The company cannot train people, either outside "new hires" or current Boeing/Airbus Division ("BAD") employees. The Embraer division does not have an FAA certified training program, which I belive takes months to put together (manuals, training the trainers, hiring, etc). Neither new hires nor "BAD" employees can be door trained because the door mock-up has been sold and delivered to Republic already, who needs it to train permanent replacements for the Embraer division flight attendants... no training door, no ability to train, other than taking a badly needed E-170 A/C out of commission for the sole purpose of condcting door training and certification. Oh, yeah... and they would have to ferry the A/C to CLT because there is no scheduled E-170 service there.
The company is between the proverbial rock and hard place, and management is so stupid they don't even realize that yet.
Oh, and using the "BAD" acronym should not in any way imply that I believe employees from the Boeing/Airbus Division are sub-par, or bad. In fact, BAD employees are great!