Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

USA320Pilot said:
Every US Airways employee is being compared to the competition

Not exactly without a little twisting involved.
WN topout for C/S is about $23 and change
B6 is $20
Heck, even Airtran is at $16.75.

How does this compare to the $15.20 being offered by the company to CWA (oh, I forgot we all get to drop down ANOTHER 4 years just because so make that 13.62)? I know total benefits packages need to be looked at, but even Airtran shows a 10% match on 401K.

Just what do you think is being compared to the competition and who are they today? Spirit/ Frontier/ America West/ Franks Airline?
Because we waited so lon to negotiate, we are being compared to what it takes to survive. The ALPA advisors said this would happen.

We will have another day to fight for raises up to LCC standards, sad really, we should have listened.

tadjr said:
Not exactly without a little twisting involved.
WN topout for C/S is about $23 and change
B6 is $20
Heck, even Airtran is at $16.75.

How does this compare to the $15.20 being offered by the company to CWA (oh, I forgot we all get to drop down ANOTHER 4 years just because so make that 13.62)? I know total benefits packages need to be looked at, but even Airtran shows a 10% match on 401K.

Just what do you think is being compared to the competition and who are they today? Spirit/ Frontier/ America West/ Franks Airline?
PITbull said:
Spin Doc,
Potential employees out there will not come to USAirways looking for a job that they read about in the paper reading that thousands voluntarily Exited!


You are SOOOOOO wrong, IF a big IF U even survives and does hire because of mass exodus, people will line up around the block...your reality isn't THE reality and like usfliboi said recently, TONS of people would be willing at a wage you think is impossible to survive on yet MILLIONS do, MILLIONS, WAKE THE F--K up! You’re not even being rational anymore for God's sake.
Mass Exodus? Where is everybody gonna go? Why is everybody gonna go? Do we all have other jobs to start tomorrow that are STILL gonna pay us this well, with all the medical benefits we STILL will have! If you do have something to fall back on then fantastic, but most everybody here is here because THIS is their job and career. Good luck in the 9 to 5 world! A REAL job is a HARSH reality! Been there done that!
Well PitBull,

I just took an 18% paycut off of that figure, and I have been in the industry for 28 years as a pilot...and worked for 6 airlines, 7 if you count USAir and Peidmont seperately.

I would would guess that you worked at Eastern? Although you could have been a TWA walker, of a Braniff gal.

Which one?

As far as this job, respect, pay etc. I know when I was a newhire at Piedmont flying F28's in Florida, Pan Am & EAL were on the decline in a big way. I remember riding jumpseat and having comments made to me about the F28 (a little jet) and crappy pay, contracts, saving the real airlines etc.

Well with in a few years those airlines were gone, and no one missed a beat, the flying public had choices, employees at US Air, Piedmont, AMR, DAL, NWA and so on all took advantage of the increased opportunity with regard to old routes both domestically and internationally.

Bottomline PitBull, no one cares about our job but US. We have to do what it takes to keep it, like they did at CAL instead of EAL.

We can be a survivor or become extinct....

If you you choose for your job to go away, thats up to you, there is a line around the block to take your job....

PITbull said:
Hey Sparky,

At your current position of approx $134,000, I don't see you in the bread line anytime soon. You need to hold on to your seat. As far as the f/as saving that seat for you and throwing themselves overboard with a YES vote to keep you and the likes of your kind happy...don't bet on it. I am but one vote....I don't carry the f/a group. You have to penetrate at least 51% with..."just how good they have it here".

Just how many airlines have you worked, and what is your years in the business? No fabricating...

Do you know what airline I worked for briefly before U?????

Take a guess?

Would I work for another airline, with communistic mind-set of workers like yours? Natta one.

IMO, your profession is over along with everyone elses. You'll have as much respect from the traveling public as the bus driver down the street.
This is true, and a nice dose of reality.

bestservedcold said:
I'm glad that you have another job to fall back on and make MORE money than you are making now or will be making with these new cuts! Congratulations! Most of us, don't have anything to one up this job right now, other than an unemployment check! I thought your position was to look out for your union members not yourself! No, I am not happy with whats going on here, but REALITY plays a major role here, this Company has NEVER been closer to shutting the doors down for good than they are right now. This job, with these new agreements STILL pays more than ANY entry level job out there right now, with benefits you cannot live with out! Ask anybody out there who took any of the VF's longer than 6 months, they'll be happy to tell that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence! Especially when you have to fend for yourself with ATRONOMICAL medical expenses! I have NEVER been pro-company, but I'm not going to vote myself right into the Unemployment Line either!

Give us a break PitBull,

The airline is cutting costs down to what LCCs costs are. In the past, and airline that was able to do that...Continental, survived...while others, EAL, PanAm, etc. all went away.

Are you worth any less becuase you worked for a survivor in the last round?

How dare you paint those of us who want to keep our career in such a way...if you wana leave, leave already...don't let the door hit your....

PITbull said:

It is a shame, such a shame that this managment has accomplished to strip many employees in all groups, of their self-worth, self-confidence and value they have from the many years of serving and accomodating the traveling public.


Are you getting desperate? YOU were wrong, and it resulted in a bigger paycut for your members. You are urting your own, I guess you are too caught-up to see the forest through the trees.

BTW, insults are not debate, they are an act of desperation, you can do better than that.

You have been proven woefully wrong, do something constructive now for you membership and negotiate them a raise....

PITbull said:

You are truly a unique character to put it kindly.

Your ALPA Legal advisors are I-D-I-O-T-S. Plane simple, frank characterization from where I sit.

Now that is a lie....

PITbull said:

You know absolutely nothing about JetBlue's wages or work conditions.

U f/as are paid lower than JetBlue's f/as presently by over $6.50 per hour, and grossly lower than when the Jet Blue f/a reaches 70 flight hours.

Don't spew what you blantantly don't know.

I know they are hiring, because we have had many of our flight attendants go over to JetBlue who got hired.
I recently flew on JetBlue and they had excellent energetic flight attendants whose pay and benefits are worse than US Airways' proposal to the AFA.

They said they will hire about 500 F/A's this year.



I have to revise my earlier post in your case! YOU could not go out and find a new job making near what you are making today.
Not because there are no jobs out there for a professional, but because you have no couth.
You end each of your missives with regards. Yet you have no regard for anyone but yourself.
You enjoy preaching to the peons on this board while you desperately try to convince then to take cuts in pay to the point that they will end up in the lower middle class of American wage earners. So that you can stay in the upper echelons of the average wage earners in this country.
What a guy!
Hey, just how many cups of coffee have you had "accidently" spilled on you in your career?
Makes me want to come back for one more trip with you in the cockpit! Coffee?
Jetblue's F/As get paid overtime when they reach 70.


I was in the court room when this was all brought out.
700UW said:
You are full of it.

There is plenty of recourse, the judge cannot stop self-help, you can't force someone to come to work.

700 you spend a lot of time saying what the judge and the company cant do, and have been wrong in every single instance.......... what happened to your" just the facts" slogan?
If you knew anything the Company got the ATSB to modify the loan convenants so they could file bankrupcty, the previous convents preveneted that.

And please show me where I said the judge could not do something and he did?

Funny how you omit the facts that would disprove what you post.

But we all know you are something you are not.
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You make me laugh....

Desperate? Liar? You have some nerve. Post JEtBlues wages and work rules and prove I'm a liar.

I guess you haven't read my posts.

You just spent your time addressing me 4 times in a row...Why?

We're all leaving pal..right after the vote!
Poor 700, you get your post mixed up. Go back on all of your post and look at what you said could and couldnt happen, and see for yourself. Everyone on here knows....