Afa To Challenge 21% Wage Cut In Court

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You are and the rest of the pilot group living "armageddon. You are enslaved to your salary, and I see no way out for you and your mind-set.

AFA members are in a different position. $30,000 a year average job out there are many.

We will not explain ourselves to you or your group.

The flight attendants will do what is in THEIR best interest by majority... not in the best interest of the pilots or this company, its management team or the stakeholders.

Better to conserve your energy for the CWA and IAM threads. That is surely where you should direct your appeals for mercy.


PitBull said: "The flight attendants will do what is in THEIR best interest by majority... not in the best interest of the pilots or this company and its management team."

USA320Pilot comments: Agreed, but you better hurry and you better meet a cost cut target greater than the "$116 million ask" or you will likely face "imposition" with no recourse.


You are full of it.

There is plenty of recourse, the judge cannot stop self-help, you can't force someone to come to work.

This is not Russia yet.

You are a scared scared man, you are terrified that other unions will have the gonads to shut this place down and not bend over and grab the ankles like alpa has done time after time.

700UW said:
You are full of it.

There is plenty of recourse, the judge cannot stop self-help, you can't force someone to come to work.

This is not Russia yet.

You are a scared scared man, you are terrified that other unions will have the gonads to shut this place down and not bend over and grab the ankles like alpa has done time after time.


SpinDoc Replies:

Of course this is not Russia, and you can't force
someone to come to work. What management
CAN and WILL do, is force those who don't come
to work to receive 0% of their pay while replacement
workers receive 100% pay. Very simple. There
are most likely quite a few F/A's working for Mesa,
Chautauqua, and other regional carriers who would
love to increase their wages by coming to work to
cover US F/A's who are exercising their "right" to
self help.

Don't forget, this is an employers market
right now due to the large number of furloughed
airline employees and I'm positive many out of
work F/A's and underemployed (regional) F/A's
would be happy to work for $29,000 and change.

Good luck to all. Just make sure you keep your
head about you and understand that US DOES
NOT NEED to keep ANY employee that does not
fit into the necessary requirements to keep the
ship above water.
ALPA bankruptcy counsel Richard Seltzer, widely respected as the best labor bankruptcy attorney is the business, told the MEC in "open session" he believes Judge Mitchell will prevent the "self help" option.

A strike would likely cause the ATSB to call in the guaranteed loans, which would lead the the liquidation of the company. Seltzer believes Mitchell wants the company to survive, which is why he ruled in favor of the company suring the S.1113(e) "imposition" process.

I agree that "you can't force someone to come to work" and S.1113© imposition does not do that, but an illegal job action could cause a contempt of court order. In the end, I believe the court will permit outsourcing if there is a slow down and then the company will further lower its unit costs with contract workers.


You cant just walk up from Mesa and be qualified on a 737, A320, 757, 767 or A330. Not that simple.

Seltzer is not the most well respected, I watched him in court, you had to seperate his lips from Lietch's buttocks. He did only asked one question of ALL the witnesses on the stand.

Mrs Sharon Levine Esq, is the most respected aviation labor bankruptcy attorney, and she made Seltzer look like an unqualified barister. Seltzer did not even sit with the REAL Attornies presenting the case.

Self-help is a viable option upon an abrogation per Mrs Levine, last time I checked she was an attorney, and I don't believe you are, so I would trust Mrs Levine over ANYTHING you say.

Amazing how scared you are.

And so be it if the loan gets called in and the company goes out of business, the employees have had enough, it is called LEVERAGE, something that you know nothing about.

And the last time I checked, Judge Mitchell did not give the company carte blanche is his ruling. Funny how you omit the facts.
700UW said:
And so be it if the loan gets called in and the company goes out of business, the employees have had enough, it is called LEVERAGE, something that you know nothing about.


If the company folds, there will undoubtedly be some clinging to the door on the way out sobbing "Please, please, please let me keep my job. I'll do anything. Just let me stay."

I think we both know who they are....


Are you really that stupid? The ATSB, creditor's, and the court could care less what you believe you and your colleagues believe you are worth. Every US Airways employee is being compared to the competition and the creditors are driving the airline, not management.

Do what you want but is 21% and the company's offer, which is the minimum of what will likely be "imposed", enough "pain" yet. I told you over and over you would see a lot of "pain" and it's my understanding it could get even worse.

It's your choice...but you're not going to beat the ATSB, Wall Street, and the Court.

Best regards,

Competition, WN makes more then any US Airways Employee, funny there are doing wonderful.

ATA, I-Air and HP the carriers you and your management buddies say we should emulate are losing their shorts too.

By the way, I am not stupid, you are, you open your wallet everytime Jerry Glass comes knocking.

See I can go get a job making what I am now, and I will when this place shuts down.

See I remember and so do many others do also who saw you love Dave, hate Dave and say you are going to take a foreign flying job and leave US, but a year later you are still here, I guess your word means nothing, but we all ready knew that. Then you were Dave's #1 cheerleader once again.

Amazing how scared you are that your Golden Goose is about to die and you might have to work for a living.
USA320Pilot said:

Very good point.



What happened to "Nobody wants to invest in a civil war."? Isn't that what your much esteemed advisor said? Are you saying he is wrong? Or are you wrong, again.

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  • #88
Spin Doc,

Speaking as a member of the labor work force for 24 years...USAirways is not the company to choose to work for. Trust, that many many of U f/as will leave this job, voluntarily...and the media is NOT kind to U. Potential employees out there will not come to USAirways looking for a job that they read about in the paper reading that thousands voluntarily Exited!
And when you go to hire off the street and beg for applicants, you will get what you pay for, and your loyal customers will move to other airlines where the employees are respected and valued by their managment and are much more satisfied with their work condition.
I recently flew on JetBlue and they had excellent energetic flight attendants whose pay and benefits are worse than US Airways' proposal to the AFA.

They said they will hire about 500 F/A's this year.


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You know absolutely nothing about JetBlue's wages or work conditions.

U f/as are paid lower than JetBlue's f/as presently by over $6.50 per hour, and grossly lower than when the Jet Blue f/a reaches 70 flight hours.

Don't spew what you blantantly don't know.

I know they are hiring, because we have had many of our flight attendants go over to JetBlue who got hired.