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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

sorry, been busy. A lot happening on the FB group and we went over 2,000 comments for the first time in one day. Between the exploding AMFA discussion, the deceit of the union, and the TA being released, we have simply been swamped.
Even a broken clock is tight twice a day, i wish today was your day but i doubt it.
OK, I don’t know Tim and while he has had a few missteps on here with the things he says his latest seems possible
Remember even Doug said the contract is on the table and with all the BS infighting that these two unions have had I don’t doubt it’s just another cat fight going on to release the TA.
Which is precisely why they need to go.
Let’s hope we do hear something today, I mean damnit next weekend is the Super Bowl and who has time for this BS then
#45 and TN two of my favorite Joker's . Distract, Divide , and Lie . Weapons of Con Artist's and W.O.R.Men . Good Luck ! VOTE ! 2020
Now? How about four years ago?
The greedy unions and the AFL-CIO are destroying unionism in this country. When the ideology shifted from workers rights to financial survival the American worker became a slave to employers and unions. The company is getting what they want and the unions are getting what they need to survive.
Company gets concessions and the unions get our money. Let's keep it simple and what it really is.
sorry, been busy. A lot happening on the FB group and we went over 2,000 comments for the first time in one day. Between the exploding AMFA discussion, the deceit of the union, and the TA being released, we have simply been swamped.
Wait a minute. I thought AMFA had absolutely nothing to do with nego's talks! AMFA is driving the sped up talks as I told you a while back, so give credit where credit is due for knowing so. Well here we are mid day Fri. and still nothing, nothing, and NOTHING!!!
sorry, been busy. A lot happening on the FB group and we went over 2,000 comments for the first time in one day. Between the exploding AMFA discussion, the deceit of the union, and the TA being released, we have simply been swamped.
I bet the boring Impeachment hearings are more productive than our virtually nonexistent negotiations.
January 23rd: Negotiatoin Update. This update is from a a key person who I happen to think is solid. But I can't reveal him/her and I wasn't there but I think everything below will come to pass as said. But since it is not first hand, consider it all hearsay for now.

Item 1: The last two association updates were not updates at all, they were just ***** fits claiming that this page and the rumors are not true. Nothing was even refuted and the updates have been dishonest. What they should actually do is give you a real update.

Item 2: This is the Good, the bad, and the ugly.

First, the Ugly. The IAM Boss and all of the union bosses are pissed off like hell at this page. Alot of "**** Nelson" and at one point the main IAM Boss wanted to confiscate all the cell phones to see who is leaking info to me. But, at the end of the day, it went something like this, "**** Nelson, we won't put **** out on Thursday and we will decide when to put it out." Crazy train talk basically. Never mind that 32,000 people are waiting on their money and all they want to talk about is bitching about me. Sad.

Now the Bad: The TWU was caught off guard. The IAM not only flew in all of the negotiation team, but also all of their District Lodge 141 AGC's. That is the IAM ramp AGC's. The subject was about the retro methodology which has become the single biggest holdup. As the story goes, the company wanted to give everyone a $3,000 bonus, as reported on jetnet proposal, i.e., equal bonus for fleet and MX. But due to the AMFA campaign, the Association wanted to take the same money from the company and use a retro methodology that would tilt the money pot about 70% to the mechanics, as opposed to 50/50. That meant that some fleet service part timers would get between $250-$500 or something less than their profit sharing. With retro, it's based on wages, and MX has alot higher wages. So that left alot less for fleet. No way would Fleet get to keep the same retro that the company wanted to give in the jetnet proposal. So, on the IAM side, the IAM Fleet AGC's voiced opinion that they would get eaten alive. The whole contract is done. Period. They are maybe revisiting the methoidology to make it more fair to the fleet. That's what I was told, so if you don't believe it, then I"m ok with it. Like I said, I'm not there and the union isn't talking. Either way, as I told all of you, the company offer simply didn't grow. It's been on the table other than some things worked out between the TWU and IAM over the pension matters and other items. The total compensation hasn't changed, and IMO that means we are losing money.

The Good news: The report I got tonight is favorable for a TA tomorrow. Yea I know that Mr Yellow said most likely thursday but he also said, or shortly thereafter. But based on the call tonight, just seemd like some egos were bruised over me announcing the TA today. Other good news for fleet is that the retro methodology may end up a bit more equal again. I can't imagine the union taking any more time, after discussion, on this retro. I just hope that the company doesn't give the union the check to administer the bonus/retro because I have learned that the union always fucks it up and then some money disappears and members are wondering what the hell happened to their money. By the way, this page was discussed regarding the retro item. It's important for you all to express yourself that you don't want any of your bonus/retro money in the union's damn hands.

That's it. And imo, I think Friday. But these guys aren't professional and if I say friday, their egos may get bruised again. But they will sign soon. The offer is NOT getting any better and the only negotiations left are procedures. Not Monetary items. The page has added 200 more members over the last 24 hours, and I appreciate all your comments. I know you are all disgusted by the lies, back-peddling of the union but the company and NMB is rooting them out of all of their flip flops, etc. No doubt we will be voting quickly. And it's important for you to vote in the polls on this page. The company and union review the polls. We need at least 500 to vote out of 7,000. Keep adding your friends and let's bring this puppy up to 8,000 members over the coming months. As always, this page will bring you updates on the latest. The union refuses to update and communicate to you, so keep coming to this site for the latest.

Like always consider all that you read, from the union, me, or this page, as hearsay until it is confirmed.
Here it is Fri. and still nothing. I did a quick search for an update and only found this one today, Friday, the day after you said they would have a T/A on Thursday. And "NO" you did not say "or after" until you started your backpedaling mister, keep it real...

January 20, 2020


Sisters and Brothers,

Talks continue by phone between the Association Leadership and American Airlines in reaching a JCBA. As such, we wanted to update the membership and dispel a false narrative, speculation and rumors some may be spreading.

We are set to meet again with the NMB on Wednesday, January 29, 2020 at 10:00AM through the close of business on Friday, January 31, 2020. We are hopeful these dates with the NMB will not be necessary, however, if needed they will be utilized.

Further information will be provided as it becomes available.

PDF Version: Association-Bulletin-1/20/20
Well Tim, obviously the Blue Fairy failed, as did the Green Dolphin. Today's T/A info comes compliments of a "Key Person".
I'm comfortable in saying I'm saving a space for your next character. Oh, but you do have an out, buy stock and when a T/A is reached you can say I told you so...you know how to play the game and recruit Facebook friends. You're damn near as good as the IAM negotiators! 🙂

January 23rd: Negotiatoin Update. This update is from a a key person who I happen to think is solid. But I can't reveal him/her and I wasn't there but I think everything below will come to pass as said. But since it is not first hand, consider it all hearsay for now.

Item 1: The last two association updates were not updates at all, they were just ***** fits claiming that this page and the rumors are not true. Nothing was even refuted and the updates have been dishonest. What they should actually do is give you a real update.

Item 2: This is the Good, the bad, and the ugly.

First, the Ugly. The IAM Boss and all of the union bosses are pissed off like hell at this page. Alot of "**** Nelson" and at one point the main IAM Boss wanted to confiscate all the cell phones to see who is leaking info to me. But, at the end of the day, it went something like this, "**** Nelson, we won't put **** out on Thursday and we will decide when to put it out." Crazy train talk basically. Never mind that 32,000 people are waiting on their money and all they want to talk about is bitching about me. Sad.

Now the Bad: The TWU was caught off guard. The IAM not only flew in all of the negotiation team, but also all of their District Lodge 141 AGC's. That is the IAM ramp AGC's. The subject was about the retro methodology which has become the single biggest holdup. As the story goes, the company wanted to give everyone a $3,000 bonus, as reported on jetnet proposal, i.e., equal bonus for fleet and MX. But due to the AMFA campaign, the Association wanted to take the same money from the company and use a retro methodology that would tilt the money pot about 70% to the mechanics, as opposed to 50/50. That meant that some fleet service part timers would get between $250-$500 or something less than their profit sharing. With retro, it's based on wages, and MX has alot higher wages. So that left alot less for fleet. No way would Fleet get to keep the same retro that the company wanted to give in the jetnet proposal. So, on the IAM side, the IAM Fleet AGC's voiced opinion that they would get eaten alive. The whole contract is done. Period. They are maybe revisiting the methoidology to make it more fair to the fleet. That's what I was told, so if you don't believe it, then I"m ok with it. Like I said, I'm not there and the union isn't talking. Either way, as I told all of you, the company offer simply didn't grow. It's been on the table other than some things worked out between the TWU and IAM over the pension matters and other items. The total compensation hasn't changed, and IMO that means we are losing money.

The Good news: The report I got tonight is favorable for a TA tomorrow. Yea I know that Mr Yellow said most likely thursday but he also said, or shortly thereafter. But based on the call tonight, just seemd like some egos were bruised over me announcing the TA today. Other good news for fleet is that the retro methodology may end up a bit more equal again. I can't imagine the union taking any more time, after discussion, on this retro. I just hope that the company doesn't give the union the check to administer the bonus/retro because I have learned that the union always fucks it up and then some money disappears and members are wondering what the hell happened to their money. By the way, this page was discussed regarding the retro item. It's important for you all to express yourself that you don't want any of your bonus/retro money in the union's damn hands.

That's it. And imo, I think Friday. But these guys aren't professional and if I say friday, their egos may get bruised again. But they will sign soon. The offer is NOT getting any better and the only negotiations left are procedures. Not Monetary items. The page has added 200 more members over the last 24 hours, and I appreciate all your comments. I know you are all disgusted by the lies, back-peddling of the union but the company and NMB is rooting them out of all of their flip flops, etc. No doubt we will be voting quickly. And it's important for you to vote in the polls on this page. The company and union review the polls. We need at least 500 to vote out of 7,000. Keep adding your friends and let's bring this puppy up to 8,000 members over the coming months. As always, this page will bring you updates on the latest. The union refuses to update and communicate to you, so keep coming to this site for the latest.

Like always consider all that you read, from the union, me, or this page, as hearsay until it is confirmed.

Eventually you're gonna be right, and then you can take credit for knowing a TA was coming. I'm embarrassed for you.
Well Tim, obviously the Blue Fairy failed, as did the Green Dolphin. Today's T/A info comes compliments of a "Key Person".
I'm comfortable in saying I'm saving a space for your next character. Oh, but you do have an out, buy stock and when a T/A is reached you can say I told you so...you know how to play the game and recruit Facebook friends. You're damn near as good as the IAM negotiators! 🙂

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Bless his heart he tries and tries and tries.

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