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Alpa Provides Proposal To Management

What USAirways will discover, is that as they add "productivity" to the pilots by having them fly more, sick calls will increase dramtically (ask a UAL pilot about it).

Managements point to SWA's pilot's productivity, but they fly more in FEWER days because of the efficiency of their point to point flying and 20 to 25 minute turns. They fly 82 hours in 14 work days thus giving them a nice number of days off. Pilots at other airlines need 18 days to the same flying.

Watch the sick call rate soar and stress put on reserves who will run out of time.

You’re probably right, but as you know the company is taking a very hard stance on sick calls and in the case of ALPA 46 pilots just received warning letters and there is a grievance filed by the Association.

The company has discussed with ALPA a 6-hour average minimum day, but let’s not forget ALPA previously ratified a 96-hour monthly pay cap and 288-hour quarterly pay cap for MetroJet. The company’s intent is to match US Airways’ contracts with America West and/or JetBlue.


It's the old "cart & horse" case. Until a/c utilization nears 12 hours per day, paying 6 hours per day just increases rig pay. There are multiple benefits to increasing a/c utilization - reduced CASM is one, but better scheduling of crews is another.

That's why the failure of management to take such a fundamental step does not bode well for our future.

Yea, I just saw a 737 trip pairing that 5+30 hours of flying and 6 hours of sit time.Yuk. :down:
Jim, it's my world for the most part, too. 737 trips are worse than the DC-9 and F-100's these days. I seem to recall 6 legs a day but not the sit time. When it gets to us lowly reserves these days, 737 trips are about all that is left. Seems blockholders don't want to fly them. Of course F/A's do have some choices. Your choices are probably slim to nothing.

This whole productivity thing is a mystery to me. I would like to see people in the Real World go to work for 13 hours and get paid for 5. :shock:
ktflyhome said:
This whole productivity thing is a mystery to me. I would like to see people in the Real World go to work for 13 hours and get paid for 5. :shock:
Not to burst your bubble, but ... I'm a salaried employee who is only required to work 40 hours/week. However, the job, with travel time, often entails 75-80 hours/week. I don't see one penny for the additional hours (nor have I had any raises, bonuses or benefit increases in the past three years either). And, neither do any of the other hard working, salaried folk who live and work in the US.
USFlyer said:
Not to burst your bubble, but ... I'm a salaried employee who is only required to work 40 hours/week. However, the job, with travel time, often entails 75-80 hours/week. I don't see one penny for the additional hours (nor have I had any raises, bonuses or benefit increases in the past three years either). And, neither do any of the other hard working, salaried folk who live and work in the US.
How do you KNOW that no other hard working, salaried people in the US have not gotten raises, bonuses, or increased benefits in the last 3 years?? I happen to know quite a few folks who have.

I know of NO one in the Real World (for lack of a better way to phrase it) who has taken major pay and benefit cuts. Many may be in a "frozen" position, but not moving years backwards.

Thanks for the explanation of your comment.

As usual, there are so many IFs, which at current, don't seem possible, that its hard to even consider the growth aircraft as part of the equation. ALPA could ratify the new agreement, only to see oil go to $45/barrel, profitablity slip away again, and no new aircraft.
BoeingBoy said:
Expansion doesn't necessarily mean new planes, although that would be nice. Just increasing the utilization of the existing fleet would be expansion.
Fair enough. Based on that definition, there's no excuse for not expanding. Today. No...make that a couple of years ago.
ktflyhome said:
I know of NO one in the Real World (for lack of a better way to phrase it) who has taken major pay and benefit cuts. Many may be in a "frozen" position, but not moving years backwards.
Here's how that part works in the "real world." Instead of getting pay cuts directly, they're laid off. Then they go to look for new employment doing the same job, but find that they have to do it for 20% less than they used to.

Yeah, I'm about to be employed again, but at 20% less than my old job. If you count the lack of stock option upside, it's more like a 60% paycut. Sorry to say that my sympathies are thin as a result.
Expansion might be desirable but how what kind of markets can US expand into? Every other legacy and a bunch of LCCs have planes they need to deploy. US isn't in a great position to be battling it out in existing markets; if US can find places to fly a bunch of airplanes, go for it, but I don't know where those markets are.

On the retirement plan issue, Delta has already terminated participation in their defined retirement plan for non-contract employee new hires and existing employees are grandfathered in it only for a few more years. So far as I know, Delta is the only airline that has dealt with the pension underfunding issue by cutting off partipication in the plan but every other airline's management has got to be looking at the plan and figuring out if they can make it work there. Although Delta is the first to do it in the airline industry, other major non-airline companies are doing it as well.
ktflyhome said:
How do you KNOW that no other hard working, salaried people in the US have not gotten raises, bonuses, or increased benefits in the last 3 years?? I happen to know quite a few folks who have.

I know of NO one in the Real World (for lack of a better way to phrase it) who has taken major pay and benefit cuts. Many may be in a "frozen" position, but not moving years backwards.
You yet again missed the point of my post. Many people routinely work way more than what they are technically paid for. It's called being a professional and working whatever it takes to get the job done. I'm not looking to see you get screwed ... god knows I know US employees have taken a huge hit ... but some of your statements about the broader workforce in general are way off.

Also, with all due respect, lots of industries got hit hard in this downturn, not just the airline industry. Ever been to a Layoff Party in SF, NY, LA, DC or some other major city? Trust me, there are lots of people that took 100 percent pay cuts and are STILL looking for work.
USA320Pilot said:
The long range fleet plan for an independent business enterprise will likely include:

EMB-170/175/190/195 aircraft

The B767/757 and B737s will need to be replaced because of their age and due to present scope restrictions, the EMB-190/195s would be flown on the mainline.

If the company does not sell PSA, then we could see the CRJ-705/900 added to the fleet, however, the company prefers the EMB aircraft because it has better economics than the Bombardier product.
USFlyer said:
Many people routinely work way more than what they are technically paid for. It's called being a professional and working whatever it takes to get the job done. I'm not looking to see you get screwed ... god knows I know US employees have taken a huge hit ... but some of your statements about the broader workforce in general are way off.
Being a professional??? I have another term for that.

And who exactly is getting all those free hours of pay that you are not getting??? I will give you a hint.......look towards the executive ranks of your company 😱 !!!

That's right......you work hours way beyond what you are paid for and do it so willingly......all for the sake of professionalism :huh: ????

I hate to tell you this but where I come from that is a classic case of TAKING ADVANTAGE of your employees. And to have a general feeling of acceptance of this injustice boggles my mind.....they did a good job at "conditioning" the salaried employees to have them tolerate this treatment.

An honest wage for an honest days work......Live better-Work Union :up: