Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

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UseYourHead said:
Reminds me of the steel days...textile...etc. The world has changed, the membership must adapt or they will be commited to a world of have-nots.

What is happening to us at US Airways, in fact, all of us in the airline industry is nothing happens....


To use your phrase..."they will be committed to a world of have-nots....its nothing happens"...

If many of the U employees stay, you will be 100% correct.
cavalier said: are not using your head having not figured out the "fact" one can NOT reason with pitbull, it's her way or you need pills, are crazy, evil, living in an altered reality, and all kinds of other very negatives thrown at you.

This women lives in a surreal reality where everyone agrees with her or they "must" be mad. Trust me, you’re wasting your time with her kind.

Remember twicebaked, they were pals big time until he disagreed with her, then he was evil, no good, nuts, flip flop, on and on. Twice myself and many others are now on her S---it list because we don't fall lock step into her world view. Used to be friends until the sun came out.
Cav, I watch you ride PB every chance you get. What's up with that? There's more here than meets the eye. You get downright NASTY. I see lots or people on these boards that totally disagree with PB and yet respect her right to post.
I personally don't agree with her at all times. but I respect her passion and the fact that she refuses to allow spiteful, childish, tantrums such as your constant diatribes, to change her mind!
I've been lurking on these boards for years, and you seem to follow her EVERYWHERE! Unrequited love perhaps?
The unemployement line will form sometime after Feb. 1st. when the company shuts down completely. Until then, keep giving as much as you like. Im sure you'll get a nice Thank You card from Mr. Lakefield.
Whatnow? said:
Whatnow, I am an employee that has been on a furlough for over a year, and you could not be more wrong. I am making what I was making when I left U. I have medical benefits, and better yet, in the future I will be making MORE than I made last year at U. On top of which, I will be making far more by the time your next contract becomes amendable. And so could you! Half of the company's battle was won when they managed to convince an entire workforce that we could do no better.
Perhaps I have landed on my feet because I never bought into the garbage that I would be unable to find a better job, or that I was untrained, or that I am entry level material.
As far as PIT BULL fighting so hard to try to convince U employees to hold the line...think about it. She was right.
The company has never had to develop a business plan because they have ALWAYS been able to take the path of least resistance. That easy path was the employees that rolled over so easily each time concessions were requested.
Had we not rolled over so easily twice before, the company would have been forced to develop a business plan that worked.
The company quite possibly would already be where it will now take it years to get! That is, if U manages to survive at all.
Even in this economy there are jobs available that will provide a better future, both immediately and long term, than U is offering. This job has lost all of the attractive aspects that made it one that was acceptable to me. I made my mind up that I was not going to waste my talents on a company that didn't appreciate them.
You have to remember that the leadership out there also had the responsibility to represent those of us that do have abilities other than those that can be found at the entry level.
If in fact, all that you are qualified to do is to work at WalMart, (and I doubt that that is true) don't blame PitBull. Do something to change it! Her only sin is in knowing that you are worth far more than the company, and in this case yourself, believe!
Don't underestimate yourself. There are highly paid Harvard graduates in Crystal City that are paid to do that for you!
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Gee, I don't know who you are, but thank you.

Thank you for instinctively knowing the "value" that the U employees DO have, and giving us your testimony on how you have captilized on your strengths.

It is a shame, such a shame that this managment has accomplished to strip many employees in all groups, of their self-worth, self-confidence and value they have from the many years of serving and accomodating the traveling public.

And here I sit, bearing witness to all that is still happening on the "inside".

Rest assured, AFA's proposal will give hundreds maybe thousands that recognize an opportunity to have what you have found ..a way out.

I am surely no martyr or altruistic... just a simple girl living out loud in clear view of this new " world order".

Once the f/as have made their decision one way or another...

I will rest.
ALPA's advisors told the MEC that as time went on each company proposal would get worse. The advisors were right and today the pilots have a new agreement that Amy Alperie, ALPA lead economic analyst, values as an average $370 million per years cost cut, which is $75 million more than the company's $295 million "ask".

It appears the AFA MEC did not learn from the ALPA RC4's mistakes because I understand the AFA estimates the value of the company's flight attendant proposal to be far in excess of the $116 million target the Company claims to need.

In my opinion, the AFA MEC will hurt their members more than was necessary and the rank-and-file could see cost cuts deeper than were required, either via a consensual deal or via "imposition", before December 1, 2004.


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You are truly a unique character to put it kindly.

Your ALPA Legal advisors are I-D-I-O-T-S. Plane simple, frank characterization from where I sit.

Hear me for the last time I will say this to you....



Either the company concedes to give the f/as something we can ratify....OR GO TO HELL!
USA320Pilot said:
ALPA's advisors told the MEC that as time went on each company proposal would get worse. The advisors were right and today the pilots have a new agreement that Amy Alperie, ALPA lead economic analyst, values as an average $370 million per years cost cut, which is $75 million more than the company's $295 million "ask".

The misinformation campaign continues.....


ps - is that a note of panic I sense?
PITbull said:
Rest assured, AFA's proposal will give hundreds maybe thousands that recognize an opportunity to have what you have found ..a way out.

Agreed. And why is the company agreeing to it? Because it is going to save them a TON of money. Getting rid of top of scale flight attendants with $8,000 is much cheaper than furloughing the bottom and paying them 3-5 months furlough pay. A good proposal that indeed works for both parties. (WTG Pit Prez!)

I have no doubt that many will find better opportunities with brighter futures than this proposal could ever allow. And many will leave on their own volition even without waiting for the "take your seniority and get out" money.

When those paychecks hit on November 15th, a whole new mindset will come about. 21% cut now, 15% proposed. Add in the cumulative loss of all of the little "extras" (deadhead pay, per diem, day pay, sick pay, etc.) and the pay cut creeps right back up. Maybe another 2-3% or so? Oppps! Almost forgot the rising cost of medical. Oppps! Almost forgot about the pension plan going buh-bye. Quality of life issues with the ever changing flying obligations!

So there really isn't much of an incentive to stay. Well, at least not for some.

Best to all,
Give em Hell Pitbull.

Sounds like a certain pilot who wrote a false filled op-ed piece for the Charlotte Observer a couple of years back.

The AFA leadership is making the same mistakes as the RC4 and it’s up to your union on how to proceed. Most of the flight attendants want an agreement and to continue working at the company, but the AFA is failing their membership just like ALPA’s RC4. You can expect the company’s proposals to get worse and by November 12, the worst company proposal will become the basis for the company’s S.1113© motion.

Judge Mitchell has shown his ability to “impose†a 21% pay cut and there will be no court directed negotiations during the S.1113© hearing.

In fact, ALPA communications committee chairman Jack Stephen said, “To be clear, in the 1113(e) process, the judge did have the power to make modifications to the Company’s emergency interim proposal. But, unlike the 1113(e) process, the law does not provide the judge with the authority to make any modifications in the 1113© process involving long-term, permanent relief. “

See Story

Once the new contract is imposed, ALPA bankruptcy counsel Richard Seltzer, widely respected as the best labor bankruptcy attorney is the business, believes Judge Mitchell will prevent the "self help" option.

I hope you're right and the AFA Negotiating Committee can find a way out of this mess for their members. However, so far AFA’s results speak for them self and just like with ALPA, the company’s proposals keep getting worse and the members will undoubtedly suffer even more. It’s too bad the AFA’s leaders are positioning their members for “Armageddonâ€, but that is your choice.


False information once again, there has to be "GOOD FAITH" negotiations and that has not taken place.

There are nine steps to follow.
I think the lawyers for the unions should research Judge Mitchells previous rulings on Bk companies. They should look to see if his rulings for US are consistant with prior rulings. If there are problems they should be addressed.