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Aa To Spin Off Overhaul Maintenance

so hopeless what's your point? the topic is AA spinning off tul maintenance base
why say anything about IAM? TWU IS NOT IAM!!!!!!! DUH!!!!
you being somewhere else other that tul don't have a clue. JB is close to you why go to work for them? why do you post everything i said & not say anything about the topic? yeah,yeah more yap yap yap yap crap..get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ask yo'boy hackinoff to do the spell chk for you 😉
2004.................I have never heard that the AMFA does not care about unlicensed mechanics have you? Oh wait I am wrong I have heard this before. It was from a twu believer telling lies so that they can scare people into there warped way of thinking and protect there ub pay.
scab scraper said:
why say anything about IAM? TWU IS NOT IAM!!!!!!! DUH!!!!
ask yo'boy hackinoff to do the spell chk for you 😉

No but per Carmine, you are trying to copy the company-unionism contract at Harley...Harvard talks about Harley Davidson

Union leaders are responsible not only for representing the interests of their membership in the wake of real or proposed change, as had traditionally been the case, but also for convincing their members of the rightness of a tough decision.

Convince this.....


The union is pushing an initiative called High Performance Work Organization, which gives workers more responsibility for making continuous productivity improvements. Execs at Harley Davidson Inc. and International Specialty Products, a maker of chemicals and pharmaceuticals, credit the initiative for helping to revitalize inefficient factories. Using a similar program at Boeing, says Buffenbarger, would free up capital and resources that could be devoted to engineering and product improvement.

So what did the Machinists give up? First, they've accepted that outsourcing is a reality -- even though they still officially oppose it. Second, union leaders acknowledge that as Boeing plants become more efficient, there will be fewer jobs.
Business week
seed said:
Congrats? For what? We have seen our ranks shrink from some 4500 to 1320 approx. We have not seen a lease signing yet, and if and when it does get signed they will guarantee 700 of the 1320 jobs. Our "5 year fence" has been breached numerous times, we operate under 2 different contracts yet pay the same dues, we witnessed our contract open for concessions yet were not allowed the same contract in full, Congrats?

How about a good old congrats for allowing all the smoke to be piped up the cazoo, congrats?
Congrats for hanging around long enough to get furloughed at a lesser severance package, congrats?

How about congrats for not tearing this worthless workplace down, now that deserves a congrats!

You have got to be kidding me!

seed, I believe the poster was intending his best feelings for TWA AMTs.

But congrats for realizing the true nature of the twu.
This is funny. deleted whining about "staying on topic"! So your telling us that you know what "topic" means? Hew-weeee!! You must-a bin gitting some book learnin' from ma and pa lately, is you ready fer the tough subject of capital letters and sentence structure? Naw, that there is too complictated fer O' deleted. He gits fits 'an such when he can't figure out how to play checkers with ma, she always beats him. He'll go runnoft fer a spell 'an pout.

What's the matter deleted, don't want to talk about the iam? They are part of your omnipotent afl-cio are they not? They took concessions how many times? Still can't stop the red ink. Just like your worthless twu, except the twu has taken concessions since 1983. :down:

deleted, you continue to post your constant twu lies (easily disgarded) and 3rd grade rants here. I find it quite entertaining just reading (abeit trying to) the twisted thoughts of an uneducated twu zealot, whom most likely has never been off the farm.

Keep on gitting that there book learnin'..... we're right proud of ya. :blink: :huh: 🙄
Is not 700 people left better than 1320 at MCIE?

That depends on who you ask. The 700 that would be left would all be eligible for Social Security, but that's not my beef.

Pat Stewart and Campbell are to have a "town hall" meeting with us this evening, how enlightening that will be. Let's see, we'll probably discuss 3rd party work and furloughs in May or June if the contract work does not enter MCIE. My request to Stewart will be, "please change, or at least freshen up the carrot you are dangling in front of us, it is stale and losing it's desireful attributes".

Why would management ever tell it's employees, 4 months in advance, that they are to be let go. There goes initiative and motivation for that dock. Then the same management will hold the floor level management responsible for making dehangar dates, no wonder we are losing the battle here.

Hopeful, if naative members were bumped, it was by 25% senioirty TWAers, imagine, a member with over 16 years of seniority bumping a 4 year man, I see your grief and am extremely heartfelt. Enough of the TWA/AA mantra, our discussing this further will change nothing and definately be non productive. Case closed in my opinion.

We, at TWA, did think that the IAM was less than a union that it had been in the 60's and the 70's. After seeing the TWU we would readily welcome the IAM back, well, maybe not readily, we are still waiting on our IAM withdrawal cards from Mr. Robert Roach Jr., what a guy.

The TWU, in my opinion only, have overstepped the level of rapport required to represent the membership. These town hall meetings, or may I say horse and pony shows, are not needed. We know there's another furlough coming, we know the state of the industry.

I plan on asking them about the two points Decision made in an earlier thread.

1. Why did they just now find a way to save 500M, through contract manipulation, and not in 2003 when they sought 180M less in concessions.

2. Why grow the airline when low yields and high occupancy are present at our present level of growth?

These, I think, are good food for thought, I'm sure Stewart will state "we'll get back with you on that!" I'm only going to ask to give the other employees here food for thought on the issues presented to TULE. I bet those options of contract change will never be mentioned here locally, what a place!

I wonder if they would entertain the thought of a volunteer early furlough? Cut me a check for my severance today and I'll load up the tool boxes tomorrow, allowing AA to get on with their productive management ways in a timely manner. Sounds like a good 3rd question.
seed said:
I wonder if they would entertain the thought of a volunteer early furlough? Cut me a check for my severance today and I'll load up the tool boxes tomorrow, allowing AA to get on with their productive management ways in a timely manner. Sounds like a good 3rd question.

FYI...Stand in Stead is an option if available. Despite the lies the twu said about stand in stead, it is available for those not of retirement age. I know they went around and told people here you must be of retirement age but the fact is you can get the money and quit, I've seen it done several times now. Remember, don't leave angry, leave angry with more money. :up: :up:
AMFAMAN, I'm really not angry as much as I am sick of the work environment. You have , at AA , a management team that assumes you are believing every word they state as gospel. After many years in the industry a person can readily recognize "smoke" as it's pumped, yet AA management continues to yell "GO TEAM" as they gouge your benefits and shred your contract language, great place, glad they "welcomed" me to the family.

Then you have the union split, AMFA vs TWU. I don't see where either one of them is worth the dues $$$. AMFA, though it has been in existence since the 60's, is still growing and learning. AMFA now is vulnerable to the strength of it's members, which currently is not impressive. Sure they voted to strike, but did they not accept the BK judges BS without a fight.

And the TWU, well, you know better than I. Isn't it great to see Burchette and Romano share a video? I wonder what else they share. This is exactly why I feel union and management should stay on their respective sides, and each do their jobs. The rapport required to operate efficiently has been reached and surpassed with the TWU/AA relationship. By the TWU being so close with management, the TWU now assumes part of the responsibility that comes to running an airline, instead of doing the job they were hired to do, representing their dues paying members and upholding our contract. Our scope agreement is so poorly written that now, with the assistance of the TWU, AA can now attempt to save 500M by 2006.

You have to ask yourselves here, who are the unfortunate ones, the ones furloughed and yet to be furloughed, or the ones remaining. I will look into the SIS and see if I can assist AA in making this a more productive company by my early departure.
seed said:
AMFAMAN, I'm really not angry as much as I am sick of the work environment. You have , at AA , a management team that assumes you are believing every word they state as gospel. After many years in the industry a person can readily recognize "smoke" as it's pumped, yet AA management continues to yell "GO TEAM" as they gouge your benefits and shred your contract language, great place, glad they "welcomed" me to the family.

Then you have the union split, AMFA vs TWU. I don't see where either one of them is worth the dues $$$. AMFA, though it has been in existence since the 60's, is still growing and learning. AMFA now is vulnerable to the strength of it's members, which currently is not impressive. Sure they voted to strike, but did they not accept the BK judges BS without a fight.

And the TWU, well, you know better than I. Isn't it great to see Burchette and Romano share a video? I wonder what else they share. This is exactly why I feel union and management should stay on their respective sides, and each do their jobs. The rapport required to operate efficiently has been reached and surpassed with the TWU/AA relationship. By the TWU being so close with management, the TWU now assumes part of the responsibility that comes to running an airline, instead of doing the job they were hired to do, representing their dues paying members and upholding our contract. Our scope agreement is so poorly written that now, with the assistance of the TWU, AA can now attempt to save 500M by 2006.

You have to ask yourselves here, who are the unfortunate ones, the ones furloughed and yet to be furloughed, or the ones remaining. I will look into the SIS and see if I can assist AA in making this a more productive company by my early departure.
If I remember correctly AMFA and the membership said that they would strike if the judge abrogated there contract(terminated) which they did not. SO............. I think that the AMFA did what the membership wanted.
scab scraper said:
so hopeless what's your point? the topic is AA spinning off tul maintenance base
why say anything about IAM? TWU IS NOT IAM!!!!!!! DUH!!!!
you being somewhere else other that tul don't have a clue. JB is close to you why go to work for them? why do you post everything i said & not say anything about the topic? yeah,yeah more yap yap yap yap crap..get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>
ask yo'boy hackinoff to do the spell chk for you 😉

Scab, you often reference AMFA PUKES this and AMFA PUKES that. AMFA at UAL did this, AMFA at NWA did that.

Why have you not referenced IAM PUKES did this and that at USAIR?
& the TOPIC is..."AA to spin off overhaul maintenance" why is it so difficult for you amfa(PUKE) boys to understand that?
hopeless, it is amfa(PUKE) this amfa(PUKE)that is what isaid & what i always say.
history shows amfa(PUKE) destroys lives as well as communities as well as jobs in the airline industry..................get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
scab scraper said:
& the TOPIC is..."AA to spin off overhaul maintenance" why is it so difficult for you amfa(PUKE) boys to understand that?
hopeless, it is amfa(PUKE) this amfa(PUKE)that is what isaid & what i always say.
history shows amfa(PUKE) destroys lives as well as communities as well as jobs in the airline industry..................get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Once again, you fail to mention the spineless IAM boys bending over at USAIR.

Did they not destroy lives by BENDING over their membership?
I suppose what the TWU is doing in TUL to try and save AA $500,000,000.00 won't affect members lives. Didn't the TWU say that the concession package we took was to preserve jobs? Quite a good number of people lost their jobs at AA since the concessions started.
Didn't TUL lose jobs? The line stations? They are still in the process of laying off line cargo people?
How many people were affected in TULSA with the 2001 debacle? Thanks to Koziatek.

So you say AMFA destroys lives? The TWU slowly weakens and demoralizes its members while the TWU leadership protect their pay and benefits.

Some union, eh SCAB?

Did Little and Co. take their part in shared sacrifice?
scab scraper said:
& the TOPIC is..."AA to spin off overhaul maintenance" why is it so difficult for you amfa(PUKE) boys to understand that?
hopeless, it is amfa(PUKE) this amfa(PUKE)that is what isaid & what i always say.
history shows amfa(PUKE) destroys lives as well as communities as well as jobs in the airline industry..................get this>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Hey, guy......show a little class.

I suspect many readers of this forum read a couple lines and no more. If you were to clean it up a little many more would read your posts, and your ideas would be considered instead of being unread.

I read all ideas unless vulgarities, insults, or ad hominum atacks bore me.
I think "Scabby" is the best AMFA organizer we've ever had! :up: The more he posts the more AMFA cards we get signed! :up: Thanks "Scabby"! :wub:
Wretched Wrench said:
Hey, guy......show a little class.

I suspect many readers of this forum read a couple lines and no more. If you were to clean it up a little many more would read your posts, and your ideas would be considered instead of being unread.

I read all ideas unless vulgarities, insults, or ad hominum atacks bore me.

Agreed. Folks, shape up, or ship out.

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