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Aa To Spin Off Overhaul Maintenance

AAmech said:
Your catching on to amfa's tactics FWAAA.   The amfa organizers stay negative on the TWU because they really have nothing positive to say about their own organization.  They've been back in business since around 1998 and its been one disaster after another at the companies where they are the bargaining agent!
Delle actually does talk about the future quite a bit because its the PRESENT he doesn't want to discuss!  And with his track record I wouldn't want to discuss it either!

The TWU list of anti-AMFA material that has been distributed far exceeds anything negative the AMFA organizers could attempt.

I will even give a few visual examples....




Of Course we wouldn't leave out the transcript of RATFEST '99 starring Burchette and Kruse...

Ratfest 1999 Transcript

Another example of widely distributed anti-AMFA negative TWU material...

AMFA Gives Away the Store - TWU Informer

Here is one directly from TWU Local 514 President Burchette.

Anti-AMFA Letter from Dennis Burchette

SO...Tell us Mr. AA MECH, why don't you hold your own union to the same standards you wish to hold AMFA?
Decision 2004 said:
That is like asking a chicken to soar with pride and conduct itself like an Eagle.

You cannot implement craft union philosophies into an industrial union. There is NO such thing as a hybrid.
So when are you going to join all those acft mechs and get a license, instead of riding on our coat tails?

What do you expect to gain if AMFA were to spread its magic over AA? They still will need a welder to fix jet ways?
j7915 said:
So when are you going to join all those acft mechs and get a license, instead of riding on our coat tails?

What do you expect to gain if AMFA were to spread its magic over AA? They still will need a welder to fix jet ways?

Well that did not take very long. Somehow I knew that Mr. Industrial Unionist would show his face.

If welders are needed to fix jetways, (and many other things) why does he need a license? You attack him because he chose a profession and is proud of that profession, yet you on the other condone the lowering of wages and benefits. Your answer to the strife of the industry is to be the lapdog of the company. There is one thing for sure; you believe in the dues collection abilities of the AFL-CIO even at the degrading of the mechanic and related profession and the people that belong to it.

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