Ozark got their seniority but the twaers did not want to give it to them. Ozark was not a failed company in bankrupcy so their contracts, including scope and LLPs, HAD to be honored. twa bought the stock-the company; as where AA just bought certain assets in a liquidation. Even though the Ozark pilots got DOH, they still got screwed according to a former Ozark/twa pilot I talked to. Imagined what would have happened to the Ozark people (especially pilots) if 9/11 and everything else had happened right after twa bought Ozark.
Your just upset that Ozark got full DOH systemwide and you didn't with AA; thats it, isn't it?
Obviously you know very little about labor. Rule is, surviving union decides. The only reason we (the f/as ) balked at all was the AFA wanted as much as 7 to 1. Seven of theirs to one of ours. (we had 5000 on strike). Then the Co "suggested" merging only active employees. With 5000 full term strikers still on the street, that wasn't going to happen. I know because I was testifying in the bad faith bargaining federal trial. Our union's President ALWAYS said, "we will give them DOH, it is the right thing to do". We did not have to give anything. There were no LPPs or SCOPE at that time. Bottom line is we did give them DOH. It WAS the right thing to do and I don't know of anyone who regretted that decision. Now, once again, because of our TWA seniority, I do NOT think we should have received DOH. I do however, think that either pure fences (JFK and STL) or slotting @ 4 to 1. (4 AA- 1 TWA should have been fair) Didn't happen, won't happen. The main issue NOW is getting people back to work. As we ARE AA f/as. it will be interesting to see if the APFA is as aggressive in protecting our meager seniority IF another merger occurs.