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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

I say don't give anything back or up until Parker sets the example and take some sort of pay/salary cut for himself, otherwise forget it (F-Them)
Would you stop if paycuts are coming of course senior exec's will particpate.You should take a break from AA I think your own airline needs your wisdom now
First I'd like to say thanks you piece of garbage Association. You were warned things out of our control could derail the contract while you stall. Guess what...So Delta just announced they will be asking for a government bailout as they park up to 300 planes and stop almost all international flying. This is per Fox News.
What Wall Street thinks of AA...All airlines up over $4.00 except AA who is up less than a $1.00
Would you stop if paycuts are coming of course senior exec's will particpate.You should take a break from AA I think your own airline needs your wisdom now
Some one agrees.....get a clue swa misses you swamt
We are under a State of Emergency. So can AA declare a Force Majeure?
http://www.twulocal513.org/docs/Letter From President Cosey to Membership.pdf

But hey, let's force everyone into one room in one day to get this vote done. Electronically may give you carpal tunnel or phone might cause cauliflower ear. I totally understand!
Best thing they can do is pull a jim little and without further ratification.
But hey look at the bright side the way things are going we.will be all equal. Instead of us going to them they could be coming to us! How ironic would that be?
Why are you guys attacking me for just asking a question. No wonder no one stays on this BB for long. I got more union blood in me than all of you put together. I just don’t find crying about everything to be a fix. Do something about it. Or Quit.

This is a association/union/company bashing forum.

Obviously you're not gonna fit in! 🙂
Why are you guys attacking me for just asking a question. No wonder no one stays on this BB for long. I got more union blood in me than all of you put together. I just don’t find crying about everything to be a fix. Do something about it. Or Quit.
You came to the wrong place. Welcome to the aviation forums.
Delta cut 40 percent AA cut 34 percent, so not much of a difference
This industry is now in full blown survival mode and let’s just hope when the personal cuts come there not too deep.
I’m not too optimistic though

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