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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

I just heard on NBC News about 5 minutes ago that today AA announced a layoff of 4000 employees. I don't think this is the same people as the post above as those two groups added together is over 3000. Unless things have changed drastically at AA, they are still seriously overstaffed with flight attendants and pilots. I think this may better represent from whence shall come the 4000. (Just guessing. I don't really know anything unless someone posts information on here.)
(Correction 7/16/20: Ignore this post. More accurate numbers have been posted below.)
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For FAs they are talking almost 10k cuts, for all work groups its like 26K
Rumor out there that AA selling the A330's to jetblue for greater access to Europe/South America....announcement tomorrow.
We have also introduced a new early-out program for team members who have less than 10 years of occupational seniority that will provide continuation of active medical coverage and non-rev travel privileges for a period of time.

instead of offering a tiny piece of candy to those with under 10 years - why didn't the company sweeten the deal to entice the 35+ year people to leave....so, those with under 10 years may be able to work at aa??

comments i heard about this 'enhanced' plan - "i'm staying to milk the company out of as much as i can." says one 40+ year guy i know. 1 year salary lump sum, he's gone. 6 months lump sum, he's staying on at $35/hr sitting in a chair.
Subsidizing your insurance until medicare is a pretty huge for those in the 45-60 age group. They might have also offered a simple lump sum of 150K for anyone already at medicare age.... there does seem to be a gap to try and get those old bumps on the log gone.
Subsidizing your insurance until medicare is a pretty huge for those in the 45-60 age group. They might have also offered a simple lump sum of 150K for anyone already at medicare age.... there does seem to be a gap to try and get those old bumps on the log gone.

yeah, they don't want to leave. some guys tell me 9 months salary they're gone, but 6 months, no way, they're staying...whatever.

it goes against conventional wisdom, looks like the company is indifferent as to $15/hr people vs. $35/hr with 6 weeks paid VC people leaving. since aa is self-insured, you'll get 70+ year old FSCs in hospitals...older workforce = more medical issues.
Per email from company WARN notices

18% pilots

37% FAs

22% maintenance n related

26% Fleet

30% passenger service

23% reservations

Plus there are early outs and leave of absence too

NOT trying to sound hard-hearted, 25% of fsc's (1 out of " 4 ") could be WORSE, Especially with the size of this covid CRAP. Then factor in the folks that DO Leave, then hopefully you might be looking 'closer' to 20%, (1 job out of " 5 " ) !
For FAs they are talking almost 10k cuts, for all work groups its like 26K
When I retired from AA (10/30/18) there was supposedly an overage of 25,000 flight attendants as a result of the AA/US Airways merger. Either the merger overage is not as bad as they thought it would be or there's been some reduction in FAs already (No new hires to replace retirees and resignations, for instance.)

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