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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

What more will it take to dump this incompetent dysfunctional association.


One of these!
View attachment 15023

For some reason this update and it is legitimate just pisses me off.

What more will it take to dump this incompetent dysfunctional association.

Seems little Timmy has been silenced since this released above. Sounds to me that the nego's are extremely pissed off at little Timmy and he got his pee-pee spanked. If this is true, then all the people out here that were trying to derail the AMFA card drive (yes Timmy included as he always spreads false and misinformation) are all now gone.
Time now to get laser focused on this campaign to remove this asso from representing the mechanics and related at AA. If any of you are still no sure, sitting on the fence, or just hasn't signed a card yet please ask any questions you may have to clear anything up that you might be holding back on. Pull any one of the organizers to the side and drill them with anything you wanna know or question about AMFA representation. No more the excuses that AMFA can't nego full contracts as they have now done several at 4 different airlines and soon to be a 5th hopefully. No more questions on if AMFA can nego an ILC either, as that has been done every time new contracts have come into their representational nego's. No more false info that AMFA has no money. No more false phrases of AMFA is no real union as they are just an association since now the TWU and IAM is now an association as well. I guess they felt obligated to "copy" AMFA's move to be an association. No more that AMFA's legal doesn't work hard for the members as it has been proven numerous times as well as AA employees hiring the AMFA's legal firm to represent them all the while they had their own union representation to pick from but decided not to, wonder why?
Now is the time to step up and make a change for the betterment of all mechanics and related with a much better class and craft representation just like all the Pilots and F/A and dispatchers have. Don't listen to the lies about AMFA not wanting to represent auto, FM and other mechanics groups it is just not true at all. Our guys at SWA in FM, GSE, auto, and plant maint are all very happy we went AMFA. They too were hearing the same you guys are hearing now, and it's all BS and lies to try and deter you from signing AMFA cards.
Like MIM states above, now is the time, so let's get this done ladies and gentlemen. 2020 is the year at AA for AMFA.
BTW; With no update from the asso. those later dates (Jan 29,30 and 31) are needed, just as most all of us thought we would. Seems to be a stronghold on these last 5 remaining biggies. Trust me it's not just down to 1 item of % of future raises.
I respect your feelings on the matter and personally don’t post much anymore because it doesn’t go over well because the information isn’t specific enough. Negotiations are scheduled in DCA next Wednesday to Friday and believe it or not, I am interested in getting a JCBA sooner than later.

Could the information have been better communicated to the members all along? Yes. As for being for the IAM only, I disagree with that statement. As for getting along with the TWU, I still contact a couple of past negotiators from the TWU and have got along with all of them. If some second level TWU leaders are saying what you claim, it’s news to me, they’ve never said that around me.
Thank you P.Rez, I think you are doing a great job! Every time the ASS announces new negotiation dates & those meetings are followed up by ( non-informatioal ) information updates, a new bunch of AMFA cards get turned in. Everybody in the negotiation process claims they want a contract signed as soon as possible, but nothing is getting done. Why do you believe it is in the memberships best interest, that they are not informed on what are the sticking points to a contract resolution? From a TWU member, my only assumption is that the IAM side is still keeping your IAMPF in play for TWU members. Until I'm proven wrong I will keep giving my opinion on this forum page. I have no ill will towards you or any IAM member, but any person who tries to sell the IAMPF as a viable retirement option in 2020 is POS con-man.
Thank you P.Rez, I think you are doing a great job! Every time the ASS announces new negotiation dates & those meetings are followed up by ( non-informatioal ) information updates, a new bunch of AMFA cards get turned in. Everybody in the negotiation process claims they want a contract signed as soon as possible, but nothing is getting done. Why do you believe it is in the memberships best interest, that they are not informed on what are the sticking points to a contract resolution? From a TWU member, my only assumption is that the IAM side is still keeping your IAMPF in play for TWU members. Until I'm proven wrong I will keep giving my opinion on this forum page. I have no ill will towards you or any IAM member, but any person who tries to sell the IAMPF as a viable retirement option in 2020 is POS con-man.
Many share your opinion about the IAM holding things up. The IAM guy came on here and basically said they are watching out for their members. Meanwhile, the TWU guys are sitting around playing with their members. You can take that pun anyway you want. Not a peep out of the TWU top guys since Samuelson melted down. What sorry asses to betray the membership and sit around and do nothing on our dime.
BTW; With no update from the asso. those later dates (Jan 29,30 and 31) are needed, just as most all of us thought we would. Seems to be a stronghold on these last 5 remaining biggies. Trust me it's not just down to 1 item of % of future raises.

"The TWU-IAM Association today announced that top level TWU/IAM Association leadership will be joining ongoing joint contract negotiations with American Airlines to expedite outstanding economic issues." -January 13, 2017

They're almost done, it's been expedited.
"The TWU-IAM Association today announced that top level TWU/IAM Association leadership will be joining ongoing joint contract negotiations with American Airlines to expedite outstanding economic issues." -January 13, 2017

They're almost done, it's been expedited.
that makes me feel better...
Thank you P.Rez, I think you are doing a great job! Every time the ASS announces new negotiation dates & those meetings are followed up by ( non-informatioal ) information updates, a new bunch of AMFA cards get turned in. Everybody in the negotiation process claims they want a contract signed as soon as possible, but nothing is getting done. Why do you believe it is in the memberships best interest, that they are not informed on what are the sticking points to a contract resolution? From a TWU member, my only assumption is that the IAM side is still keeping your IAMPF in play for TWU members. Until I'm proven wrong I will keep giving my opinion on this forum page. I have no ill will towards you or any IAM member, but any person who tries to sell the IAMPF as a viable retirement option in 2020 is POS con-man.

I have no doubt whatever is holding this thing up is pennies compared to what we are loosing every day.
I figured just in 401 K alone I’ve probably lost 2500 to 5000 in retirement savings alone.
It’s insane
I have no doubt whatever is holding this thing up is pennies compared to what we are loosing every day.
I figured just in 401 K alone I’ve probably lost 2500 to 5000 in retirement savings alone.
It’s insane

Your financial future is being stolen from you. This isn’t how representation is supposed to work!
"The TWU-IAM Association today announced that top level TWU/IAM Association leadership will be joining ongoing joint contract negotiations with American Airlines to expedite outstanding economic issues." -January 13, 2017

They're almost done, it's been expedited.
2 years ago if this doesn’t tell you how dysfunctional these guys are nothing does
2 years ago if this doesn’t tell you how dysfunctional these guys are nothing does
Correction- that was Three(3) years ago when the “Executive Level Negotiators” took over.
I’ve never seen such negotiating prowess in my life, we sure are lucky we have the Ass.
Correction- that was Three(3) years ago when the “Executive Level Negotiators” took over.
I’ve never seen such negotiating prowess in my life, we sure are lucky we have the Ass.

During the negotiations in '08 and up to the BK, the premise was that the International was controlling the negotiations even though the Local Presidents were involved.

Today, the international is negotiating, without the Presidents even being in the room, much less participating.

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