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AAA ALPA Thread 9-14 to 9-21, East ALPA here

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Sure, but it's of no concern. Your entire pilot group is responsible for its current situation. No one else is responsible.

So if you are responsible for your group, you are a drunk, drug flying, scabing pilot like America West history shows.
Agreed..so's yours :lol: Kindly spare us any further "Town Meetings" wherein we've the need to break out tissues over your "stagnation"...and not getting "weekends off" with all of three whole years "seniority".

I've yet to see the need to switch finishing notions = "These guys are a continual source of amusement" 😉

I agree, it is a two way street-I am also often amused by what i read here. I am in no hurry as justice will eventually prevail. I will wait it out or be back at AA by the time it does. :up: I am not familiar with our groups predicament, do tell.......
I agree, it is a two way street-I am also often amused by what i read here. I am in no hurry as justice will eventually prevail, I will wait it out or be back at AA by the time it does. :up:

"as justice will eventually prevail"...Be carefull what you wish for..such might actually happen :lol:

PS: Thanks for the additional support for the AWA "Righteous Position" = If you don't get a St Nic Gift..you'll bail for American. I can't think of a more "noble" personal position to take than : "Waah!..I want Nic...or I'll flee back to American!!" You guys, and your imaginary "morality" fully crack me up 😉 Are you even, for the briefest moment, actually aware of how utterly selfish, and hypocritical your personal BS is? 😉 It takes no effort to readilly discern such...except, perhaps ...for you. You all are truly wasting your comic talents around here =LAS..trust me..you guys would be good at standup..at least in comedy, if not in the doings of your actual life 😉
"as justice will eventually prevail"...Be carefull what you wish for..such might actually happen :lol:

as in, what?? I just don't expect something, for nothing. I don't get wound around the axle about things like this, and for the record, I am TWA; so I know the pain. I just will not be held hostage by your kind.
as in, what?? I just don't expect something, for nothing. I don't get wound around the axle about things like this, and for the record, I am TWA; so I know the pain. I just will not be held hostage by your kind.

Wow!..TWA! 😉 Well..I'm Eastern/Real PSA...and now this sorry crap. Excuse me for puking at your arrogantly pretentious great knowledge of airline "pain" 😉

"I just don't expect something, for nothing." Well sir..you've fully got me fooled then :lol:

Keep up the "high moral pretense" if it makes shaving any easier 😉..and? best wishes on fleeing to American "if" Nic doesn't work out for you 😉
You and I ended up on the new list in the same position we left our old lists.

But, you did not!

Had Nicholau either added pilots to the east side or furloughed pilots from the west to equalized the working conditions, your inference of relative seniority might have some weight.

Otherwise, it is just blather.
Maybe you do. What is your date of hire with America West? Facts only, no hype.

Feb 04, so what? I promise, I have more than 12K turbine time. Not a newbie by any means. I said I feel your pain, I did not say I was sorry. You did this to yourselves, and I absolutely refuse to debate this. It will take care of it itself one way or another.
as in, what?? I just don't expect something, for nothing. I don't get wound around the axle about things like this, and for the record, I am TWA; so I know the pain. I just will not be held hostage by your kind.
Do you think the treatment, seniority wise of the TWA employees was handled fairly with American Airlines? Yes or no?
Maybe you do. What is your date of hire with America West? Facts only, no hype.

I was told he is A&W first job, could not get hired elsewhere. I don't have to wonder why.

"I promise, I have more than 12K turbine time."

Uh, 12k means, in that context, 12,000 hours flight time, not some mini-marathon run wearing turbans, like I think he means.
Feb 04, so what? I promise, I have more than 12K turbine time. Not a newbie by any means. I said I feel your pain, I did not say I was sorry. You did this to yourselves, and I absolutely refuse to debate this. It will take care of it itself one way or another.

"I promise, I have more than 12K turbine time." Wow! again...how about double that for starters and we'll talk :lol:

"I said I feel your pain," Thanks Mr Clinton...all's well now then :lol:

"I did not say I was sorry." There's a total surprise...and why should you be? You've got a whole 12K hours?, and even a very few years at AWA, and are a self entitled "wounded vet" from TWA 😉

Why don't you just scuffle off back to American? :lol: Your "righteous" AWA brethren must be appalled at your lack of allegiance anyways 😉

"A continual source of amusement" 😉
Do you think the treatment, seniority wise of the TWA employees was handled fairly with American Airlines? Yes or no?

It does not matter what I think. That said, no I think we deserved better but the scenario was different. We gave up our seniority rights before the deal was done- stupidly. This was an ARBITRATION, not a negotiation. You got here by your own doing.

I am not the one that has resorted to personal attacks and character assassination. I live in the DFW area, so AA is a no brainer for me. Don't want to commute for the rest of my career.
It does not matter what I think. That said, no I think we deserved better but the scenario was different. We gave up our seniority rights before the deal was done- stupidly. This was an ARBITRATION, not a negotiation. You got here by your own doing.

I am not the one that has resorted to personal attacks and character assassination. I live in the DFW area, so AA is a no brainer for me. Don't want to commute for the rest of my career.

On a serious note? = I wish you the best for getting back with American, and being able to have a life at home. This nightmare's certainly no decent place to work anymore. Were it not for the view, and the people I work with..I'd have long since been gone.

Take Care/Good Luck
Actually, most of your PSA guys and at least one DEN commuter are heading to PHX/LAS when it opens up so it'll be a bit more than 1%

And I'm laughing as I type this because we knew there wouldn't be these mass domicile grabs and were willing to negotiate some type of fences during MC negotiations.

But you guys wanted to take it all the way to DOH and instead opted for the med/arb route.

You had your chance and its long gone.

And as for our pay rates, they're not great but they're way better than yours!!

You guys, this, that, and it's your fault, if you had done such and such you wouldn't have brought this pain on yourself... blah, blah, blah.

Just like Prater won't sign the list, just like the AWA ALPA MEC won't condemn a sickout, just like AWA MEC won't comply with Rice, just like YOU won't condemn a sickout, NOT ONE of you on the West has any interest in talking about what is equitable and just.

And by the way, My pay etc. suit me just fine, but thanks for the concern. (Though I have now doubt that my payrate, work rules, and vacation are much better than yours, it really doesn't matter since my satisfaction isn't about having more than you.) :lol:
You guys, this, that, and it's your fault, if you had done such and such you wouldn't have brought this pain on yourself... blah, blah, blah.

Just like Prater won't sign the list, just like the AWA ALPA MEC won't condemn a sickout, just like AWA MEC won't comply with Rice, just like YOU won't condemn a sickout, NOT ONE of you on the West has any interest in talking about what is equitable and just.

And by the way, My pay etc. suit me just fine, but thanks for the concern. (Though I have now doubt that my payrate, work rules, and vacation are much better than yours, it really doesn't matter since my satisfaction isn't about having more than you.) :lol:

Don't even go there. By AWA posters' "logic"..the "award's Fair"...."there's no windfall"..."live on LOA93 forever".....and Alpo's the proper bastion of all that's right. If you confuse them by noting that Alpos' sitting on it's collective arse, and that there might, just possibly, be some reason for their inaction...that'll be all our "fault" again. These punks absolutely refuse to see ANY aspect of actual reality. It's like seeing kids around a Christmas Tree...waiting for old St Nic :lol: There's no thought involved here, other than "Gimme! GImme!! GIMME!!", emphasis on "ME!!"...I'm past taking them seriously. :lol:

As per "Brother Pilots"? I'm not interested in adopting anyone, and; I'd sooner sleep with at least a pair of rattlesnakes. At least the snakes' self centered existence, and "moral codes" would be understandable😉 Ok = That's some heavy ranting..but I'm sick to death of brain-dead twerps spouting off about "honor" or "integrity"...given that the vast majoirity of said twerps have never done zip for their country, or anyone else within, and wouldn't know any aspect of any true trial of one's "Honor", or "Integrity" if it hit them in the face.
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