Like I believe Doug and everything he says. I do believe this though. He told you guys in a PHX crew news on tape to a pointed question: Who bought who? His reply in so many words was Usairways bought us. Lakefield wasn't interested in running a company period. Doug was. So the investers infused USAirways with cash and the deal was done. Wonder why? Lots of questions to that but one envolves the PBGC. If you bought us then I would be collecting a pension albeit reduced right now.
As for my job? We will never know will we? Because you never know what the last chance giveaway by employees would have done to get us into the current economic up cycle we are in. It would have been ugly for sure and probably would have brought us below what TWA was making prior to the AA deal. But that is just my opinion and conjecture. So your claim of saving anything is moot.
Please, please, provide us with the written proof or fillings of your acquiring us so I can go back to the PBGC and file an appeal. I would really like to start collecting my reduced pension now. If not then please step down from your high horse and get over it. Actually it would have been easier if you did buy us.
And yes, I will ask if I see them.
Later Prater