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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

All due respect, but you are really good at reading things really wrong.

I didn’t see a pro-TWU post at all. Aviation junkie is looking for representation that more closely reflects AA’s demographics. Spoiler alert: there’s more than just middle aged white guys turning wrenches. ✌️

KEV from what I have read you are a Delta employee, NON UNION, and you may have worked at NWA. Did you scab? RACE has NOTHING to do with Union representation. So you can Table that crap...
Tired of amfa stuff on the negotiations page, go to the amfa page and post all you want.
I am tired of the TWU/IAM/Association stuff and I am tired of certain non-mechanic industrial union members sucking up to union leaders and living in fear of the mechanics leaving.
P.REZ I for one am Tired of the TWU, and all of the membership around the system who have signed cards each time we have had a card drive are as well.

Can you say that this current card drive did not speed up the process of us getting a T/A? The Association has been jerking us around for yrs now.
From what I see the IAM told the TWU just sit down shut up we will get our guys the best we can and you can keep collecting your dues since that is all you care about.

You have an agenda as does swamt, you’re entitled to believe what you want but it doesn’t necessarily make it true. You don’t think the company is the main culprit on how long negotiations took? You think scope matters? The communication was very bad but this company’s management and how they look at employees and customers is the main problem.
KEV from what I have read you are a Delta employee, NON UNION, and you may have worked at NWA. Did you scab? RACE has NOTHING to do with Union representation. So you can Table that crap...

I’m simply pointing out that you misread the post of a potential ally. It’s not the first time, either. People on here are agreeing with you and you try to talk them out of it.

I absolutely work at Delta, and am currently not represented. I also worked at NW. That’s not news to anyone here. What that does give me is the odd perspective of having my career split in half between union/non-union. IOW, I can see shitty representation a mile alway.

Did I scab? Nope. Walked the line with my coworkers too. Got my picture taken by the Vance security goons more than once. Next time, just ask.

i think he was smart. he would have tipped everyone off that the iam hijacked everything.

Haha. You’re probably right.
You have an agenda as does swamt, you’re entitled to believe what you want but it doesn’t necessarily make it true. You don’t think the company is the main culprit on how long negotiations took? You think scope matters? The communication was very bad but this company’s management and how they look at employees and customers is the main problem.

P.REZ The only reason we have this Association is because the TWU & IAM belong to the AFL:CIO, So that dues would not be lost by either they formed an Association when for years they preached AMFA was not a real Union they are just a Association. You are 100% correct I want the Industrial Unions out of MY Class & Craft. SCOPE IS A BIG THING. These unions only concern is Headcount. Dues. "YES" communication was BAD, and you are also correct with the way AA looks at it's employees. The pitch of the seats and lack of customer service shows our customers what we think of them. AA took meals, blankets, pillows, leg room and YET they are still flying AA. have you seen AA rating it's poor and our stock in the toilet. What UNION represents the employees outside of MY Class and Craft makes no Difference to ME. I learned a long time AGO at Eastern Airlines what it meant to be a Union member. What SWAMTs part is on this forum is his,concern & I have even asked him why he is here on the private chat ?
P.REZ The only reason we have this Association is because the TWU & IAM belong to the AFL:CIO, So that dues would not be lost by either they formed an Association when for years they preached AMFA was not a real Union they are just a Association. You are 100% correct I want the Industrial Unions out of MY Class & Craft. SCOPE IS A BIG THING. These unions only concern is Headcount. Dues. "YES" communication was BAD, and you are also correct with the way AA looks at it's employees. The pitch of the seats and lack of customer service shows our customers what we think of them. AA took meals, blankets, pillows, leg room and YET they are still flying AA. have you seen AA rating it's poor and our stock in the toilet. What UNION represents the employees outside of MY Class and Craft makes no Difference to ME. I learned a long time AGO at Eastern Airlines what it meant to be a Union member. What SWAMTs part is on this forum is his,concern & I have even asked him why he is here on the private chat ?

And there is a page for anything and everything you want to discuss regarding amfa.
You have an agenda as does swamt, you’re entitled to believe what you want but it doesn’t necessarily make it true. You don’t think the company is the main culprit on how long negotiations took? You think scope matters? The communication was very bad but this company’s management and how they look at employees and customers is the main problem.
Now that is funny, "communication was very bad" theres an understatement. That has been pointed out ovet and over for years now. Everyone admits it but noone fixed it. And there is no intention of fixing it.
Tragically voting in this ta, will make it easier to vote it out.
Cause we're the first ones up and because they are probably sick of hearing about DL profit sharing.....so they are saying here it is now stfu.....i guess
We are actually the fourth one,everyone else has been thru the mill once already.
And there is a page for anything and everything you want to discuss regarding amfa.

So you decide to join this board to just attack AMFA and swamt? You have been here for about 11 days and you are going to who can or who can't?
Did you ever hear of a country called the United States?
So you decide to join this board to just attack AMFA and swamt? You have been here for about 11 days and you are going to who can or who can't?
Did you ever hear of a country called the United States?

I’ve been on this board for a long time, there is an amfa page, post there.
And there is a page for anything and everything you want to discuss regarding amfa.

You are correct again, but the results of these so called negotiations and what this T/A does to the Title 2 guys here at AA is a concern. TO ME, SCOPE, & $$$.
Negotiations are over am I correct? Well now we will have to see just what the TWU's road show puts out as they travel the system promoting this T/A.
All of us will get a full copy and I hope that most will read it. The association put out the highlights (positive) will they tell us what we lost in trade? Then try to justify their thinking. This is a JCBA but the IAM side has things we don't and we have things they don't. So what's the point? When they merge the seniority lists and allow transfers to other cities how will the differences be looked at by each group? The days of the membership just being sheep are over. The Union is supposed to work for the MEMBERSHIP, not the other way around. All of the other title groups and what they get or don't does not concern me either. I hope that each gets the most out of this T/A as they can. My agenda bring a bargaining unit that will look out for Maintenance and Related. ONLY.

But I will tell YOU, I will support any Union member no matter what group they belong too.

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