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Company Co*unters Afa "relief Proposal)


I am actually not even going to argue about this. I can see the sticky situation AFA is in. I will commend PIT for this....no matter the situation the LOCAL seems to keep members informed on what's going on. Hell, at this point I think it's best we take the 23% as well. I am just going to put my faith in our AFA negotiating members and pray like mad. What else can we do at this point?...exactly...nothing. The whole thing is ludicrous and I can't wait to see what the judge does. And by the way, you won't hear me complain because unlike a lot of people here I can see both sides and I will make sure my vote is informed and what is best for the flight attendants at USAir. Please stop telling me I will be furloughed.....I mean duuuh. Either way I vote I am most likely gone. We all want the same thing we just might have different views on how to achieve the goal. And hope to see you at the union meeting ....it was a pleasure to meet you the last time.

so where is this counter-proposal and counter-counter proposal????

has an e-line been sent? if not, how come?

why is there always such a delay from the MEC?
USAirBoyA330 said:
Please stop telling me I will be furloughed.....I mean duuuh. Either way I vote I am most likely gone. We all want the same thing we just might have different views on how to achieve the goal.

I remember being there USA330... not a fun place. 🙁 *Hug*
BostonTerrier said:

so where is this counter-proposal and counter-counter proposal????

has an e-line been sent? if not, how come?

why is there always such a delay from the MEC?

PIT Pres sent it out via PIT E-line, both the co. counter and then AFA's 2 counter. Remember, these exchanges are ONLY a response to the 1113e. ALPA has decided to negotiate and come to a T/A for the long-term. CWA, IAM and AFA did not take that posture or position. We addressed what was immediate and iminent.

You'll have to ge it from USAirflyboy, or join the PIT E-line from the MEC Website. Just click on Pittsburgh.
USAirBoyA330 said:

I am actually not even going to argue about this. I can see the sticky situation AFA is in. I will commend PIT for this....no matter the situation the LOCAL seems to keep members informed on what's going on. Hell, at this point I think it's best we take the 23% as well. I am just going to put my faith in our AFA negotiating members and pray like mad. What else can we do at this point?...exactly...nothing. The whole thing is ludicrous and I can't wait to see what the judge does. And by the way, you won't hear me complain because unlike a lot of people here I can see both sides and I will make sure my vote is informed and what is best for the flight attendants at USAir. Please stop telling me I will be furloughed.....I mean duuuh. Either way I vote I am most likely gone. We all want the same thing we just might have different views on how to achieve the goal. And hope to see you at the union meeting ....it was a pleasure to meet you the last time.

Thanks USAirflyboy, you know how I get stirred up. My writing on this forum is cathartic, thus the 4,000 posts 🙄 . I am not directing my stern manner on you particularly. Its that AFA is really, really in a pickle.

It follows the same line as this: A parent who abuses a child emotionally and physically over and over again.... and then states to the child..."if you tell anyone, your punishment will become worse and worse and more severe.....

See the point.

This is what ALPA is going through right now. I speak with the RC4 frequently by phone and e-mail. THey are really trying to protect their members who trust them, and protect the profession. Their strength will be appreciated if successful, and then scorned.. if not.

With respect to the IAM, you know as well as I, if they would have lost, 700UW, Cav, Delldude, PITguy,Aerosmith, APtech, reepeat, smateset loser, and all these posters would have been scorned. In fact, I could see Piney Bob coming on here with his "noise"...."i told you so, your union sucks..

But, they won. Solidarity counts... Thank God. Heros indeed.
PITbull said:


You reap, what you sow...remember I said it...and i'll be around to let you know!

PIT base will vote what they can live with, just like winter 2002.



You assume because I despise your tactics that I would automatically vote yes on a contract. That is foolish to think. Your dedication is commendable...your tactics are rude, unprofessional, and not representative of how I feel or would conduct myself if in your shoes. That is why I rag on you. Like it or not, it makes me feel VERY uncomfortable to know that a leader in our ranks would act in such an unprofessional and arrogant way. If the rest act like you, no wonder the company would rather drag their butts and take it to the judge.

PB, I hope you are right. I really do. I don't think you are, BUT, I will be happy to eat some crow if our t/a is presented to us the way you would like. Who wouldn't? The "we're going to loose our jobs anyway" attitude doesn't serve anybody.

As it stands, it's going to suck whether 14%, 10%, but expectually at 23%. At this point a t/a matters not. Check the calender. Has the co. given extra time?
PITbull said:
Just make sure that YOUR voice is the majority, and speaks for all of Philadelphia.
LOL....I just laughed my arse of reading this quote above! Whew, you have alot of nerve. So those of us that dont agree with the so called "majority", need to be afraid to speak up? Man, a serious wake up call is needed for our AFA.
cavalier said:
No it’s not! That is the way your fear works.....


You're wrong. There are no job actions allowed during Chapter 11. You can choose not to go to work and the company can choose to fire you.
firstamendment said:

You assume because I despise your tactics that I would automatically vote yes on a contract. That is foolish to think. Your dedication is commendable...your tactics are rude, unprofessional, and not representative of how I feel or would conduct myself if in your shoes. That is why I rag on you. Like it or not, it makes me feel VERY uncomfortable to know that a leader in our ranks would act in such an unprofessional and arrogant way. If the rest act like you, no wonder the company would rather drag their butts and take it to the judge.

PB, I hope you are right. I really do. I don't think you are, BUT, I will be happy to eat some crow if our t/a is presented to us the way you would like. Who wouldn't? The "we're going to loose our jobs anyway" attitude doesn't serve anybody.

As it stands, it's going to suck whether 14%, 10%, but expectually at 23%. At this point a t/a matters not. Check the calender. Has the co. given extra time?


Despise my tactics? Or my opinions.....

You don't know who I am, you only assume to know. Unprofessional, rude, whatever, this is aviation. We can say what we want, anyone on here, including you and your rants to infinity from day 1,, maybe challenged, but none the less accepted as opinion...Gezzus.
PITbull said:
PIT pres will be in the audiance taking in what PHL f/as have to say...(not that that makes any difference on the PIT Pres....she represents PIT members.
Just make sure that YOUR voice is the majority, and speaks for all of Philadelphia.

Got it. 😉
PITbull said:
And when the co. is done with you....their long-term proposal will have you out on the street.

Then? Who will you complain to? Whetehr you take a 5% paycut now, 10%, 15% or 23%, the company is downsizing the ranks!.

That IS the reality. :angry:

I don't give a crap where your narrow/slanted mind resides. The reality is that when this company downsizes and our ranks get decreased LEAVING HOLES IN ALL BASES....everyone will start to shift...not just PIT.

What PIT will create is an extremely high seniorty pushing your butt out of your base. Can you handle that reality...? Good. Glad to hear you are preparing with a decrease in wage!



You reap, what you sow...remember I said it...and i'll be around to let you know!

PIT base will vote what they can live with, just like winter 2002.

Talk about narrowminded. Ever leave MOON PITBULL? the BURGERS will not be leaving PIT, they are freakin over having to recurrent in CLT.. LOL..commute, u mean there is a world outside of PITTSBURGH, say it aint so........ Ur so full of venom and hate- its more evident with every posting ..Like i said before, stop ur ranting and let the rank and file decide. NOT JUST THE BURGERS!!!!
PITbull said:
Unprofessional, rude, whatever, this is aviation. We can say what we want...
Just dropping by for a bit...

I don't know that I would have used the exact words that firstamendment chose to use, but I concur with the sentiment. Like it or not, the job is political. In politics, one succeeds not by stating one's opinion, but rather by convincing others of the wisdom of that opinion.

Calling others names and yelling at them does not convince them of the wisdom of your opinion. In fact, it often has precisely the opposite effect.

It's too late for that to matter for US Airways, but it's still something worth pondering for the future.
Did ya read that ? It's too late for Usairways, It must be true, Weiss said so.
mweiss said:
Just dropping by for a bit...

I don't know that I would have used the exact words that firstamendment chose to use, but I concur with the sentiment. Like it or not, the job is political. In politics, one succeeds not by stating one's opinion, but rather by convincing others of the wisdom of that opinion.

Calling others names and yelling at them does not convince them of the wisdom of your opinion. In fact, it often has precisely the opposite effect.

It's too late for that to matter for US Airways, but it's still something worth pondering for the future.

Look whose calling out the kettle, hey black, what's up?
The pit pres needs to be more professional than saying "i guess ill be taking u to the line with me" Comments like that makes me wonder if one certain pit pres is mentally capable and can see clearly through her bitterness any more...