I posted this data before. I repeat it here for edification:
FCFS/DOH Statistics from
American Airline drops below 60,000 employees for the first time since 1987:
AA 59,574 employees (FTE) FCFS
WN 45,861 employess (FTE) FCFS
UA 83,383 employees (FTE) DOH
DL 72,529 emplyeees (FTE) DOH
US 30,310 employees (FTE) DOH
If I have done the calculations correctly, among the major US arlines, 64% of FTE (full-time equivalent) employees (the majority) presently enjoy DOH boarding, while just 36% enjoy FCFS.
Both systems appears to work - in union and non-union shops.
If/when US/AA go to FTFS (First Through First Served) then it becomes 53% DOH vs 47% FCFS (at least until 30K employess from the combined US/AA are let go).
I guess I was just reacting to pejorative and dismissive statements such as "And not just a few more
. A lot more.The majority are not going to be overruled to please a select few senior folks at USAir", "Seriously, some of you airways folks are making a mountain out of a molehill", and "why we should adopt a nonrev priority system that only a few people support". I need to stop reacting. Clearly everyone can post statements and opinions (factual or not) at very little cost on these forums. I guess it's kind of a pubic service.
But back to your challenge. I do not have "a compelling reason why we should adopt a nonrev priority system that only a few people support". Based on the grievances filed by the unions representing certain US bargaining units I would delimit your assertion "only a few people support". That said, I can only say (based on data and cursory observation) that 1. Both system work (data), 2. Both systems appear to have their ardent fans (observation), 3. Pre and post US/AA merger more major US airline employes will be DOH (data). I cannot conclude that either system is more or less "fairer".
ad astra per {DFW,LAX,ORD,MIA,CLT,PHL,PHX?} at least if you live in Kansas...