Not if you were already hedged at 50$my crew chief asked parker about hedging a few years ago and parker was very clear - no hedging.
Not if you were already hedged at 50$my crew chief asked parker about hedging a few years ago and parker was very clear - no hedging.
Would you stop if paycuts are coming of course senior exec's will particpate.You should take a break from AA I think your own airline needs your wisdom nowI say don't give anything back or up until Parker sets the example and take some sort of pay/salary cut for himself, otherwise forget it (F-Them)
Some one agrees.....get a clue swa misses you swamtWould you stop if paycuts are coming of course senior exec's will particpate.You should take a break from AA I think your own airline needs your wisdom now
Got to give the association credit, it took talent to fu k this up and they have done a bang up job! From President Cosey to Membership.pdf
But hey, let's force everyone into one room in one day to get this vote done. Electronically may give you carpal tunnel or phone might cause cauliflower ear. I totally understand!
Prez declared state of emergency. No large groups or gatherings. So let's vote electronically from your home.Got to give the association credit, it took talent to fu k this up and they have done a bang up job!
Best thing they can do is pull a jim little and without further ratification. From President Cosey to Membership.pdf
But hey, let's force everyone into one room in one day to get this vote done. Electronically may give you carpal tunnel or phone might cause cauliflower ear. I totally understand!
Why are you guys attacking me for just asking a question. No wonder no one stays on this BB for long. I got more union blood in me than all of you put together. I just don’t find crying about everything to be a fix. Do something about it. Or Quit.
You came to the wrong place. Welcome to the aviation forums.Why are you guys attacking me for just asking a question. No wonder no one stays on this BB for long. I got more union blood in me than all of you put together. I just don’t find crying about everything to be a fix. Do something about it. Or Quit.
Oh, It's not over. Like watching a train wreck in slow motion.Got to give the association credit, it took talent to fu k this up and they have done a bang up job!