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Possible Company Proposal

FlyinHippie: I think you need a long sick call. Use it or lose it. That is yours. You earned it. If we go belly up, that is 1000 hours you lose in pay, FYI. 🙄 🙂
ktflyhome that sick time I planned to use only if I needed to for the real purpose it was intended. I've seen friends need that sick time when one got cancer, another heart problems, operations, whatever. I am very healthy so why should I be punished? What really kills me is that this will be a moot issue with the union since most of them haven't maxed out their sick bank. In fact one of the loudest pilot voices on this forum has very little sick time in his bank. Guess who? I am sure he will come up with a lot of excuses why this is a good idea. If it doesn't affect him he doesn't care like a lot of pilots out there.
Ya know, it's interesting. I've never worked at a place where one could accumulate unlimited sick leave. It was always 80 hours max.

Turns out all of that accumulated sick leave has to show up on the books as a liability, reducing the net worth of the company. Even if you never use it. Capping the sick leave reduces that liability without having to take money from elsewhere.
mweiss, in that job where you were "capped" at 80 sick hours did you ever control the lives of people? i think you don't get what i do for a living, i control the fate of 150 plus souls on any given flight. My good health directly affects everyone that gets on my aircraft even the FAA makes me go through a major medical each year along with random drug testing. Being a pilot is nothing like being in an office. Pilots can lose their medical due to high blood pressure, heart ailments, cancer, diabetes just to name a few. Now I guess I can't afford to get sick. it's ashame that the company looks at all employees as liabilities rather than the true assets we all are. This is why i will leave this company very soon.

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