To All:
On Feb. 15th during a trip I happened to visit the DCA crew room and noted five or six pilots sitting around the big table with those handsome yellow lanyards. I wanted one, as I had recently decided that USAPA was the only way to go. One of the gentleman present offered to give me a tie tack as the lanyards were all gone. The following represents some of the issues we discussed at that table on the afternoon of Feb. 15th.
Steve Bradford himself was leading the discussions and informal Q&A that afternoon. I used the opportunity to ask some questions that were still gnawing at me.
I asked Steve who would be in positions of leadership as the new union started. He stated, " I can't tell you that as we have advised our pilots to stay in their ALPA positions and not declare allegiance until later". I said, "So who will be our negotiating committee chairman. Mowrey right?". Steve smiled and said, "well yes, of course". I told him I objected and gave him these reasons;
1. Mowrey refused to negotiate with the company during the summer before BK 2 and thus we ended up with the rush and cram-down.
2. Mowrey was directly responsible for LOA-93 along with his partners the RC-5.
3. Mowrey stated publicly that we would negotiate in bankruptcy, against the advice of all expert opinions the MEC had received.
4. Mowrey has never negotiated anything of value for this pilot group and yet he remains in his position.
Steve Bradford then said the following; " Doug didn't negotiate LOA-93, Butkovic did "!!!! I said that's bull-[content deleted]. Donn wasn't even on the committee. He'd been fired!!" "Nothing happened on that committee that Doug wasn't fully aware of , he was the chairman."
Steve then said, " Doug said, that when he came down one morning and found Donn Butkovic and Jerry Glass at the breakfast table together and they had fleshed out the LOA complete with numbers." "He had nothing to do with it." Maybe Jack Greenhall or Ted Schott did it!! I guess Doug forgot they were with him as well. The infamous "three stooges" of the negotiating world.
I told him that was shear fantasy and decided to move on to another topic.
I asked who had been involved in the writing of the constitution and by-laws. Steve stated, " There are hundreds of volunteers who have helped and we've gotten the assistance and expert opinions of several MEC members. " When I asked who? Steve stated, " Dave Ciabattoni has helped us enormously with the drafting of these documents."
Recall also that a great debate raged on this forum regarding the assistance and involvement on the part of James L. Javurek who, it was claimed, had no involvement at all with the drafting of the constitution and by-laws of USAPA. Now we discover that he is none other than , Chairman of Legal and Contract Administration, Jamie Javurek. A newly created position which has no counter part in ALPA. Bradford himself stated that Jamie wasn't involved several months ago!! Jamie Javurek and Dave Ciabattoni were two of the pilots selected by John Crocker to sit at the table and screen out bogus recall drafts at Crockers and Von Bargens recall vote!! They were very good at doing that job, as the trash can sitting next to them attested too their thoroughness.
We discussed several of the legal issues and most of his responses seemed overly simplistic to me and a lot like the "Just-say-No" mantra's of the past. All in all, I was rather unnerved by the encounter, as I had already made up my mind for USAPA and now I discover the "dark-sides" fingerprints on everything along with our most recent history being rewritten before my very eyes by none other than the self-proclaimed President of our soon to be union!!!! A public figure. If he doesn't have it right, how can anyone expect to get it right in USAPA?
At a recent congressional hearing a Senator made the statement to Roger Clemens, "You're one of my hero's, but it's very hard to believe you. Someone is not telling the truth".