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AA-TWA acquisition - the truth!!!

Some ask about the validity of Bob Pastore''s letter. I can only reply like this. There are two big HUGE differences in opinions about the truth of these matters that make for huge divergence in opinion. First, Bob Pastore was there. He was a participant in the process and attended TWA BOD meetings. None of the rest of us were there or participated in the process so our interpretations of events are based upon stuff we have picked up second hand subject to whatever spin people wish to put upon them. His chronicling of events is based upon his personal experience of events. Second, Bob has gone on public record by sending the letter to Senator Hutchinson. It is likely that he therefore will have to testify to what he has written to Senator Hutchinson. None of the rest of us can so testify because we were not there and we have no first hand knowledge of what occurred. Additionally, I believe it is likely that his testimony will be stubstantiated by the testimony of others who were there. To go on record with false statements about events risks a lot for anyone who makes such statements. Knowing Bob from the past, I can sincerely state that it is highly unlikely that he would place himself in the risky position of testifying falsely.