Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

Rico said:
I just think that it is going to be a sad wakeup call to those who think unemployment is some kind of paid vacation (trust me, it is not), or think that they can skate into a high paying easy working job if Airways goes under.

Despite what you think about the situation at airways, give yourself a better perspective and actively research your local job market, see where your qualifications fall, and make a real effort to see exactly what kind of possible retraining exists.

Do not take anyone's word for anything, check for yourself and get the real picture before deciding just how "bad" airways is.

The american workplace is different nowadays, and airways reflects that (it is not unique). Look for yourself.

With the number of employees leaving everyday now and retiring every month those numbers make your statement kind of moot, don't you think? These people must have stopped looked and listened and still they are leaving in droves, that says a lot. Action speaks loudly.
Passengers are not booking many paid tickets on Usairways right now....

By now, we should have been real busy with Thanksgiving and Christmas bookings....

I am guessing with all the many threats of liquidation and shutdown by the company, it is a self fullfilling prophecy...The passengers are just not comfortable with Usairways and are afraid of getting stuck during the holidays with tickets and no USAIRWAYS...

The calls now are mostly for frequent flyer tickets...burning them like charcoal brickets on the 4th of July grill.....

I see much labor strife and turmoil this holiday season...Caused by mgt's decision to take pay raises at the same time other employees were giving up money and benefits in concessions...

If upper and lower mgt and administrative employees, all took their fair share the cuts... probably could have be closer to 5 percent for everyone, and would have been a possibility to budget for that loss of income for everyone...

But not 21 percent to start with...and 35 percent next ...after already giving up money and benefits voluntarilly to help the company two times...

If the company philosophy now, is that the pay and the benefits of the company only go to the management, I believe the company is getting close to liquidation and shutdown.....It is not going to be pretty....

Happy Holidays
Really, and thoise leaveing I would assume were those that have been looking for, into or created a exit strategy for themselves for sometime. More power to them. Myp point is that many on here have done no such thing, and are under a set of assumptions that might not be so true.

"Actions speak louder than words", Well, I talk to man more people everyday at work that came back to MDA, and gladly, because they found the marketplace a lot more difficult than they had assumed upon furlough.

For many of you, to get/keep a job yo might have to consider the cost of moving, is that something you are ready for?

All I am saying is do not listen to anyone, including me when it comes to this, go out and find out for yourself.. If those people have left, actuially see how many worked themselves into something as good or better. Some will, but others will not. And when everyone is on the street there are a LOT more Airways employees that will not be able to find something as good as even now (with the cuts).

Always better to find a new job from a job, than it is from unemployment
I am guessing with all the many threats of liquidation and shutdown by the company, it is a self fullfilling prophecy...The passengers are just not comfortable with Usairways and are afraid of getting stuck during the holidays with tickets and no USAIRWAYS...

I am guessing that it is the jack&^* vote by the CWA that brought such negative coverage by the Media. Not smart, even now if the comapny were to give you everything you wanted you might have put yourself out of a job.

Real smart.

Can you strike next week? no? Anytime soon? The vote help you at all? No??? Hmmm, brilliant. <_<
Those that feel their self worth and skills are only good at USair will probably not find much. But if you believe you have something to offer in yourself, your job and people skills and are willing to pound the streets and "sell yourself to your future employer", you'll find something. I did and at a higher pay than before, and am in control of my life again, not letting those in CCY dictate my future. Everyone has to make their own decision, but if you expect to find nothing, chances are, you'll find nothing. Good luck to all.
Good for you, thats is a great thing to hear. I hope that stories like that will be the norm, but...

Probably will not be, will it...? While I do not doubt the ability of those who have already left to go out and find better ---> it is becasue you are the type to go out and finds better. Not the type to be put on the street, and be forced to find what you can

Big difference.

All I am saying, is it is better to go from a job to something you can take the time to find, rather than allow yourself fewer options
Hey Rico

Your talk feeds right into what the company's plan has been all along...dismantle US Airways to build up MAA. You don't work for MAA, you work for Metrojet, except now the company got it their running the company in the sh**** and years of blaming labor, oh and two chapter 11's with constsnt threats of liquidation. Hope you and A32oCapt, will will be with you soon enough, will be happy.

Anyone with the slightest common sense saw this coming. I find it oddly smirk the wat you come across, especially calling us 'airways'? You sure you aren't seigle? I mean, that ugly fish you have that reminds me of the huge amount of money that idiot liar ate and the pic would be appropriate, but silly me, I forgot, he had a contract for that. HUmm!! So did the rest of us.

I will do my job professionally, but until this company makes EVERYONE, including Meterojet...oops, I mean MAA take a 21% cut, there will be no peace. :down: :down: :angry: ANGRY? Damn right? :angry:

I often refer to it as "Airways," and my friends and I always did when we worked there. "USAir" is often used derisively, and I think Airways sounds a little prouder (you can love an airline without loving the management). It seems a lot of junior folks use the term, likely because it was US Airways when they were hired, and they feel a lot more of a connection to that name than they do to "USAir." I have another friend that constanly refers to either the airplanes or the airline itself as "The Blue Shamu" (think of the paint job and the dolphin) and I've also heard it called "The Big Blue." :)

Alot more people call it "Airways" than you think (they are probably all furloughed.)

As for the pay, had I gone to MAA it would have been a 27.5% paycut from when I left "Airways", so I would say that yes, they have all taken the cut. Anger at MAA employees is disasterously misplaced. They are only returning to work, to a s*itty contract that thier senior co-workers sold them out with. I'm not saying you voted for it, but a majority did and now you have mainline F/As flying 100 seat jets at commuter wages while the senior people's jobs are in even more jeopardy.

Continental just recalled the last of thier furloughed F/As, and Northwest just called back a few hundred. Those NW F/As will work NW DC9s with 100 seats and 2 F/As and get mainline pay. US Airways is recalling too, but you guys sold out the juniors while only thinking of yourselves, and you created a monster. Do you think the MDA F/As WANT that bad contract? Of course not! They didn't sign it! You guys did! You gave away the airline and then blame people for coming back to work. The gates have been opened, and I don't see how there is any going back, but if I were still mainline, I would start negotiating with EVERY mainline F/A in mind, not just the high-paid seniors (and yes, MAA F/As ARE mainline F/As... ask the FAA or check thier manual- they are current on the entire fleet). If not for solidarity, for the protection of your job. I can see from your post you are aware of the plan... the moment a seperate "Express" division with mainline employees was agreed to (Express, please, y'all really fell for that one... have you BEEN on that plane? :rolleyes: ), it put the nail in every active mainline F/As coffin simply by eliminating the need for them.

This is how the F/As saw it: who cares what happens to a bunch of junior pukes? Oh, the pilots are getting thier furloughees some sort of job at "the commuter." Sure, we'll agree to that, I mean who cares about a bunch of new hires anyway, I mean they only have like 5 years with the company. If they don't like it they should go to Southwest. What, me go to Southwest? Surely you jest! Anyway, enough about this MidAtlantic thing, did they say they were taking crew meals away?!?

This is how management saw it:If Senior Sally, Piedmont Patty, and Steel City Steve say it's OK for Junior Jack and Nineties Nancy to fly planes that can aptly perform 90% of the system for much cheaper, why even keep Sally, Patty, and Steve around? Who cares that they are loyal and seasoned professionals who have held the airline up for many administrations before us, really they're ugly, old, overpaid and uncooperative bags! And Jack and Nancy really put forth a great image to the customers, and have that same spirit of teamwork and pride that those LCC folks do!

Firstamendment, I understand your anger at the situation, but misdirected anger at the individuals who got the worst deal (muliti-year furlough/termination and then a bum contract hastily voted on by someone else to return to the same job) doesn't accomplish anything... in fact it could work against everyone's interest. Now is a time to try and get everyone on the same page and unite, instead of dividing even more.
USA320Pilot said:
. In the end, I believe the court will permit outsourcing if there is a slow down and then the company will further lower its unit costs with contract workers.


Are you trying to say that other work groups can't follow the example set by cockpit members several years ago...."Work safe and follow the book to the letter?" I remember it well. After landing taxi to the end of the runway and taking 10-12 minutes to taxi in...when a shorter taxiway was available. Request the runway farest from the terminal that you were legal to take off on. Not start engines until pushback completely finished. You mean we can't follow your example 320?
Light Years,

Very good post. I was sad as a pilot when we had MetroJet and only MetroJet pilots took a cut...all pilots should have taken a smaller cut, and all employees should have taken cuts back then.

US Airways would be in better shape able to compete today...bigger, not smaller. Someone always wants someone else to take the brunt of what needs to be done, it is really sad.

Would I take a cut so Mid Atlantic pay would come up and just be another part of mainline...heck ya, we should all want that.

Light Years said:
Anger at MAA employees is disasterously misplaced. They are only returning to work, to a s*itty contract that thier senior co-workers sold them out with. I'm not saying you voted for it, but a majority did and now you have mainline F/As flying 100 seat jets at commuter wages while the senior people's jobs are in even more jeopardy.

Do you think the MDA F/As WANT that bad contract? Of course not! They didn't sign it! You guys did! You gave away the airline and then blame people for coming back to work.

This is how the F/As saw it: who cares what happens to a bunch of junior pukes? Oh, the pilots are getting thier furloughees some sort of job at "the commuter." Sure, we'll agree to that, I mean who cares about a bunch of new hires anyway, I mean they only have like 5 years with the company.
Light Years said:

Firstamendment, I understand your anger at the situation, but misdirected anger at the individuals who got the worst deal (muliti-year furlough/termination and then a bum contract hastily voted on by someone else to return to the same job) doesn't accomplish anything... in fact it could work against everyone's interest. Now is a time to try and get everyone on the same page and unite, instead of dividing even more.

Sorry, anger is more at management and Rico who seems to find pleasure in all of this. I, for one think MAA was stupid. The airplanes should have been flown by mainline and a pilot payscale provided like all other a/c.

I am sick of the we are in it together when management has taken a 1% cut. That was unexcusable. WE DID NOT SELL YOU OUT. WE WERE THREATENED, my know, capitulate or liquidate, So as much as I love you, your sell out arguements doesn't fly with me. know I still love ya. :p :)
UseYourHead said:
Light Years,

Very good post. I was sad as a pilot when we had MetroJet and only MetroJet pilots took a cut...all pilots should have taken a smaller cut, and all employees should have taken cuts back then.

US Airways would be in better shape able to compete today...bigger, not smaller. Someone always wants someone else to take the brunt of what needs to be done, it is really sad.

Would I take a cut so Mid Atlantic pay would come up and just be another part of mainline...heck ya, we should all want that.

Would of, should of...Had we passed contracts that would have been helpful in 1991, who knows, but none of that matters now.
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Actually the term "Airways" is term highly used in CCY by all of senior managment.

You may know RICO, or he may have Pm'd you, but I doubt he is a pilot for MAA.

He may just be MAA managment.

Just my opinion, and I agree with FIRST, who was very astute just to even pick that up.

Most of the USAirways folks speak of U as USAirways; not "Airways".

You may do that, but that is highly not the "norm", except for senior management.
Man, you guys are soooo weak...

Nothing to come back with eh...? So you fall back on 1, changing the subject, 2, name calling, and 3, supposed management-ness. :rolleyes:

Who did u think I was talking about, British Airways? Ghana Airways...? So I left a few letters off, heh... I do it all the time, you sound real _ _ ranoid to push that theory. Even _acko...

Try harder than a missing U and S to insult me please. B)

Anyways, back to the discussion

Point is, jobs are tough to find now, and before people listen to the out of touch "militants" around here, they should go out and research the job market for themselves. What is wrong with that notion...? I do not want anyone to take my word for anything either, rather they should know for themselves.

If people can find at least a few promising prospects that will pay at/above what your current salary/benifits are, then more power to you. But if you cannot do so now, do not fool yourself into thinking it will be any better while unemployed...

And speaking of unemployment, you should really check to see exactly how much you are entitled to. Again, do not take my word for it, go to your state's unemployment compensation webpage, and look for yourself.

Waiting till others drive this place into liquidation is a bad time to know what your options are.

Good Luck