I'm not sure, was that a compliment or an insult?
It is such a double-edged sword, the whole "B" scale plan. It can be good in that it may preserve the pay and jobs on the property now.
But then, it sets a lower standard for the future. The quality of employee may be less and you end up with a bunch of chronic mal-contents whose bad attitudes rub off on everyone else. They may not be as movitated to take care of the product.
But then, maybe you end up with a higher turn-over rate that increases training costs.
Or, you end up with a higher cost senior employee. Pension costs, higher medical costs.
I'm not sure what would be best, in our circumstances. I think it's morally wrong to take away pensions of people who have dedicated their lives to a company, only to have rug pulled out from under them at a time they aren't able to make it up.
I also think it's morally wrong to beggar the new-hires. Everyone has to eat. Pilots and AMT's spend small fortunes to get their tickets. FA's and CS people deal with the customer face to face daily under very stressful conditions. They can make all the difference in the world to maintaining the customer base.
Good employees cost money. Good employees also increase revenue.
Tough call.