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AA flight attendants

Are you that uneducated on the grievance procedure which is regulated by Federal Law.
Maybe we should tell Doug to pay you minimum wage, hey your CBA means nothing using your logic.
Unreal, you are a member of a union yet you dont support your future coworkers and their CBA and arbitrations, and the jury is still out on what will happen.
Waiting for your proof of the "precedent setting" case you keep harping on. I too have heard the DOH/FCFS has been settled and will be used by all mid-summer.
And yes Genius, I support my future coworkers, I will abide by whatever ruling ultimately plays out. With 31 years, it won't matter much.
I'll be waiting for your info...
It was posted before, if you want to see it, go to the AFA web page;
700UW said:
Its not my CBA, the AFA won an arbitration on it. another poster said he believed the grievance was denied when refiled, that isnt correct, it goes to the next step, but actually a grievance doesnt need to be filed as the arbitration is precedent setting and if the company changes it, the AFA goes to court.
I will see if I can find it.
Guess you couldn't find it...
700UW said:
No wonder why AA has gotten everything from you all. You have no spine to stand up for what's right.
Why would anyone fight for something that the majority don't want anyway?
Pick your battles, live to fight another day-- for the stuff that *actually* matters
The Company's announcement to adopt the First-come, First-served (FCFS) process for pass travel has created much controversy. Over the past week, we have heard from many of you voicing your discontent with your many phone calls as well as numerous emails. The future travel policy is a violation of our contract language. On January 7, 2014 the US Airways MEC filed Grievance #2014-001-30-99-02 based on the Company's decision to unilaterally amend the Company's pass travel policy without prior notice or negotiation with the Union.
AFA is committed to enforcing our contractual language.
I see nothing about "precedent setting", but OK, stay tuned...
The MEC President Roger Holliman has put it out before, want to know more research it.
700UW said:
Do you realize the AFA still represents PMUS and have all ready filed a grievance against the change? And if the APFA fails to enforce the CBA the can be sued for DFR.
Now that you have been proved totally wrong in the Nicolau arbitration of the USAirways pilots (I notice you disappeared from that thread....thank you so much...you are not missed), you have found another thread to "impress" everyone with your self-awarded "unmatched knowledge" of everything union.
Totally wrong?
Do you have a combined CBA yet?
Nope you dont.
From the AFA Web Page:
The Association of Flight Attendants (AFA-CWA) filed a grievance in February 2007 citing contract language in our Collective Bargaining Agreement that Flight Attendants use their date of initial training or Seniority Integration Date (SID), whichever is applicable, to determine non-revenue boarding. It should be noted that AFA-CWA is the only labor group on the property that has contractual language to determine non-revenue boarding based on a specific date.

The Company denied the grievance based on their interpretation that Company policy, rather than contract language, determined non-revenue boarding. An arbitration to hear the dispute was scheduled for November 29 and 30, 2007. Shortly before the arbitration, the Company cancelled the arbitration and a series of settlement talks ensued.

Since Company policy cannot trump contract language, the Company agreed with the Union's position regarding full date of hire, or SID, to determine non-revenue boarding and agreed to settle the grievance.

That was the East, and the West has an arbitration case.
There are some annoying folks on here at times but 700 takes the cake with his self important I'm smarter than you attitude.

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