disrespectful to Kyle?
Glenn Quagmire said:
You and eolesen calling anyone out for their service is hypocritical at best, and downright wrong.

I don't agree with Bears on much, but you guys are flat wrong here.
Weren't on the planet in the sixties, were you.
NewHampshire Black Bears said:
Yes...Yes...Eric, anything you say !
I VOLUNTEERED, U S NAVY 9/65 (Just like 'cowboy' Kyle)
And you were worried about your lottery number which hadn't been created until 1969?

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