Braniff is an interesting comparison not only because of their explosive expansion and their overall debt load from fleet acquisitions, but also because they'd just finished a brand new headquarters at the edge of DFW, which is across the street from AA's west side hangars (Braniff Place became GTE Place which became Verizon Place, and is now the Thryv Conference Center).
In 1981's annual report, Braniff listed $668M in long term debt and $180M in airplane orders. Adjusted for inflation, that would be ~$2.5B in debt today.
AA's 10x bigger in terms of fleet size, ASM's, etc. than BN was in 1982, but they also have more than 10x that level of debt.
Time to go re-read "Splash of Colors" by John Nance. Great recap of the Braniff collapse... It's out of print but used copies are available on Amazon, or you can check out your local library...