Whatnow? said:
OK, what are we doing here? Wasting time? Enough is Enough! Put this so-called HORRIFIC Tentative Agreement out for the masses to vote on, seems as though this is very similar to the September 10th Company proposal. My God, you people know how to beat a dead horse!
I respect your position. The manner in which the company is leading negotiations may very likely result in a labor meltdown. Should AFA send this proposal out for ratification? This proposal radically changes our contract and our future. Both for ourselves and the furloughees that may return to the company should it survive.
But let's start discussing some of the specifics of the proposal and the ramifications. Hopefully PITbull may be able to clarify some of these matters.
1. What is the projected number of furloughs simply due to the loss of the ITD fence and the loss of flying options. I'm more interested in the number of projected furloughs absent the voluntary furlough no recall. How many active flight attendants would the company require with the February schedule? How many active flight attendants with the 150 aircraft scheme?
2. Loss of pension. New DC plan. Will our members be able to provide for their retirements?
3. Long Term Disability. Better be careful out there. One year waiting period to collect 50% of your salary; 25% employee contribution (which I don't exactly understand. Will this be a deductible from our monthly paychecks?)
4. Fragmentation: the airline is sold and split up. Everyone is out of a job, even if the company prospers and is later sold.
5. Deadhead pay and credit. What are the scheduling ramifications? How many days might this add to your schedule?
6. Recall of Furloughees. This I consider to be a moral issue. Should someone that is recalled under this provision really be given a salary of 16 bucks an hour?
7. Monthly Flying Obligation. Under this clause the VP can change the flight time obligation for lineholders at ANY time, before or during the month. Is this fair? What will the disciplinary ramifications be?
8. Sick Bank: 60 hours max reserve and a bunch of stipulations.
9. 15% pay cut, in addition to all of the nickel and dime changes to per diem and premiums. All day pay. This will all add up to be a far more significant pay cut than simply 15%.
I'm just throwing issue out there for feedback as to what is necessary and reasonable. I do believe that the vast majority of flight attendants can find comparable and/or better career opportunities than this.
As for the VFNR, the most senior will leave and the most junior will likely quit. I'm sure that many would put in for the VFNR, but how many with 6-18 years seniority would be awarded it? I would think that it would be difficult to determine just what seniority level per base would be on reserve. So I would refute the idea that many more people will gain lines, as UYH contends. With the change in flying options, and resignations, seems hard to predict where people would stand as to bidding. The most senior on the 55 and 75 will now be flying the VP's 80-95. That eats away a lot of trips.
Is this the best that will be offered? Can AFA do better? Is this a job that you would still want? Are the benefits adequate for yourself and your family? Can you live on this salary? Can you comfortably retire?
Best to all,