Whatnow, I am an employee that has been on a furlough for over a year, and you could not be more wrong. I am making what I was making when I left U. I have medical benefits, and better yet, in the future I will be making MORE than I made last year at U. On top of which, I will be making far more by the time your next contract becomes amendable. And so could you! Half of the company's battle was won when they managed to convince an entire workforce that we could do no better.
Perhaps I have landed on my feet because I never bought into the garbage that I would be unable to find a better job, or that I was untrained, or that I am entry level material.
As far as PIT BULL fighting so hard to try to convince U employees to hold the line...think about it. She was right.
The company has never had to develop a business plan because they have ALWAYS been able to take the path of least resistance. That easy path was the employees that rolled over so easily each time concessions were requested.
Had we not rolled over so easily twice before, the company would have been forced to develop a business plan that worked.
The company quite possibly would already be where it will now take it years to get! That is, if U manages to survive at all.
Even in this economy there are jobs available that will provide a better future, both immediately and long term, than U is offering. This job has lost all of the attractive aspects that made it one that was acceptable to me. I made my mind up that I was not going to waste my talents on a company that didn't appreciate them.
You have to remember that the leadership out there also had the responsibility to represent those of us that do have abilities other than those that can be found at the entry level.
If in fact, all that you are qualified to do is to work at WalMart, (and I doubt that that is true) don't blame PitBull. Do something to change it! Her only sin is in knowing that you are worth far more than the company, and in this case yourself, believe!
Don't underestimate yourself. There are highly paid Harvard graduates in Crystal City that are paid to do that for you!