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American looking to "right-size" the company and staffing levels for the Fall and 2021

. I have no idea what the rationale is for the $600 checks.

i wrote this before:

the rationale is that govt. has these stats:

- average or median wages (can't remember) in the usa are apprx. $900 a week.

- average unemployment benefits paid by the states are apprx. $300 a week.

the govt.'s rationale is making up that $600 difference.
I haven't a clue. Sorry. After all the UI benefit means Unemployment Insurance. That means (at least to me and the way it was when I worked for them that you is unemployed. That means "not working" LOL. In fact when I worked there, there were some pretty stiff consequences for filing a fraudulent claim. I have to admit that I am confused by all of this largesse being distributed to just about every body. I've been retired for 3 years and I got one of those $1200 checks. I donated the full amount to the North Texas Food Bank and other charities. I didn't ask for the money nor did I deserve it or need it, and knowing the government it would have gummed the works for several weeks if I had tried to send it back. It went to more than one good cause. I have no idea what the rationale is for the $600 checks.
I see nothing wrong with taking the $600 considering the government has been raping your check for decades only to send billions of dollars to our enemies.

If you want to give it to charity then fine, the food bank is probably a good choice, but I caution people from giving to charities these days because a good portion of their donation never makes it to the intended recipient. The CEO makes millions a year though. I am looking at you United Way......

So what, you're going to judge getting your own tax dollars back. You act like that money is the governments when in fact every penny they have is money they took from someone else.
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I wish people stop posting open statements like this. You just don't get walked out without reason.
Post information that has more details and reasons for actions taken.
They don't even give the person being walked out a good explanation anymore. I know of a case (a friend of mine) who was in Flight Service (flight attendants) management. She was transferred to Dallas when her job elsewhere in the system was eliminated. Slightly less than a year later, a manager walked up to her cubicle at Headquarters and said, "You are not being retained in the reorganization. Someone will wait here for you to clean out your desk and verify that you have not taken any company property." When she had gathered her stuff together she was escorted from her desk to a door leading out of the building where her badges and other company id material and her keys were taken from her. She was then taken to the exit. End of career. Not even a day or two of advance notice.

Addendum: Forgot to include that this happened at American Airlines. I haven't posted any names or information that might give away the identity of my friend. I know several AA management types that redefine vindictive for our generation.
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They don't even give the person being walked out a good explanation anymore. I know of a case (a friend of mine) who was in Flight Service (flight attendants) management. She was transferred to Dallas when her job elsewhere in the system was eliminated. Slightly less than a year later, a manager walked up to her cubicle at Headquarters and said, "You are not being retained in the reorganization. Someone will wait here for you to clean out your desk and verify that you have not taken any company property." When she had gathered her stuff together she was escorted from her desk to a door leading out of the building where her badges and other company id material and her keys were taken from her. She was then taken to the exit. End of career. Not even a day or two of advance notice.
Pretty shittu
They don't even give the person being walked out a good explanation anymore. I know of a case (a friend of mine) who was in Flight Service (flight attendants) management. She was transferred to Dallas when her job elsewhere in the system was eliminated. Slightly less than a year later, a manager walked up to her cubicle at Headquarters and said, "You are not being retained in the reorganization. Someone will wait here for you to clean out your desk and verify that you have not taken any company property." When she had gathered her stuff together she was escorted from her desk to a door leading out of the building where her badges and other company id material and her keys were taken from her. She was then taken to the exit. End of career. Not even a day or two of advance notice.
Most companies do NOT give notice.

You have been working in a UNION job so long your view has become skewed. You think advance notice is normalcy when in fact it is not.

Most of this is due to security concerns (though not always). It is not such a big concern with UNIONized airline employees for 2 reasons.

#1 Layoffs are expected and done by seniority as opposed to merit and productivity (so laid off employees are never left wondering "why me", they know why).

#2 UNION members have recall so don't want to jeopardize future employment by doing something stupid to "get back at the company".
You don't pay unemployment insurance your employer does.
Yes, Jim already corrected me, as he use to work for the TWC prior to being called TWC.

my state says that if your company cuts your hours worked by even 1 hr., then you are entitled to unemployment, including the $600 from the feds. i know some PTers who were forced (contractually so) to go from 30 hrs a week-20 hours a week, all down to 15 hours a week. they are still working 15 hours a week AND getting unemployment.

you said your tax dollars are at work and you were corrected. i believe you are correct about this $600 weekly from the feds. that is tax payer money.
Yea, the $600 on top of state pay is taxes being used, but I was corrected correctly as I thought some of our tax dollars in one way or another also assisted in paying out benefits but I was wrong, only employer pays the unemployment insurance benefits.
My moneys on AA to survive this Doug's been to the tank a few times investors respect that. Chin up
WN doesn't get 50% of their pay for a voluntary leave.... It's 25%.

i'm comparing aa's next generation offer to others' (in this case southwest's). aa's 'new' voluntary leave didn't sweeten the offer, southwest did.

in my opinion, aa just wasted cloud space.

when aa comes back with 50% pay for voluntary leaves like southwest, they'll get some takers.

We may not even get to try the 6-12-18 month ExETO (Extended Emergency Time Off) Hearing from some folks, rumor mill, if ya will, that SWA may have enough folks take the VSP (retirement) packages, or, there will be very limited number of folks getting approved for the ExETO. This is of course good news. If they get enough takers they say they won't have to lay off any employees, hopefully. I say hopefully because they may get the % of folks taking the offers, but still could not have enough in certain departments. Example; They may need more flight crew personnel or even more mechanics to take the time off. Hopefully this will NOT be the case, and these two work groups I used were for example purposes only and indicate NOTHING as far as the rumor mill goes--just to be clear. But, it really does sound like SWA will get the numbers they are seeking. So, that is some good news at this point im my mind. We will see come July 15th. But if the numbers continue going into and thru the summer, SWA is expected to run at full capacity by years end, quite frankly, I would expect SWA to do some growth as well in certain cities in order to boost their market share where they could use the boost 🙂 wink-wink...
That usually means an airline is trying to raise cash at a loss...
Yes indeed. I missed that post when I made mine.
Not hard to do and it is a widespread misconception about UI benefits. Can't tell you how many times I heard [What do you mean I'm not eligible for benefits after all the money I paid into that program!!!] (Usually the ineligibility was because the applicant had been discharged from their last job for cause. Such as a pilot showing up to work intoxicated. It has to be a pretty serious offense for benefits to be denied if applicant was otherwise eligible.

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