That's easy. Your a negotiator with the Association.How can you be a Negotiator when your sitting outside the room?
That's easy. Your a negotiator with the Association.How can you be a Negotiator when your sitting outside the room?
that was just a joke that is real life though..
The real leak is we have until FEB 18th to get the deal done.
Or we all will pay for Samuelson's big mouth.
Company agreed to drop charges, I wonder what we gave up for that.
this you can take to the bank....
that would mean providing fact based information.Would love to see some confirmation of this.
And yeah what was given up for this
Don't get too exited. That base has a history of hiring then having massive layoffs.But, AA also is/was hiring too. Didn't they just hire 400 for Tulsa?
hey dude where is your sense of humor??
did you not sense the sarcasm???
Don't get too exited. That base has a history of hiring then having massive layoffs.
It could have just been Sept 11th fallout but I got the feeling from the older hands that having massive layoffs after a hiring spree was normalcy.
Never over estimate the current leaders..AA hires in big gaps, why would they lay off guys who NOW have to work 8 yrs to top out and start with 1 week vacation, and keep old guys with 4-5-6 weeks vacation at top of the pay scale? The industry across the board from what I hear and read, many of the airlines are looking to hire and bring in new mechanics since in the next few yrs many will be gone for one reason or another. Layoffs would make no sense, it would be a POOR business decision on the leadership of AA to do that.
What sad is my first inclination is to be pissed and blast the association. Thats how bad it is for the membership we have very little fairh in leadership. Any leadership.NEGOTIATIONS UPDATE
29 Jan 2020
January 29, 2020
Negotiations Update
Sisters and Brothers,
Negotiations between the Association and American Airlines resumed today in Washington, DC. with some progress made. The remaining outstanding issues are few, but are some of the most important elements of a collective bargaining agreement, including wages and job scope language.
The parties will continue negotiations tomorrow, and the membership will be updated as developments occur. Your solidarity has brought us close to an agreement, and your committee thanks you as we try to conclude these negotiations.
Please Post on All TWU – IAM Bulletin Boards.
I doubt the Association would level with the membership. They haven't up to now so why start. The post about the company using the legal judgement sounds pretty believable. I expect the members will be punished for Samuelson's ill advised rant which the union will certainly pass on the punishment to the membership. The last 5-6 years have been so bizarre you couldn't make this stuff up.What sad is my first inclination is to be pissed and blast the association. Thats how bad it is for the membership we have very little fairh in leadership. Any leadership.
But lets look at the update.
Medical, retirement not mentioned. Wonder how that got solved?
It was the typical deceptive update. It said some progress was made. It would be respectful to us if the negotiators who are paid by us would state what “some” is. For all we know, no progress was made on the key items, any of them.What sad is my first inclination is to be pissed and blast the association. Thats how bad it is for the membership we have very little fairh in leadership. Any leadership.
But lets look at the update.
Medical, retirement not mentioned. Wonder how that got solved?