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Alpa Calls Emergency Meeting

Interesting if a union's bylaws permit a wannabee management not elected to act as an MEC member, I dont think that is true.

And we all know what ALPA thinks of him:
This is Roy Freundlich with US Airways an MEC update for Friday, July 26, with two new items:
Item 1. Today the Charlotte Observer published an anti-union editorial from one of our pilots, titled "Unions can Sink US Airways," that aggressively promotes management’s objectives on achieving concessions from other labor groups. The editorial goes so far as to suggest that the CWA union leadership, who represent customer service employees, is misleading their members on their negotiating activity, and implies that management’s side of a dispute is more accurate.

This editorial does not in any way represent ALPA’s position, understanding, or sentiment, on other unions and their sincere efforts to represent their members. ALPA has received no reports, nor would it assign any value to reports, that suggest that any union is misleading their membership. The pilot author of the editorial holds no union position in ALPA. The anti-union public statements from one of our pilot-ALPA members is regrettable.

We urge all pilots to contact their reps or the Comm Center for accurate updates on restructuring negotiations and the activity of other unions. We also request that all pilots refrain from promoting any management anti-union propaganda or chastise other employees in the media. There is little to be gained from such activity other than embarrassment for yourself, your fellow pilots, US Airways, and ALPA.
USA 320 wrote:
"I am holding the proxy for the LGA Captain Rep and will be a MEC member today and I will report more tonight."

If I remember correctly....

This same individual nearly crucified the PHL rep for giving his proxy to someone else, even though he was having surgery.

This same individual refers to the PIT and PHL reps as 'rookies' and yet the individual who is holding the LGA proxy is not and has never been an elected representative, nor a committee person.

This same individual who states the PIT and PHL reps are not echoing their memberships' sentiments will now be speaking on behalf of the LGA pilots who did not have enough faith in him to vote him into office. I think he received a grand total of 20 votes!

The hypocricy of this individual never ceases to amaze me.
700UW said:
Interesting if a union's bylaws permit a wannabee management not elected to act as an MEC member, I dont think that is true.

Why do you constantly harp on him no matter what he posts. His opinion is just as valid as yours. Maybe it's time for him to start running to the moderators each time you call him a name or post derogatory comments about him like you do each time he posts.
USA320Pilot said:
I am holding the proxy for the LGA Captain Rep and will be a MEC member today and I will report more tonight.



Perhaps there will fail to be a quorm. I can't see the RC4 sitting at the same table with USA320Pilot.

We'll find out more later.

I agree and in fact wrote the owners of this forum and was simply informed by a moderator that the captain is not complaining, so in other words they can bash him constantly, which IMO says a lot as far as where the integrity lies.

All the bickering will not change the simple facts and no one’s opinion will make a difference. These are the end games and everyone should be preparing themselves emotionally and financially for the end, and if a miracle occurs and just like Y2K, well you were prepared which is a hell of a lot better than being shell shocked and confused as to your next turn in life.

I don't care how strong a stance the unions make, and by the way it will be a weak stand given the spirit out there, but no matter what the unions do, the LCC are cleaning U’s clock while U self destructs within.

Get Real, Get Ready.
cavalier said:
I agree and in fact wrote the owners of this forum and was simply informed by a moderator that the captain is not complaining, so in other words they can bash him constantly, which IMO says a lot as far as where the integrity lies.
All the bickering will not change the simple facts and no one’s opinion will make a difference. These are the end games and everyone should be preparing themselves emotionally and financially for the end, and if a miracle occurs and just like Y2K, well you were prepared which is a hell of a lot better than being shell shocked and confused as to your next turn in life.

I don't care how strong a stance the unions make, and by the way it will be a weak stand given the spirit out there, but no matter what the unions do, the LCC are cleaning U’s clock while U self destructs within.

Get Real, Get Ready.

Great post Cav and I agree with your view. It's going to be a sad day for sure and you're spot on about the unions stance. As for the constant bashing it gets old and if they experience just the slightest bit of it they run and cry to the moderator like a three year old child running to momma's pant leg.
Oh he complains, but I guess you two cant see the blantant false information he posts.

Six months now and we are still waiting for his explanation of the IAM Mechanic and Related "Painful" clause he said the company will envoke.

Guess PT was right.
Well apparently he doesn't complain like you assume he does. His posts aren't filled with anymore blatently false information than yours are. As for your painful clause maybe you're about to feel it. Time is a tickin'.
I will feel no pain and I dont post false information.

And you have avoided the obvious, he posted the Company will envoke a "PAINFUL" clause that is in the current CBA, myself and others called him out on it and he has never backed up his claim.

So you can defend him all you want, but we all know the truth about him, his own union disavowed him after writing a false fact filled OP-ED piece in the Charlotte Observer.

But I guess you choose to ignore the facts just like him.
700UW said:
I will feel no pain and I dont post false information.

And you have avoided the obvious, he posted the Company will envoke a "PAINFUL" clause that is in the current CBA, myself and others called him out on it and he has never backed up his claim.

So you can defend him all you want, but we all know the truth about him, his own union disavowed him after writing a false fact filled OP-ED piece in the Charlotte Observer.

But I guess you choose to ignore the facts just like him.

Try to ignore this fact then: The days of wine and roses are over for the cleaners and store employees and even to "some extent" the mechanics because that hourly rate will either come down big time or the jobs will go away.

The LCC don't pay their stores and utility that kind of money, not even the great LUV, been there and know that. Besides, LUV doesn't need a country full of furloughed airline workers. And FYI...LUV doesn't like hiring U mechanics because they are too much so, union headed, another FACT.

For you personally to keep your status quo it will have to be as a “paid union repâ€￾ another than that, you’re history like all the others that are and will be.
Can we get back on topic? If not we are going to start monitoring posts before they are allowed to be posted here. This is getting to get out of hand again.

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