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Company Call For Meeting With Unions


I believe there will be some reduction in the horizon. There will definitely be more Involuntary furloughs on mainline in the f/a ranks as the VOLUNTARY folks return in the next three years.


I admire your zeal for this airline to succeed, but the business plan does not call for growth on "mainline". Alliances yes, MDA yes, but not for "mainline".

I will say it again, the employees have been beaten down, and management is not focused on employees and is incapable of recognizing the importance and value of boosting employee morale. It will not be achieved by slapping two space positive tickets on employees. The initiative will have to be a daily endeavor. You, my friend, can't just "will it" to be so. Coming on these boards and asking employees to change their attitudes and have a "team" concept, will not work. Management needs this epiphany, since they make the rules.
I dislike feeling as if this point has to be hammered home AGAIN.
The wholly owned subsidiaries, i.e. Piedmont, Allegheny and PSA and "division" MidAtlantic ALONG with Mainline contribute to the bottom line of USAirways Group. It should not be us vs. them. We are all "them".
USAirways chooses to use "affiliated carriers" whose loyalties are NOT solely to USAirways. Our alliances as I understand it is the Star Alliance.
I believe all of us would prefer to keep our flying within the USAirways Group, would we not? A little unity right now would help all of us. Flying is shifting for the time being, it is the nature of this ever changing business. We cannot let management undermine our goal of operating profitably by allowing backbiting to develop.
I am among the many thousands of ML furloughees. Management, give us the tools to do our jobs! Market our airline! Be creative! Stop blaming your precious commodity, your employees! Take THAT to the meeting.

PitBull said: "My hunch is that management is upset over the decidsion of the Judge on the IAM issue. They were hoping to snatch that cost savings and were just so assured that they would win it. I believe this was a great "blow" to management, and for some types in CCY, their EGOS."

Chip comments: Agreed. Siegel has spoken to the fact he was going to get a major 2004 cost carve out and it hasn't happened yet.

PitBull said: "I think they are now going to torture all of Labor with more give backs to mostly punish IAM. I suspect, they will threaten another BK for 2004 if we don't give."

Chip comments: PitBull, I agree again. Management could issue furlough notices and threaten bankruptcy liquidation to "torture all of Labor with more give backs to mostly punish IAM," as you said. In addition, they could threaten a Chapter 11 filing and a S.1113 motion in front of Judge Mitchell. Management's point could be the cuts will come one way or another to help fight the LCC's.

PitBull said: "Considering ALPA has the "lions" share of stock (rightfully so for all the sacrificing those poor souls have done) the stock will be in jeopardy if there is another threat of BK."

Chip comments: Many pilots and other employees already sold their stock.


I urge all CWA members to write to Magdalena Jacobsen advising her of your interest in removing Dave and CO from CCY. I couldnt get an email for her, but you can email Rick Braswell or Morton Bahr from the CWA website and they will forward the message to her. She is the CWA REPRESENTATIVE on the Board. Be sure to let her know exactly how you feel with regards to more cuts and especially how the employee trust and loyalty for Dave and Co is zero.
Folks this is just a rumor, no one in the IAM from Mechanic and Related or Fleet Service has been called or summoned to CCY for a meeting with Siegel or anyone else. I just spoke to two differant General Chairman and they have not been called or any district or international rep has been called to CCY or any where else to meet with the company.

With all due respect to you, I know for a fact that IAM representatives were called to CCY for Tuesday, Nov. 11 to discuss: "state of the company". I think you need to contact them again.
Pitbull, the IAM members on the 11th will be in Las Vegas next week, I personally spoke with two General Chairman and they emphatically stated they have not been called to CCY
I was just informed that ALPA has not been notified of a company union meeting.


MarkMyWords said:
In all honesty, who didn't see this coming?

I am still deeply disappointed in Dave and Companies continued inability to rally the troops here. They continue to rule by fear and intimidation. Today is a perfect example. Chris Chiames sent out a note to all managers today with an article attached regarding Southwests announcement of service to PHL. The jist of the note was to share the information with all your employees. We all realize that the threat is real and it is aimed right at our heads, but no where in this letter is there any call to arms for employees. Since this announcement all we have really heard is the barage of cries about competitive cost structures.

It is my sincerest hopes that this meeting in CCY is a call to arms for all employee groups. It will be the kick off of a campaign to inspire and motivate employees and reassure them that we are going to stand and defeat WN at their own game. We are not going to just sit here and beaten from all sides by our low cost competitors, instead we are going to rise to the challenge and defeat them whiile revolutionizing how mature carriers do business. If this turns out to be just another brow beating by Dave and Company with endless rants about comeptitve cost structures, reducing costs, ultimate sacrifices, additional furloughs and the like, then in my eyes, we are doomed to meet the fates of former trunk carriers like Eastern, Branniff, Pan Am and TWA. You can only rob the employee honey pot so many times before you get stung. Contiued flight reductions, pay decreases, "rightsizing", etc will not work. We need a leader with a growth plan!
very wise and so true.
willnotworkforfree said:
Rumor Control...where are you?
They arent going to come on here and say this isnt true. They're only going to come here to stir things up. This is part of the problem with current management (cant call it leadership). I know they read these boards and if this ISNT true, then someone from CCY needs to post that, but I'm sure they enjoy the FUD that even the mention of a meeting is causing here. Why would anyone at CCY want to keep the troops informed and on the same page when you can have a good laugh at the water cooler instead?
AOG-N-IT said:
What are they suggesting here? protection and territorial dominance under government rule?...is this cry to consolidate a winged version of Amtrak or Aeroflot in the works?
That's EXACTLY what is needed. What we have NOW is Amtrak with wings. What we had during regulation was quality service, stability and job security. Now, we have miserable service, insanity and massive downward pressure on wages (unless of course you're Gangwal, Wolf, Segal, Bethune, Crandall and the rest). We have one thing to blame - deregulation - for our current sad state. In economic sectors with high fixed operating costs, such as airlines, utilities, etc - the only way to keep them stable is regulation. Period. Otherwise, it's time for the Chainsaw Massacre on "variable costs," which are, my friends us.

'513AU :angry:
A p1ssed-off corporate abortion
I'm sure that the many employees of LUV, B6, HP, and maybe even CAL don't share your sentiment.

Bringing back regulation would shore up perhaps 50 or 60k airline jobs, at the expense of businesses everywhere, and it would kill travel for the average family in this country. Not going to happen.
N513AU said:
AOG-N-IT said:
What are they suggesting here? protection and territorial dominance under government rule?...is this cry to consolidate a winged version of Amtrak or Aeroflot in the works?
That's EXACTLY what is needed. What we have NOW is Amtrak with wings. What we had during regulation was quality service, stability and job security. Now, we have miserable service, insanity and massive downward pressure on wages (unless of course you're Gangwal, Wolf, Segal, Bethune, Crandall and the rest). We have one thing to blame - deregulation - for our current sad state. In economic sectors with high fixed operating costs, such as airlines, utilities, etc - the only way to keep them stable is regulation. Period. Otherwise, it's time for the Chainsaw Massacre on "variable costs," which are, my friends us.

'513AU :angry:
A p1ssed-off corporate abortion
government intervention is what you imply is needed and worked before.sam ran the show before and everyone sat around fat,dumb and happy,raked in the bucks...only the rich could afford to travel,businessmen and the like.just as in the federal highway system,uncle sam wanted to open up the"rural" areas to travel...travel for everyone,a cheap commodity....all your regulation strangled the little guys ticket price.airlines[majors]learned to live off the high price business fare ticket revenue.[U too]'twas their bread and butter.most of the struggling majors are and have had problems dealing with this reality....and the ones who refuse to "wake up" are quickly going the way of the edsel.
today's technology and reliability have changed everything from the "glory days of yesteryear".its over.....technology and education say your average joe can maintain an aircraft and the guy twisting the wrench doesn't really hold all the cards that they used to....even the guys flying anymore should realize technology is eating into their once sacred domain.its changed forever for everyone.
pretty much flying by the seat of your pants and dead reckoning,baling wire repairs and all went the way of the edsel last time i checked....its a brave new world out there for mech's,pilots and passengers anymore.i don't like it and neither do the pilots...but just like deregulation and businees tickets,we all better wake up to the harsh cold realities facing us.
theres always some smack out there who is willing to do your job for a whole lot less and theres always some company willing to replace you and pay him for a whole lot less.
CWA email from today.

CWA National President Morty Bahr to meet with Dave Siegel
US Airways CEO Dave Siegel has asked to meet with CWA President Morty Bahr to review the status of the airline. Accompanying President Bahr to the Friday, November 14, meeting will be Magdalena Jacobsen, the CWA member of the US Airways Board of Directors, and CWA staff. We will report the results of that meeting.

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