Sir, let me make this real simple but also clear. I want to give truthful information. I want to help anyone who wants it.
I truly care what people think about me and I want them to trust me. People who do indeed know me will tell you that I am that kind of person. I don't know you, but have heard "decent' things about you. But I must say that you come off as a Sito lackie and your little "drive by's" with very little information (same ole same ole) doesn't help the TWU whatsoever, it's only about your members. This whole situation has been a clusterfuc and I have not once heard you or CB admit that. Why, because you and your IAM members are doing fine. You and CB both stated the TWU and IAM were getting along fine and we have now found out that was a complete lie. We now have the TWU "second level" leadership (not loudmouth Samuelson) saying this ASS is not a good thing and the IAM is a problem. I'm sorry sir, but you and CB are nobody to the TWU as you have proven both by action and words it's all about the IAM and the IAM only. I personally wish both you and CB would stop with the drive by's as it means absolutely nothing to the majority (TWU) other than telling your members we still have what we had, we are doing well.