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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

You are talking to a guy that was stabbed in the back by the president of 514 (Sam Cirri a FSC) and the Chairman of Fleet Service (Debbie Tiller also a FSC).

They pushed acceptance of a concessionary contract then the company got rid of Fleet Service. First it was going to be half the shop.... then it was going to be most of the shop with them retaining a few people, then it was all of the shop but a few got local job offers. By the time the dust settled Sam and Debbie were the only 2 people out of over 100 at TUL and TULE that did not have to retire, bump, put in a local transfer and wait, or quit. Debbie was even awarded a job outside of seniority.

After I came on this very forum and outed their little scam my fellow coworkers turned on me like a bunch of jackals. They rather of hung on to their delusions that these 2 clowns were trying to get there jobs back than face the fact they got taken for a ride. There desperation overrode their logic.

Other high ups in the UNION were notified but chose to turn a blind eye.

So after having been stuck in JUNIOR Fleet, betrayed by the president and Fleet Service chairman of local 514, having my fellow workers turn on me, and then having the other high ups in the UNION turn a blind eye to 2 officers cutting an under the table deal..... after all that how would you feel in my place?

In a perfect world sure I would love the UNION to be unified, however I have seen far too much in my career to tell me it is the exact opposite.

What they did to me was attach my post to the news board and let my own coworkers tear me to pieces for a few months.

Every one of those worthless ass hats said the exact same thing in private, that everything I said was the truth but I should not have said it. I mean really...... if it is the truth why should it not have been said. What I did I did out of frustration for B.S. that had been going on for YEARS and was actually getting worse. I mean what a slap in the face..... you were totally right and I agree with you but I am going to treat you like sh*t for 2 months because you should not have said it.

Let me tell you guys.... having those things happen changes your perspective. These days I don't have "friends" at work. I only have coworkers. I learned the hard way that work people are not your friends and they will turn on you at the drop of a hat if it is fashionable.

So while I agree with your ideals my personal history tells me you better try to look out for your best interest and worry less about "saving the world". I tried to "save the world" and all I got for it was a slap in the face...... twice.

That gentlemen is why I have the attitude I do.

I make no apologies, not anymore.
None needed I know your story, every time I see Ciri I can only think of what a piece of **** he is. The AFW local President did what was right and took a transfer to TULE, he even had to lower his classification.
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How is me spouting issues any different than every other swinging dick in this forum?

I don't really know what you have against me. Truthfully I did not even take note of you until about 2 weeks ago. We have no bad history as far as I know. Like what I say or not at least I say what I believe, even if it is not popular.

She does not post because she does not care for politics or activism, she lives in the moment. I am more of the type that I prepare and plan.
Swinging dick? What about a stable dick?? Sorry, but LOL...
The membership IS the UNION.... or at least that is the lie we are told.

In fact the international IS the UNION because they OWN the contract.

You are subject to a contract you have no control over. Let that sink in.

I mean sure you can vote in the dog and pony show but it really doesn't matter because the international can accept it "in your best interest".

I mean you have to laugh at the absurdity of it.

You show me any other instance of someone being at the mercy of a contract they have NO control over.

It is to laugh.


I had to edit this. That was supposed to say

You show me any other instance of someone being at the mercy of a contract they have NO control over.

No bull ****, if they would simply bring in AMFA then the membership would have control of the contract, NOT the international as in you case or the National level in our case, it really is that simple, PERIOD!!!
Thank you for being honest Buck i believe a large majority would vote along with you.
Thank you for being honest Buck i believe a large majority would vote along with you.
You are probably correct, but not me. We have waited so long to get this done, what does it matter? Like Buck I’m gone in a year or so, unlike Buck I look at it this way. What will a new contract do for me? A little cash in my pocket (that Uncle Sam takes half), a few extra days off for a year? Just so the IAM can claim victory & screw some new hires? Sorry, the way this entire fiasco has been shoved down our throats I would love to see the TWU membership reject being used. And better yet, send the entire industrial union complex packing.
No bull ****, if they would simply bring in AMFA then the membership would have control of the contract, NOT the international as in you case or the National level in our case, it really is that simple, PERIOD!!!
Not in my case. I do have 2 years recall left (providing we still have 10 years recall) but I doubt I will use it to leverage a transfer. I have started another career and am happy with my situation. The ONLY way I would be interested in putting in a transfer is if I could CS off half my time to someone else and just be a 4 hour per day part timer.

I would say with my wife being title 1 I am more interested in how things are progressing for that title group.

I support your AMFA efforts, I just think you are fighting an uphill battle.

The TWU has already stabbed me in the back, I really don't want to give them the chance to do it to her to.

I don't trust the bastards, end of story.
clearly what’s going to happen is. AA will go bankrupt again (remember we are now a rebranded USairways) and while in bankruptcy, our scope will be gutted, other work rules will be changed and a buy out for the old guys in order to keep workforce young as it is a tight job market and Delta UAL SWA are all hiring AMTs.

The real fight in bankruptcy for Doug will be fending off Spirit and Allegiant airlines, and their ultimate goal of taking over the New AA. Their CEOs might sweet talk our pilots and FAs like another CEO has done in the past . It’s clear that AMTs aren’t really considered part of the airline.

I could be wrong, because I actually thought we were going to get a contract this year.

And now Alaska is announcing hiring Pilots, F/A's and Mechanics in 2020. So add them to the Delta, UAL, and SWA hiring list too. But, AA also is/was hiring too. Didn't they just hire 400 for Tulsa? Been a long time since I have heard or seen this many airlines hiring at the same time again. 2020 looking to be a good year. Maybe not so much for Parker...

Earlier in the day, the airline announced that it expects to hire 2,800 people across Alaska Airlines and Horizon Air in 2020.

The airline predicts it will have openings for pilots and flight attendants, maintenance technicians and customer service agents in frontline positions, as well as software developers and product designers on its e-commerce team.

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That's usually the process. When the sides can't get an agreement and the union expects a certain return the airline usually gives a number and suggests several ways it could be carved up.

With the Association this process is perpetual.
Just herd from a guy that knows a guy that is friends with one of the negotiators sitting outside the room we are close to a deal. Just lack finishing up.
Just herd from a guy that knows a guy that is friends with one of the negotiators sitting outside the room we are close to a deal. Just lack finishing up.

How can you be a Negotiator when your sitting outside the room?
Just herd from a guy that knows a guy that is friends with one of the negotiators sitting outside the room we are close to a deal. Just lack finishing up.
Sounds to me like Timmy's informant has moved on to you for delivering his messages since Timmy has been silenced and told to leave these forums.
How can you be a Negotiator when your sitting outside the room?
Outside the room, down the hall, and sitting in their hotel room until notified what to do next. When the Exec. Cmte. tuggs on the puppet strings, then and only then is when they will jump. Why are those folks even put into those positions to begin with?
that was just a joke that is real life though..

The real leak is we have until FEB 18th to get the deal done.
Or we all will pay for Samuelson's big mouth.
Company agreed to drop charges, I wonder what we gave up for that.
this you can take to the bank....

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