Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

PitBull has something that everyone on the board should respect....a PASSION. If the company leadership only had a passion toward running a successful airline with respect toward its workers............. B)
Ohhhh PitBull,

Please stop your whining! The sooner the AFA starts to negotiate, the sooner they will do justice for the membership.

YOU WERE WRONG, you have been hammered, and the AFA along with you. Get realistic, and you can probably get a raise.

ALPA lawyers and financial advisors were 100% right, you were 100% wrong.

Get over it, and move the right thing and get a long term agreement.

Anything other than that is a sad direction for the AFA to go....

PITbull said:

I agree 100%, but you see PitBull would rather see the airline shutdown and have 100% of the jobs lost, because she was wrong and is angry....

It is very sad to see someone like this, actual it is embarassing to be a part of a union when associated with the likes of PitBull....

USFlyer said:
Instead of fighting this in Court, why not negotiate a settlement that would override the judge's decision? The AFA is wasting money fighting this. Even if they win, they lose as whatever financing is left will be pulled and suddenly everyone takes a 100 percent pay cut. As I've said many times, this whole situation sucks, and why anyone would want to stay in this mess is beyond me. But, reality is, a large paycut will happen, no matter what this motion yields.

Now this is too funny :)

Rico said:
I think this is a great idea, in fact, you should petition the judge for a raise instead. And company cars. I did not see a thing about AFA asking for company cars in this post. Why not...? :up:

I mean if everytone else has to give and you people are wasting everyones time and wasting your union members hard earned dues $$$, ehy not go completely overboard...? :rolleyes:

Reality, get used to the concept.
UseYourHead said:
I agree 100%, but you see PitBull would rather see the airline shutdown and have 100% of the jobs lost, because she was wrong and is angry....

It is very sad to see someone like this, actual it is embarassing to be a part of a union when associated with the likes of PitBull....

I would be shocked if the Judge wasted any time denying the Mot for Recon. They are usually futile unless you have evidence that was not before the Judge during the hearing. The Judge thought hard before making a 21% paycut.
If PitBull got cornfield-time, life on the boards would go on....

Just one more point of view, often times, quite disrespectful....

aerosmith said:
That would be a smart move getting rid of the people that have made this site.
Reminds me of a certain managment group and the type of decision they would make.
I agree....

US1YFARE said:
I would be shocked if the Judge wasted any time denying the Mot for Recon. They are usually futile unless you have evidence that was not before the Judge during the hearing. The Judge thought hard before making a 21% paycut.
If certain poster's attitudes were the same as historical figures we would still be under british rule or divided into north and south, or east being german and west being japanese.

There is nothing wrong with a union and its leadership and members fighting for their rights.

You seem to forget you all ready gave twice to this management that has failed, why would they succede a third time?

PT was so right.
What a load...

IAM and AFA have given small amounts compared to total amount of concessions given by ALPA, and those working under Mainline Express and MDA. Now that you are judically required to share in cuts of the same precentage as your coworkers, you whine that it is "uinfair", please :rolleyes:

You two were amoung the lead voices calling for a chance to bargain in "good fatih" with the judge, and now that you did not get your way, YOU PitBull (and AFA) are the ones that are going back again.(the very thing you slam the company for)

If you were smart, you would work to reach as good an agreement as possible in this late hour, rather than filling your lawyers wallets with your membership's dues money.

Yeah, MDA did not give this time, and neither did Mainline Express, because we gave much greater concessions than you did before now (while you relied upon our two groups and ALPA to foot the majority of the bill).

Fair AND equitable

Feel free to look it up...


You are full of it, I gave up a lot more then you and you voluntary went to MDA which my paycut paid for.

And you have no idea, don't worry, you will get the same unemployment as I will, this place is doomed.
US1YFARE said:
I would be shocked if the Judge wasted any time denying the Mot for Recon. They are usually futile unless you have evidence that was not before the Judge during the hearing. The Judge thought hard before making a 21% paycut.
Even if they get nothing. To have not made the effort or done anything would be foolish.
Rico said:
What a load...

IAM and AFA have given small amounts compared to total amount of concessions given by ALPA, and those working under Mainline Express and MDA. Now that you are judically required to share in cuts of the same precentage as your coworkers, you whine that it is "uinfair", please :rolleyes:

You are blaming them for standing up for themselves and there members. Mad because they didnt roll over like ALPA.
Actrually that is good, this place will wither get fixed, or we all move on. Cannot feel bad about that. Thing is, if you are not part of the solution, you are just part of the problem.

And 700, we played this game before, I quoted my salary loss from 60k down to 36K a year, and a loss of a stripe. Choice, yeah, I went MDA F/O instead of being pushing into a ALG F/O position. Big choice. But it was what I had to do, and I am still glad I did.

But like I said, your pre-21% cut concessions were less than what those who chose to work for Mainline Express and MDA have given = thus no reason to give more.

Anyways, back to the point of this tread. AFA is reduced to making grandstand moves like this because they have no other real options, then they should stop wasting everyones time and just deal with reality.
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UseYourHead said:
I agree 100%, but you see PitBull would rather see the airline shutdown and have 100% of the jobs lost, because she was wrong and is angry....

It is very sad to see someone like this, actual it is embarassing to be a part of a union when associated with the likes of PitBull....


I'm not angry at all. AFA is just doing the "right thing". We will challenge the 21% in court and we motioned for "reconsideration". My intent was NEVER to shut the airline down. I believe it is managment's intent to push one labor group or groups to not ratify and then the co. moves to request abrogation. This move could cause a strike, in which I belive the company wants in order to shut the place down, and start all over again. It is management that will shut the place down, and then blame labor.

My personal intent is to reach consenual agreements that our members can exist on. NOT LIKE YOUR SALARY THAT IS STILL NOT NEAR PUTTING YOUR MORTGAGE IN JEOPARDY.

I was not wrong. The judge's decision, even though severe...doesn't come close to what the company had proposed and is proposing even now.

Sorry charlie, I don't think like you. You're ALPA advisors are lazy and only want U's survival to cushion their salaires on International. Its obvious. They haven't fought for anything that I can remember in my history at U.

I suggest....YOU GO FLY A KITE! :p
The right thing for a union to do is to get the best deal possible for the membership.

Every union that does not have an agreement should learn from ALPA's mistakes. ALPA's advisors repeatedly told the MEC the company's "ask" would increase over time and that the court would "impose" new contract terms.

What happened. The ALPA RC4 lead MEC was the first MEC in the history of ALPA to provide a concession deeper than the "ask", hurting the membership in the process.

The same thing could occur here unless the AFA, CWA, and IAM reach new labor accords before mid-November. I respect the right of a union to choose its own direction, but union leadership (except for the TWU) continues to fail and is only hurting their membership with company proposals that continue to get worse, and worse. The company will likely obtain permanent long-term "imposed" contract relief in less than one-month, which could be even worse than the deals on the table today.

When would now be a good time for the AFA, CWA, & IAM to protect what they can and obtain a TA?

