Some (I beleive former OZ) were saying that the result of the AA/twa pilot integration was the same as the twa/OZ pilot integration.
...Some (I beleive former OZ) were saying that the result of the AA/twa pilot integration was the same as the twa/OZ pilot integration.
"Some" saying it doesn't make it so. There are "some" ex oz pilots who like to claim they were stapled. They were not. They did get DOH.
If aa/TW had been done by DOH, even with restrictions and fences semiliar to oz/TW, (which were both directions, but worse for the OZ pilots...), there would be somewhere near 1000 former TW pilots still flying for aa who are now furloughed, hundreds of those still flying Captain, some in bases other than STL, and other things.
That 1000 number is a guess/wag/estimation...but it is in the ballpark.
Put another way, around '91/92, TW/oz shrunk approx the same percentage as aa/TW has since 9-11. No former oz pilots were furloughed during that "contraction". (that's none, zero, nada...) ~75% of the former TW pilots have been furloughed since 9-11.
It is not meant to start a class war...or to rehash the integration, so just don't go there. It is to show the comment that "the result of the AA/twa pilot integration was the same as the twa/OZ pilot integration" as the lie that it is.
That statement is simply not true.
The results are not the same.
As far as "what goes around comes around", maybe. Ironic, however, that not one of the TW pilots responsible for the make-up of the TW/oz integration was anywhere near the property in 2001.