Is not 700 people left better than 1320 at MCIE?
That depends on who you ask. The 700 that would be left would all be eligible for Social Security, but that's not my beef.
Pat Stewart and Campbell are to have a "town hall" meeting with us this evening, how enlightening that will be. Let's see, we'll probably discuss 3rd party work and furloughs in May or June if the contract work does not enter MCIE. My request to Stewart will be,
"please change, or at least freshen up the carrot you are dangling in front of us, it is stale and losing it's desireful attributes".
Why would management ever tell it's employees,
4 months in advance, that they are to be let go. There goes initiative and motivation for that dock. Then the same management will hold the floor level management responsible for making dehangar dates, no wonder we are losing the battle here.
Hopeful, if naative members were bumped, it was by 25% senioirty TWAers, imagine, a member with over 16 years of seniority bumping a 4 year man, I see your grief and am extremely heartfelt. Enough of the TWA/AA mantra, our discussing this further will change nothing and definately be non productive. Case closed in my opinion.
We, at TWA, did think that the IAM was less than a union that it had been in the 60's and the 70's. After seeing the TWU we would readily welcome the IAM back, well, maybe not readily, we are still waiting on our IAM withdrawal cards from Mr. Robert Roach Jr., what a guy.
The TWU, in my opinion only, have overstepped the level of rapport required to represent the membership. These town hall meetings, or may I say horse and pony shows, are not needed. We know there's another furlough coming, we know the state of the industry.
I plan on asking them about the two points Decision made in an earlier thread.
1. Why did they just now find a way to save 500M, through contract manipulation, and not in 2003 when they sought 180M less in concessions.
2. Why grow the airline when low yields and high occupancy are present at our present level of growth?
These, I think, are good food for thought, I'm sure Stewart will state "we'll get back with you on that!" I'm only going to ask to give the other employees here food for thought on the issues presented to TULE. I bet those options of contract change will never be mentioned here locally, what a place!
I wonder if they would entertain the thought of a volunteer early furlough? Cut me a check for my severance today and I'll load up the tool boxes tomorrow, allowing AA to get on with their productive management ways in a timely manner. Sounds like a good 3rd question.