Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

OK, what are we doing here? Wasting time? Enough is Enough! Put this so-called HORRIFIC Tentative Agreement out for the masses to vote on, seems as though this is very similar to the September 10th Company proposal. My God, you people know how to beat a dead horse! It only gets worse from here out, do we really want to take it down the road to "self help" or a "strike"? Is it really worth it to go that far and end up with something TOTALLY worse than is on the table right now? I think a lot of decisions have to be made here right now, mainly is this job for you anymore. The Industry has changed dramatically, unfortunately we have to change with it, or change careers and move on to something else. Right now, this tentative agreement is FAR better than not having a job at all! We will never have the work rules of the past AGAIN and that is a shame, but we all have to make sacrifices and move on. AFA needs to stop this senseless whining and crying and start looking out for its members who are NOW struggling with this 21%paycut. AFA, how long are you gonna sit around and have your members absorb that tremendous paycut? Till you declare "self help" or a "strike" and have us all sit at home and not get paid at all! PITBULL, is Wal_Mart in Pittsburgh hiring? I think they have a bag girl position for you....starting pay minimum wage, not 36,000 a year like most people are saying! Where do you people get your facts from? :angry:
Blah Blah Blah,

Deju Vu for the third time for the soon to be A320FOReserve.
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Whatnow? said:
OK, what are we doing here? Wasting time? Enough is Enough! Put this so-called HORRIFIC Tentative Agreement out for the masses to vote on, seems as though this is very similar to the September 10th Company proposal. My God, you people know how to beat a dead horse! It only gets worse from here out, do we really want to take it down the road to "self help" or a "strike"? Is it really worth it to go that far and end up with something TOTALLY worse than is on the table right now? I think a lot of decisions have to be made here right now, mainly is this job for you anymore. The Industry has changed dramatically, unfortunately we have to change with it, or change careers and move on to something else. Right now, this tentative agreement is FAR better than not having a job at all! We will never have the work rules of the past AGAIN and that is a shame, but we all have to make sacrifices and move on. AFA needs to stop this senseless whining and crying and start looking out for its members who are NOW struggling with this 21%paycut. AFA, how long are you gonna sit around and have your members absorb that tremendous paycut? Till you declare "self help" or a "strike" and have us all sit at home and not get paid at all! PITBULL, is Wal_Mart in Pittsburgh hiring? I think they have a bag girl position for you....starting pay minimum wage, not 36,000 a year like most people are saying! Where do you people get your facts from? :angry:

What now,

Kool your jets, man.

AFA is NOT sitting around doing nothing. You got some nerve pal.

Strike? Who said strike? Self help, maybe.

If you think you will gain something by insulting're talking to the wrong poster.

I can assure you, if and when I leave....i'll be making much more than this company will offer anyone who stays.

Love the job? Don't worry, they'll be plenty of jumpseats for you to occupy at this low wage.

Jerry Glass strategy is to play psychological war games with all of labor, have the membership pressure the leadership in sending out the worse proposals in aviation history. Dividing the membership from the leadership and pitting one labor group against another....and look at you? Another bites the dust!

Most f/as out there do not think or feel the way you do. Many, want a way OUT, and AFA is working on that piece as well.

Don't worry, you will have an opportunity to sign your name to a YES ballot.

And I wish you good luck with your future here at U.
[quote=PITbull,Oct 26 2004, 07:51 PM

Most f/as out there do not think or feel the way you do. Many, want a way OUT, and AFA is working on that piece as well.

I'm glad that you have another job to fall back on and make MORE money than you are making now or will be making with these new cuts! Congratulations! Most of us, don't have anything to one up this job right now, other than an unemployment check! I thought your position was to look out for your union members not yourself! No, I am not happy with whats going on here, but REALITY plays a major role here, this Company has NEVER been closer to shutting the doors down for good than they are right now. This job, with these new agreements STILL pays more than ANY entry level job out there right now, with benefits you cannot live with out! Ask anybody out there who took any of the VF's longer than 6 months, they'll be happy to tell that the grass is not greener on the other side of the fence! Especially when you have to fend for yourself with ATRONOMICAL medical expenses! I have NEVER been pro-company, but I'm not going to vote myself right into the Unemployment Line either!
PITbull said:
Strike? Who said strike? Self help, maybe.

You said strike!!!!

QUOTE(PITbull @ Oct 16 2004, 01:49 AM)
Eighty six,

Let's just stay matter what. Let them buy us out. We will all stay at the top of the salary chart, and when we are permitted to strike at amedable date, we will.
Oh, and by the way I wouldn't be totally convinced that most F/A's don't feel the way that I do. I'm out there on the line and most are completely fed up and just want to move on!
real world said:
You said strike!!!!

QUOTE(PITbull @ Oct 16 2004, 01:49 AM)
Eighty six,

Let's just stay matter what. Let them buy us out. We will all stay at the top of the salary chart, and when we are permitted to strike at amedable date, we will.

Actually, it was not October 16th, it was the 15th, and it was not at 01:49 am, it was 08:32 pm. Here.

I thought then, and still believe now that PITbull meant to type the word an amendable date rather than the word at. Which changes the meaning and usage of the word strike, completely. Perhaps I am just being naive, typos happen.

Pitbull can speak as to her meaning, but I presume she was making a point rather than being technically correct.

Under the RLA (and in more normal circumstances), workers aren't permitted to strike at the amendable date of the contract. A strike is only permitted after negotiations have not resulted in an agreement, a mediator is brought in, the mediator declares an impasse, and a "cooling off" period has elapsed. This can be years after the amendable date of the contract, but the contract stays in force the entire time.

However, given a court imposed contract and it's not "normal circumstances".....

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real world said:
You said strike!!!!

QUOTE(PITbull @ Oct 16 2004, 01:49 AM)
Eighty six,

Let's just stay matter what. Let them buy us out. We will all stay at the top of the salary chart, and when we are permitted to strike at amedable date, we will.

Real world,

You've been in the company for a long time you know what "amendable date" means?

Or are you that ignorant collecting a fat pay check from managment?

Boeing boy,

I know the process of section 6. After we reach the amedable date, and negotiations takes place, and an empass is reached, there is a 30 day cooling off and the union will be released to "self help".

That was the meaning and "real world" should know that when he posted.

Presently, from the many, many f/as I come into contact with, they are not saying to settle for any proposal the company dishes out. "What now"'s opinion is not shared by the folks i hear from.

None the less, the f/as who want whatever the company will dish out will receive the Piece of $%^t they want to vote on. If it ratifies, there will be a mass departure from this profession.

With all due respect, your strategy has failed. You have taken your group down the wrong road. Further delay equals more pain, IT IS AN ECONOMIC REALITY.

This is not section 6, this is where everyone has gone wrong, this is about survival, and the company numbers are on their side, with the judge to back them is a no-brainer.

Sometimes in life you have to admit mistakes, this is one of those times. I was against ALPA RC$ for the same reasons, they were wrong and in the end brought a much worse agreement.

The enemy is the indudtry, not Jerry Glass (although we will run him up the flag-pole at some point, when survival is assured)

Do the right thing.

BTW, I am a line employee, most FA's want their job, they do not want to shut the company down, and don't want to run other types of self help...that can come in the years to come when we are clawing our way back!

PITbull said:
Most f/as out there do not think or feel the way you do. Many, want a way OUT, and AFA is working on that piece as well.

Don't worry, you will have an opportunity to sign your name to a YES ballot.

And I wish you good luck with your future here at U.
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I am NOT the majority of the MEC, nor am I the MEC President, nor am I the AFA Intenational. Just so we are clear.

The flight attendants will get to vote. The job will be for those who don't care about the wages, and benefits, aren't concerned about the value a job brings, and will have to evaluate if there is a future here. The MAJORITY rules the day. (don't expect PIT in the YES VOTE equation. They didn't vote YES in the winter concession, and I don't believe they will do it now). However, for those who are planning to leave, the Vol furlough/no recall will be the piece that will ratify the agreement. Many, and I mean many are wanting that provision so they can exist and "bridge" to another job.

Every flight attendant knows the stakes.....

If it ratifies...I will be going.

If it fails....I will fight to "ground 0" with the flight attendants.

I believe that is fair enough.

You're right about what you are hearing from F/A's, most of the F/A's you hear from are in PIT, and yes things are bad in PIT! But, most everybody else out there feels differently. I was based in PIT for 12 years and recently left to have better seniority elsewhere. PIT is a great base and its a shame what is happening to it. I guess if I grew up in Pittsburgh, got to work for a major airline and also live in Pittsburgh for my career, and be home near family, I would also feel very fortunate too. But that wasn't the case here, I moved cross country, away from family to do a job that I wanted to do. The bottom line for all those in PIT that feel like the company is doing them wrong is, Remember however long ago it was when you filled out that application? One of the main parts of that application asked "Are you willing to relocate"? I know everybody answered "YES" to that one! I hope those in PIT are not feeling scorned and just want the company to close because now they are faced with this fact! There are a lot of negative nellies out there, but I hope they are going to make the right decision and stay EMPLOYED! Let's talk about dedication.......go talk to all those former PSA F/A's who have been sacrificing all those commutes over the years!

With all due respect...the world has changed, its not just US Airways. I think the majority of people are smart enough to accept that.

It is better to have options with regard to employment here, than not. The Vol Leave will be a good bridge for those who feel they can do better.

Then there are people who have been on reserve for over a decade who will move up (FA's, Pilot's, etc.)

As bad as this is, there is something in it for everyone....

PITbull said:

I am NOT the majority of the MEC, nor am I the MEC President, nor am I the AFA Intenational. Just so we are clear.

The flight attendants will get to vote. The job will be for those who don't care about the wages, and benefits, aren't concerned about the value a job brings, and will have to evaluate if there is a future here. The MAJORITY rules the day. (don't expect PIT in the YES VOTE equation. They didn't vote YES in the winter concession, and I don't believe they will do it now). However, for those who are planning to leave, the Vol furlough/no recall will be the piece that will ratify the agreement. Many, and I mean many are wanting that provision so they can exist and "bridge" to another job.

Every flight attendant knows the stakes.....

If it ratifies...I will be going.

If it fails....I will fight to "ground 0" with the flight attendants.

I believe that is fair enough.

If it does not ratify, the judge will impose...will you then attempt to shut down the company and disrupt operations?

We all sholud have been months into our new agreements now fighting the enemy, the other airlines and the price of fuel...not our own company!

PITbull said:

I am NOT the majority of the MEC, nor am I the MEC President, nor am I the AFA Intenational. Just so we are clear...

If it ratifies...I will be going.

If it fails....I will fight to "ground 0" with the flight attendants.

I believe that is fair enough.