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Alpa Calls Emergency Meeting

To amend my previous post about the code-a-phone, the announcement is now on it.

usfliboi said:
Actually Pitbull, I wouldnt joke about that ! 🙂 You thinking about mainline jets ummm is alittle weird. If US declares BK i suspect all boings are gone, then what? Wouldnt it have been better to talk and beat the odds? Gees the thinking of the broken union. Our unions are broken and ineffective. The same leaders of our unions who throw the stone of saying our management is inept, are as equally responsible for the failure once again of our corp.

Reread my post. What I expressed was an example; not a joke.

One of the major issues with the pilots is that the 1113 and 1114 protections that ALPA wanted in exchange for their concessions, the company would only give 60 days. So, in essence, your post above does not reflect that even with ratified concessions from all of labor, the company is only willing to give 60 days protection, and then the company would be free to elicit even more from labor.

No thanks.
hp_fa said:
...Or, is it true that they fully intend to let any negotiated TA to go out as they had apparently promised their constituents? In that case I could see why they want at least someone representing their opinion on the NC.


Actually, the bulk of the NC was chosen by roll call vote of the PIT and PHL reps. Back in March they pulled the worst 3 out of 5 off of the committee, and placed three talented, bright individuals in their place. The two remaining members from the old NC got pissy and resigned leaving the NC with only three members. Later, a former NC note taker, who was praised by all for his performance of that job in the past, was again tapped to become the note taker. Hollerbach was also added because of his expertise in valuation of company assets. He has certification for this specialty and owns his own company to do these things. Evidently, I have a hunch that he has been at odds with the NC Chair and the rest of the committee (just my speculation.) He has also been quite vocal in his disagreements. Personally, I think internal disagreement on the committee would probably be a good thing. But speaking out of turn, in direct conflict with the chair, is counterproductive to the very negoiations they are trying to conduct. Any show of disagreement and the company would exploit it. This is why I think Hollerbach may get the boot tomorrow. Too bad, because his skills are a valuable tool. His mouth...not so much valuable.
If a pilot feels that way, (and theres nothing wrong with it) then dont bring the people of this company down with you .... Move on and learn something else. There are thousands of employees who will work for less, and enjoy their work and the few benefits that remain with it.
usfliboi said:
If a pilot feels that way, (and theres nothing wrong with it) then dont bring the people of this company down with you .... Move on and learn something else. There are thousands of employees who will work for less, and enjoy their work and the few benefits that remain with it.

That is my point, it is not just this company! Every time we settle for a new industry low, it becomes the industry standard. What is your limit Flyboi? Because the company will not stop until they have found it. Are you willing to do your job for what a McDonalds fry chef makes? How about what a grocery store clerk makes? Your counterparts at the express carriers barely do better than that now. If this 106 seat thing goes through you will be doing the same because mainline will die and MDA will be all that is left standing. If this trend continues the job of F/A will rate right there with a Shoneys waiter.

As I said before, Either run the airline or let it die in peace. At least there will be others to hire on with that still can be called a career.
ONTHESTREET, I agree with you. There comes a point when you sell yourself so short you'll never recover. Point blank, if U makes it or not there will be jobs and positions to fill.
Not only at U. Whatever we do is being watched very carefully by the rest of the industry.

My point as I see it is this, There comes a time when the job is just not worth it. And its time to say enough.

If U is to die, then let it. But don't kill the entire career field off in the process.

I've been saying this for the past two years. The industry is watching and U is the petri dish.
Pitbull, that is not an option for you or any other so called union leader. Your job is to protect us employees and one of those ways is to insure the airline survives. When you begin to say those words, its time for you to go!
usfliboi said:
If a pilot feels that way, (and theres nothing wrong with it) then dont bring the people of this company down with you .... Move on and learn something else. There are thousands of employees who will work for less, and enjoy their work and the few benefits that remain with it.

Your statement above is in no way reflective of any majority of any labor group or employee who is currently at our pay rates and looking to reduce to have their azzests on a jumpseat flying around all bloody damn day for one's health. Unlike you, most of us need to be able to make our bills every month. And, we are NOT 'at will' employees, therefore we have a vote. Like it or lump it.

However, I have a better idea for you personally...tell U that you really enjoy the job and don't mind working for substantially reduced wages and benefits or even no benefits and that you would like to donate your paycheck to senior managment. I am sure they will oblidge you. And while you are at it, start a little fund drive for folks who think like you, and may want to do the same thing,and maybe you will be able to turn this company around without any union represenstation. Hell, if you are the majority, you should be able to do this in a cynch.

So snap to it. I expect great accomplishements from you.
PITbull said:
Actually, I suspect the company will file tomorrow.

I notice they have not even made the defined contributions to the pilot's plans from over a month ago (they are currently running 4 to 6 weeks late). I am with you. Why not file now and avoid even more obligations. Best. Greeter.
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, that is not an option for you or any other so called union leader. Your job is to protect us employees and one of those ways is to insure the airline survives. When you begin to say those words, its time for you to go!
What the H are you trying to say????? Either learn to spell or learn to articulate what it is you want to say..... Of course I do have the privedge of IGNORE!!! <_< <_<
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, that is not an option for you or any other so called union leader. Your job is to protect us employees and one of those ways is to insure the airline survives. When you begin to say those words, its time for you to go!


Not sure were you are telling me particularly to go.....

But, for your FYI, the purpose of union representation and union leadership is to represent the majority of their respective members. If your idealogy is the majority, then you and your stance will prevail. If it is not; than you won't.

My opinion of you is that you don't understand unions or representation, and you really need to look for employment that does not have a closed shop. This company does.
usfliboi said:
Pitbull, that is not an option for you or any other so called union leader. Your job is to protect us employees and one of those ways is to insure the airline survives. When you begin to say those words, its time for you to go!


In that case, to ensure that the airlines survives, as of tomorrow call payroll and tell them to quit sending you your paycheck, but continue to work for free.

In effect that is what your statement above says. Doesn't sound so good when you distill it down to it's basics does it?
usfliboi said:
If a pilot feels that way, (and theres nothing wrong with it) then dont bring the people of this company down with you .... Move on and learn something else. There are thousands of employees who will work for less, and enjoy their work and the few benefits that remain with it.

Not directed just at you..but why is it when someone feels concessions are necessary they would prefer someone LEAVE than fight such givebacks? My suggestion, which is about as logical...is that those who feel SO strongly about giving back simply sign over part of their pay and benefits to management to allow the company to survive! Silly....both ideas. Greeter.

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