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World Airline Training Society on FAR 66: The Story Continues.

When the window opens clink on the link at the top to display as a powerpoint presentation.

World Airline Training Society Sponsors

Bob Owens,

From the link above, you can guess that the NPRM for Part 66 is not dead, just dormant.

The fact is that whether Democrats or Republicans have held particular houses of Congress they have failed the working man in aviation.

Democrats held both houses during the passage of the ADA of 1978 and they also failed to fund the LPPs during that time period and up to this very day.

Tell me when the business of government was held up by a fillibuster from Senate Democrats so that the promise within the LPPs of the ADA of 1978 could be fulfilled: yet these same SOBs will give us lengthy speeches about the failure of the Bush Administration to fully fund the, "No Child Left Behind Act."

It is the parents, homes and futures of those same children that are being lost because the promise behind the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was left as empty as the bill passed by Kennedy and Daschle allowing the airlines and steel to continue to shortfund our pensions even though they had been warned against such action.

In both cases, it was prominent Democrats that recieved substantial support from the AFL-CIO and My Union Dues who failed to perform. The simple fact is that the AFL-CIO and the Unions have failed to serve the working man because they have allowed politicians like Ted Kennedy to give us a show full of rhetoric and no substance.
Boomer said:
World Airline Training Society on FAR 66: The Story Continues.

When the window opens clink on the link at the top to display as a powerpoint presentation.

World Airline Training Society Sponsors
Bob Owens,

From the link above, you can guess that the NPRM for Part 66 is not dead, just dormant.

The fact is that whether Democrats or Republicans have held particular houses of Congress they have failed the working man in aviation.

Democrats held both houses during the passage of the ADA of 1978 and they also failed to fund the LPPs during that time period and up to this very day.

Tell me when the business of government was held up by a fillibuster from Senate Democrats so that the promise within the LPPs of the ADA of 1978 could be fulfilled: yet these same SOBs will give us lengthy speeches about the failure of the Bush Administration to fully fund the, "No Child Left Behind Act."

It is the parents, homes and futures of those same children that are being lost because the promise behind the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was left as empty as the bill passed by Kennedy and Daschle allowing the airlines and steel to continue to shortfund our pensions even though they had been warned against such action.

In both cases, it was prominent Democrats that recieved substantial support from the AFL-CIO and My Union Dues who failed to perform. The simple fact is that the AFL-CIO and the Unions have failed to serve the working man because they have allowed politicians like Ted Kennedy to give us a show full of rhetoric and no substance.

Thanks for the info on Part 66.

Now for the politics.

Once again its pretty remarkable how two Democrats, can get something put in place against the wishes of the Republicans when they control both houses, the Executive and even the Judicial.

The fact is that if the Republicans were against it the measure would not have passed.
Are the Democrats pro-labor? No, but the Republicans, in general, have been shown to be anti-Labor.

I dont feel that workers should support either of them, I feel we need a real Labor Party.

To sit and defend the actions of Bush today because of what Clinton or Kennedy did 10 years ago or 25 years ago doesnt do us any good. It appears that you are supporting Bush's actions.

The fact is that Bush has been the most hostile President workers have ever seen. From trying to flood the labor market with immigrants, to stepping in on strikes, to going after Social Security, to bankrupting the country in his own personal crusades, to curtailing the peoples rights to see into the government while the same time increasing the governments right to see into the personal lives of the people, the list goes on and on. Would Kerry have been better? Who cares, we have to deal with Bush and to defend his actions against us by saying that Kennedy did this or Clinton did that is supporting what Bush is doing to us. The votes are done, the question is just because he won does that mean that we all have to support whatever he chooses to do? Especially when those things are harmful to us? Did our right to look out for our best interests stop at the ballot box?
Bob Owens said:
The fact is that Bush has been the most hostile President workers have ever seen. From trying to flood the labor market with immigrants, to stepping in on strikes

What a crock of $#it, Bob.

Most would say Reagan, the greatest president of the 20th century, holds that title, but Kennedy convened 30 PEBs during his short five years in office.

Since 1960, Democrats have used the PEB (61 times) more than Republicans (41 times), which is ironic considering how few Democrats have held the presidency and how much labor supports the Democratic party.

Bush II = 4 (2 being UA/IAM and NW/AMFA)
Clinton = 12 (1 being AA/APA)
Bush I = 4
Reagan = 18 (13 of them dealing with either the LIRR or PATH)
Carter = 10
Ford = 5
Nixon = 10
Johnson = 9
Kennedy = 30

Clinton also resumed the trend of stopping strikes in the airline industry. Before that, there hadn't been a PEB used with airline unions since 1966.


I do fault Bush for not taking a harsher stance on illegal immigration right now, and he didn't do much about when he was governer of Texas. But also don't overlook the fact that it peaked during the Clinton years.

And let's not mention all the H1B visa's issued to support the Dot Com boom... Didn't see the Dems complaining about all the tech jobs going to foreign nationals instead of those who were actually born here.... Kalifornia didn't mind having all the tax revenue from all those imported workers.

To circle all that back to airlines, the dot com bubble bursting is what started the current economic downturn. 9/11 just made an already bad situation worse.
If you are referring to President Kennedy, he never made it to five years. He was assasinated in 1963.
Bob Owens,

In fact, I do support President Bush over any of the current crop of Democrats.

The Democratic Party has held the endorsement of the AFL-CIO despite repeated actions of Democratic stalwarts and the Party which undermined labor in general and the airline industry in specific.

Likewise, the TWU has never criticised the AFL-CIO or threatened to leave it and the Democratic Party despite all that both have done to harm their members: the Teamsters, Carpenters Union and recently the IAM have all taken action against institutions that harm their members interests.

With reference to the ability to pass legislation through both chambers of Congress: neither holds the ability to over-ride, or, in the case of the Senate, to call for cloture. I clearly indicated that both parties wished to move the issue from the general election debate because it would tend to create a pox on both of their houses.

Again, Kennedy sponsored Deregulation for the Airline Industry AND sold LPPs to the Unions as the price for passage while refusing to push for funding of the LPPS on an equal footing. Meanwhile he criticises the Bush Administration for failing to fully fund, "the No Child Left Behind Act," while his failure to fund the LPPs in the ADA of 1978 has left the parents of those children open to the loss of homes, futures and hope.
Boomer,Feb 2 2005, 05:02 AM]
Bob Owens,

In fact, I do support President Bush over any of the current crop of Democrats.

That really wasnt the question. The question is do you support the acts that Bush has taken that harm us and are you willing to speak against those acts even though the Democrats might take advantage of that criticism?

Its sort of like being pro-union but being willing to recognize and work against the failings of the union even though anti-union forces may try to use what you say.
ModerAAtor,Feb 2 2005, 03:55 AM]

Most would say Reagan, the greatest president of the 20th century, holds that title, but Kennedy convened 30 PEBs during his short five years in office.

It figures you would think that the President who ushered in the Greatest transfer of wealth from the middle to the upper classes in the history of civilization is the Greatest President of the 20th century.

Most people would say that FDR was the Greatest President.

Kennedy was not in office 5 years.

Since 1960, Democrats have used the PEB (61 times) more than Republicans (41 times), which is ironic considering how few Democrats have held the presidency and how much labor supports the Democratic party.

Well actually the Democrats held office for 20 years vs 22 years for the Republicans. Also PEBs are not the only time the President can interfere such as the Longshoremans Strike.

Bush II = 4 (2 being UA/IAM and NW/AMFA)
Clinton = 12 (1 being AA/APA) No PEB was convened
Bush I = 4
Reagan = 18 (13 of them dealing with either the LIRR or PATH)
Carter = 10
Ford = 5
Nixon = 10
Johnson = 9
Kennedy = 30

The overwhelming majority of the PEBs were in the Railroads.

Clinton also resumed the trend of stopping strikes in the airline industry.

The trend? How do you define a trend? One occurance? You must be one of the Supervisors in charge of Sick time counseling?

Before that, there hadn't been a PEB used with airline unions since 1966.

No instead Reagan and Bush allowed Airlines to take advantage of poor economies-the result of their policies- and use BK to get contracts voided.

I do fault Bush for not taking a harsher stance on illegal immigration right now, and he didn't do much about when he was governer of Texas. But also don't overlook the fact that it peaked during the Clinton years.

Illegal immigration peaked during the Clinton years because of the prosperity of the country and the fact that there was a shortage of labor. Thats not the case now but Bush wants to continue to overlook illegal immigration so that these people will compete for jobs with Americans and drive down wages. While the Clinton Administration did not agressively crackdown Bush is promoting it.

And let's not mention all the H1B visa's issued to support the Dot Com boom... Didn't see the Dems complaining about all the tech jobs going to foreign nationals instead of those who were actually born here.... Kalifornia didn't mind having all the tax revenue from all those imported workers.

You mean Shwartzeheggers state?

To circle all that back to airlines, the dot com bubble bursting is what started the current economic downturn. 9/11 just made an already bad situation worse.

And the lack of response and cash burn did not help either. AA was still hiring new workers well into 2002.

Like 2004 said, we are way off topic here. Do you care to comment on the latest rumor that AA might spin off overhaul?
<_< I can see it now! a.a. will have us bidding on "C" check work with Baba from Tupala Miss.!!!!No disrespect for the Great State of Mississippi, but I do believe that's a "Right to work cheaper" State also! 😛

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