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Aa To Spin Off Overhaul Maintenance

your in bad standing Ken Now go pay your union dues and we will forget about the whole thing. :up:
Not to state the organizers at other locals were unprofessional, I have never met them, I meant only that the ones at MCIE left a whole lot to be desired.

I am through discussing this AMFA/TWU diatribe, I find it very unproductive. Again, beat yourselves up over it as our livelihood slips on by.
seed said:
Not to state the organizers at other locals were unprofessional, I have never met them, I meant only that the ones at MCIE left a whole lot to be desired.

I am through discussing this AMFA/TWU diatribe, I find it very unproductive. Again, beat yourselves up over it as our livelihood slips on by.

You stated that AMFA should have brought in professional organizers. You need to understand that it is the mechanics themselves who are the organizers. There are no professional organizers for AMFA at any American Airlines location. They mechanics may be professionals, but they are not paid to organize.

Could you offer a few suggestions as to how we can prevent our livlihoods from slipping by?
seed said:
Let's just keep arguing about "who's dog can whoop who's dog", I bet that will work Buck.

Could you offer a few suggestions as to how we can prevent our livlihoods from slipping by?
Not sure Buck, but this whole situation is very frustrating. It's as if we're in a fight, and someone has a hold of our arms, limiting our swing.

I agree with the post I read about the industry using this oil issue to assist in breaking the unions, it's working, and working well. I see no help, or sympathy, coming from the pilots or the F/A's. I read where they see our jobs beeing 100% outsourced , securing their longevity with their respective companies, isn't that just great! The outrageous cost of labor!

As Decision stated earlier, get your "exit stradegy" in line.
Not to state the organizers at other locals were unprofessional, I have never met them, I meant only that the ones at MCIE left a whole lot to be desired.

I am through discussing this AMFA/TWU diatribe, I find it very unproductive. Again, beat yourselves up over it as our livelihood slips on by.

Arguing or not the twu is not the answer history has proved this over and over. The twu is the reason we are in the position we are in. The twu gave it away and the company took it all willingly. I dont see how staying with the twu can get us better pay or benefits. They have not gotten us a contract without some sort of concession in over 15 years. Yet you still feel they can get us out of this mess. I no longer have any faith in them. They are like the compony gang of greed "untouchable". Thier standard of living increases every contract while yours goes down :down: enough is enough !!
seed, "Not sure Buck, but this whole situation is very frustrating. It's as if we're in a fight, and someone has a hold of our arms, limiting our swing."

It is the twu holding our arms back all the while sucker punching us from behind.
O SCABMASTER dAAve the only thing i know being spun off is YOU to another work area :lol:
it seems like those boys got tired of your blah,blah,blah about how great amfa(PUKE) is ................I LOVE IT>>>>ANOTHER SCABFREE shop!!!!! :up:
spin that!!!!!!!

check this out O SCABMATER.......
HEY SCAB SCRAPER, I bet you can't wait to vote YES for the next TWU/AA concessions deal,can you? By the way,where is the AFL-CIO? They really stood their ground at USAIR and UNITED didn't they? AMERICAN FEDERATION OF LOSERS-CONCESSIONARY INDUSTRIAL ORGANIZATION.
scab scraper said:
O SCABMASTER dAAve the only thing i know being spun off is YOU to another work area :lol:
it seems like those boys got tired of your blah,blah,blah about how great amfa(PUKE) is ................I LOVE IT>>>>ANOTHER SCABFREE shop!!!!! :up:
spin that!!!!!!!

check this out O SCABMATER.......
Eww-weee, looks like someone pried butt scrapers lips offin that there supervisor.


:shock: :lol:
Seems this spin-off rumor may have something to do with MCI and the 25 year lease agreement being completed.
Decision 2004 said:
Seems this spin-off rumor may have something to do with MCI and the 25 year lease agreement being completed.
<_< Decision----- It seems to me that your trying to steer the pot here fellow! Why would a.a. just spin off two Docks into, I assuming, a stand-alone Company! Because, that's what their leaseing for Twenty-Five years! two docks, and some vacant shop space! Unless there's some big 3rd party Contract out there that no one knows about? I just don't think so! :down:
The "spin" would come after the total shutdown of MCIE. The lease has yet to be signed. Now who's to say that AA would not start a 3rd party labor subsidiary of the remaining hangars of MCIE, and rehire those furloughed at $8/hr. Sign me up Gerald!
Decision has a knack for predicting all sorts of doom and gloom; not too many of his prognostications turn out to be accurate, however.

In the thread below, Decision said that the A-300s were going to be grounded and that MCI maintenance ops would be closed:


Didn't happen. A-300s still flying and MCI's future extended.

Glad he's not a weatherman. Forecasts leave a lot to be desired.

Congrats to the good people of MCI.

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