MEC Chairman's Update
May 25, 2007
Fellow AWA Pilots:
Last night, the AWA MEC received the decision from ALPA Executive Council regarding the AAA MEC’s presentation on May 21, 2007 to set aside the Nicolau Award. The decision of ALPA Executive Council was to simply delay deliberation until a special EC meeting scheduled for late June 2007. The cover letter from ALPA President Captain John Prater and the EC resolution are attached for your review. Additionally, I have sent Captain Prater a response and that letter is also attached.
I would ask that you please not read anything into this decision. We expect that the east will put out communications that will likely distort the true meaning of this resolution. After a lengthy conference call with our merger committee, and our merger counsel Jeff Freund, and EVP Russ Webber, all of your elected representatives and MEC officers have every confidence that ALPA Executive Council will follow ALPA Merger Policy and they will NOT overturn the Nicolau Award.
Unfortunately, the east JNC members informed us this morning that they will not be able to join us in negotiations next week. The AWA MEC, in consultation with the AWA MEC Negotiating Committee, is reviewing all of our strategic options to move ahead with both negotiations and implementation of this award.
I will have a more lengthy Chairman’s letter coming to you later this weekend detailing many of the issues that are rapidly changing, including what happened at the Executive Board with regards to the change in ALPA’s age 60 policy. In the meantime, please have a safe and secure Memorial Day weekend, and please follow the ALPA Code of Ethics when dealing with your fellow ALPA brothers and sisters.
I hope to see you on the picket line in LAS tomorrow as we continue our fight for a fair contract.
Captain John McIlvenna
Chairman, AWA Master Executive Council
Cover Letter from Captain Prater
(Letter will be sent on official ALPA letterhead with signature via email and US Mail on Friday, May 25, 2007)
May 24, 2007
F/O Jack Stephan
Captain John McIlvenna
Thank you for meeting with the ALPA Executive Council on Monday, May 21, and for the very professional and informative presentation in response to the Arbitration Award. Both presentations raised serious questions, concerns, and difficult issues. While both MECs, Merger Committees, and merger counsel have been intimately involved with each and every detail of the proceeding, the Executive Council had much to learn and consider.
After both presentations and Q & A periods were concluded, and during the next several days, the Executive Council deliberated over the very difficult issues. It became clear to all Executive Council members that the issues raised from both MECs are of critical importance to the AWA and AAA pilots, as well as all ALPA pilots and the piloting profession. Therefore, as stated in the attached resolution, the Executive Council will require additional time and information to complete their deliberations.
The Executive Council requests that you advise your respective memberships of the Executive Council actions. I will be contacting each of you to discuss follow-up requests for information and/or actions.
John H. Prater
Cc: ALPA Executive Council
ALPA Executive Board