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Company Call For Meeting With Unions

To keep it short and sour the summary of the meeting on friday..as told to
me by an attendee was.....alot of blustering,hand wringing,and still no
increasae on the revenue. A set up talk for future concessions.
allegheny1 said:
To keep it short and sour the summary of the meeting on friday..as told to
me by an attendee was.....alot of blustering,hand wringing,and still no
increasae on the revenue. A set up talk for future concessions.
i miss something?i thought it was the 14th for this meeting.you see something i missed?
we're being told IAM reps schifano,frieberger and IAM ramp pres all from pit are scheduled for 11-17 mtg.
i'd have to think if this was to address future concessions,not only would PIT be represented but also all the AGC'S from all stations would be represented,not to mention the IAM 141-m group.
and if what you say is true about CWA,i'd be inclined to think it was to address the possible AFA/CWA merger on that issue.
It seems the company is not meeting with all unions at the same time.
You know....divide and confuse if at all possible.

The meeting with my union was friday 11/07.
allegheny1 said:
It seems the company is not meeting with all unions at the same time.
You know....divide and confuse if at all possible.

The meeting with my union was friday 11/07.
thanks...with some of the posts and dates listed i was confused.
Could it be that if the IAM is the last union to have the meeting then the rest of the unions that had gone would be the ones the company is trying to get them to go against the iam for the iam's court victory twice in a two week period? I guess what I'm trying to say is that maybe the company wanted to have each of the other
unions first to try to persuade them to go against the IAM for the victory that the mechanics won in court last week.
If this management put a fraction of the energy they spend torturing their loyal employees on something like oh....running USAirways while rebuilding moral and the route system, we would be set. They are too busy fighting with front line people to see the whole place falling in around them.
CCY...Stop bickering and finding ways to make our lives miserable and turn your attention to running USAirways. You have pissed off this work group to where the very sight of you makes us phyically ill. <_<
Chip Munn said:

PitBull said: "My hunch is that management is upset over the decidsion of the Judge on the IAM issue. They were hoping to snatch that cost savings and were just so assured that they would win it. I believe this was a great "blow" to management, and for some types in CCY, their EGOS."

Chip comments: Agreed. Siegel has spoken to the fact he was going to get a major 2004 cost carve out and it hasn't happened yet.

PitBull said: "I think they are now going to torture all of Labor with more give backs to mostly punish IAM. I suspect, they will threaten another BK for 2004 if we don't give."

Chip comments: PitBull, I agree again. Management could issue furlough notices and threaten bankruptcy liquidation to "torture all of Labor with more give backs to mostly punish IAM," as you said. In addition, they could threaten a Chapter 11 filing and a S.1113 motion in front of Judge Mitchell. Management's point could be the cuts will come one way or another to help fight the LCC's.
Maybe I am wrong, but if U files for Chapter 11 protection again, then wouldn't RSA's equity share go down the drain, along with everyone else's?

if so, what is the likelihood of that happening? :unsure:
By looking at cash on hand and the option of raising funds through selling stock one may conclude the company would not be a CH-11 candidate for several months to come.
Chip Munn said:
Pitbull & Pacemaker:

The cost difference between Southwest and US Airways is not due to labor expense.

However, if you look at the employee to aircraft ratio US Airways is higher indicating a productivity difference. In addition, Southwest outsources its heavy maintenance and does not have DB retirement plans.

The big cost difference is in the business model due to expensive hub and spoke systems and less expensive point-to-point flying. That's not easily changed.

I suspect management is going to come out with a multiple point plan to reduce CASM to about 8.5 cents that will be surprising, to say the least.

Pacemaker, your scenario is possible and we have seen it before, but again, labor costs are not the major issue.



I think you are protecting yourself here by saying the difference between WN and US's labor costs is not the issue. It CERTAINLY is and remains so. We made some big cuts but we need to cut more costs AND improve productivity. In other words, YOU need to fly more. That will make the difference.

Sorry salesguy, Chip and the rest of the pilots already work about as much as the law will allow!! Now if you can get management to schedule us more productively (all allowed by our contract) we will gladely fly as much as possible. The ball is pretty much in mgt.'s court on this!!
SalesGuyCCY said:
YOU need to fly more. That will make the difference.

Mr. Sales (our sales are down about 10% YOY Btw),

Pilots are given trips as created. You will not likely find very many, if any that would not fly 8 hours each day and be done within 10-11 days for the month. NO the UNION does not create the trips. Next trip down the hall, look in the mirror sir. Management makes the trips. If we have a low amount of block hours vice the competition, then it is not the doing of the pilots.

As another aside, why is our DELETED ccy staff paid comparable to the "big 5", yet every other group is compared to the LCC's?

Dude, you need to get off the company computer and sell this company. If my performance was the same as the management's I'd be dead by now.

The DELETED by moderator word has a definition of

"one who or that which excels in some respect"

I guess that might be offensive here.
"YOU need to fly more. That will make the difference."

Sign me up! Seriously. But no; you know what US Airways' definition of productivity is? They fly us 6.5 hours for two days and then on day three we fly one BOS-PIT leg for 2 hours for a 15-hour 3-day. Why? Because they can. Because ALPA agreed to change the way minimum day pay is calculated. How many 2-hour days do you think jetBLue & Southwest schedule their crews for?

Once again the finger is pointing the wrong way.

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