World Airline Training Society on FAR 66: The Story Continues.
When the window opens clink on the link at the top to display as a powerpoint presentation.
World Airline Training Society Sponsors
Bob Owens,
From the link above, you can guess that the NPRM for Part 66 is not dead, just dormant.
The fact is that whether Democrats or Republicans have held particular houses of Congress they have failed the working man in aviation.
Democrats held both houses during the passage of the ADA of 1978 and they also failed to fund the LPPs during that time period and up to this very day.
Tell me when the business of government was held up by a fillibuster from Senate Democrats so that the promise within the LPPs of the ADA of 1978 could be fulfilled: yet these same SOBs will give us lengthy speeches about the failure of the Bush Administration to fully fund the, "No Child Left Behind Act."
It is the parents, homes and futures of those same children that are being lost because the promise behind the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was left as empty as the bill passed by Kennedy and Daschle allowing the airlines and steel to continue to shortfund our pensions even though they had been warned against such action.
In both cases, it was prominent Democrats that recieved substantial support from the AFL-CIO and My Union Dues who failed to perform. The simple fact is that the AFL-CIO and the Unions have failed to serve the working man because they have allowed politicians like Ted Kennedy to give us a show full of rhetoric and no substance.
When the window opens clink on the link at the top to display as a powerpoint presentation.
World Airline Training Society Sponsors
Bob Owens,
From the link above, you can guess that the NPRM for Part 66 is not dead, just dormant.
The fact is that whether Democrats or Republicans have held particular houses of Congress they have failed the working man in aviation.
Democrats held both houses during the passage of the ADA of 1978 and they also failed to fund the LPPs during that time period and up to this very day.
Tell me when the business of government was held up by a fillibuster from Senate Democrats so that the promise within the LPPs of the ADA of 1978 could be fulfilled: yet these same SOBs will give us lengthy speeches about the failure of the Bush Administration to fully fund the, "No Child Left Behind Act."
It is the parents, homes and futures of those same children that are being lost because the promise behind the passage of the Airline Deregulation Act of 1978 was left as empty as the bill passed by Kennedy and Daschle allowing the airlines and steel to continue to shortfund our pensions even though they had been warned against such action.
In both cases, it was prominent Democrats that recieved substantial support from the AFL-CIO and My Union Dues who failed to perform. The simple fact is that the AFL-CIO and the Unions have failed to serve the working man because they have allowed politicians like Ted Kennedy to give us a show full of rhetoric and no substance.