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AA fascination with HP/US merger

aafsc said:
2. Your second sentence is true. But it is similar to AA/TW in that one airline is on life support in bk with a very senior workforce and will die without a partner (HP and it's junior workforce)


You continually throw in this incorrect "fact" when you spin your version of the "DISintegration." TW was not in BK until the acquisition by AA was well into the "done deal stage."
You can try and justify AA's action for the rest of your life, but a wound that would be far on its way to healing by this time is still open with no sign of closing.
And as far as DOH for the TW f/a's, most of us would have been content with less than DOH, but at least something a hell of a lot more humane than we got.
As much as you AA nazis HATE it and UAL f/a's who would like to change the rules AND unions after THEY came up with the bylaws, there WILL be a DOH .....PERIOD!! Get over it! Get use to it! You CAN'T change the rules in the middle of the game. Build those fences as high as you want, but it WILL be DOH!! This ISN'T entitlement. This IS reality!!. No more dicussion. Go and play with youself and get a life!!!! Buh, Bye!! 😛
TWskyliner said:
You continually throw in this incorrect "fact" when you spin your version of the "DISintegration." TW was not in BK until the acquisition by AA was well into the "done deal stage."
You can try and justify AA's action for the rest of your life, but a wound that would be far on its way to healing by this time is still open with no sign of closing.
And as far as DOH for the TW f/a's, most of us would have been content with less than DOH, but at least something a hell of a lot more humane than we got.
I don't know what would have satisfied the TWA flight attendants but I know that the TWA mechanic and ramp people are NOT satisfied with an arbitrator's decision. They have filed numerous grievances and lawsuits to try to get around the arbitrator's ruling and get their DOH systemwide. They are not satisfied to have DOH in MCI/STL, they want it ALL.
Is it me or my imagination, are AA employees more obsessed with the possible merger than they are with their own problems? They have a whole topic just about HP/US...I just find it amazing that with all the turmoil in the industry the "big guys" are concerned with whats going on with whom they consider the "small guys"....unless they concerned some of their market may shrink....
LD3 said:
Is it me or my imagination, are AA employees more obsessed with the possible merger than they are with their own problems? They have a whole topic just about HP/US...I just find it amazing that with all the turmoil in the industry the "big guys" are concerned with whats going on with whom they consider the "small guys"....unless they concerned some of their market may shrink....

Aside from the usual in-fighting, we just don't have problems big enough to consume a whole lot of bandwidth, so we're having to borrow problems from y'all.

Everyone at AA got raises last month, the unions haven't had their contracts touched for over two years, recall lists have been almost exhausted for ground employees in the larger cities, and our pensions are still being funded.

Then again, merger integration issues affect everyone. I seem to recall a whole bunch of UA/US folks commenting in the AA forums over on Plane Business during the TW/AA integration....
I see one HP/US topic posted by a one trick pony. The guys a retired pilot whose wife is a furloughed F/A. I can only guess he's sick of having her around.

If a grocery store were to put a cereal box that had red, white, and blue on it (AA colors) on a higher shelf than a red and white box (TWA colors), he'd complain to the manager for being disrespectful.
PineyBob said:
My prediction is that the "Great Judgement Day" for AA will be hot on the heels of the completed merger of US/HP and whomever else joins the party

The tragic events of 9/11 didn't put AA down Bob,don't hold your breath waiting for the "Seventh Seal" to be broken...

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