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AA and Labor Negotiations-2020

But we need you. We want you. We like you. Help us ...............


Real Tired that is a great read about the IAMPF, having each member pay a surcharge to bring the IAMPF back into good health is crazy. It's a multi-company plan with more money going out than coming in. Having one member fund another's pension is like a Pyramid scheme. Only those who get what's coming to them now get what they are supposed to get while a gamble for the rest..
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VO, I surely hope you are not disagreeing with 1AA about the fact that they are still nego.? It is in black and white by his posting. Point blank it says that they are still nego the "written" items at this point, with the remaining "biggie cost items" left. They simply ONLY had a verbal agreement and wrongly decided to call it an AIP. An AIP is when you have all written agreements done (NOT verbal) (nego's 101 C'mon Man!) then after finalizing and attorneys go thru the proofreading process, it is then handed to the (in your cases) the nego cmte, exect cmte and the International officers for their, and the company's final approval, then it is sent for a vote by the union leadership to then become a T/A.
Double check the update provided below and you will see approx 4 paragraphs focused on the written nego's still continuing as they are still having problems with both sides agreeing to. That's called continued nego's rather some want to admit it or not. They are in fact further from an AIP (officially) and a T/A then they want you to believe.
Here's the posting, read carefully where they are NOT agreeing with the written language and still discussing and nego in order to get to an agreement on the written language. Speaks volumes. But they want you all to think everything is just peachy-peachy while they "finalize" it. Fact is..... Nego's for written language continues.

Honestly no I don’t believe they are still negotiating, what I do think is because there are so many groups under this on Association that putting together the final language takes time more so than what would be normal for what is usually one union.
So with that yes another reason the association needs to be gone once this is voted in.
Not that I’m defending these guys but there has been more information come out in the last month then the entire 4 years.
I think it’s possible there will be tweaks to the highlight sheet but I still think we will vote by this April.
If not then the airline better prepare for a very long difficult spring and summer
At the very least they should cover the weeks without pay to move to work brain. I’m shocked by the amount of people that don’t care how bad the disparity LAA received
I don't believe it is that LAA /TWU don't care or realize they are getting screwed . Majority that I hear just want the contract settled and a new union voted in so the majorities voice / vote can be heard
Honestly no I don’t believe they are still negotiating, what I do think is because there are so many groups under this on Association that putting together the final language takes time more so than what would be normal for what is usually one union. So with that yes another reason the association needs to be gone once this is voted in.
Not that I’m defending these guys but there has been more information come out in the last month then the entire 4 years. I think it’s possible there will be tweaks to the highlight sheet but I still think we will vote by this April. If not then the airline better prepare for a very long difficult spring and Summer[/QUOTE]
V.O. How ever and when ever the T/A comes out for us to vote on, if we don't vote as you say by April, it will just prove further to us all that the Association again has perpetrated yet another LIE, on the membership. Just another of many. It's time to have All M&R class and craft employees sign an AMFA card to remove them.
Making statements about a long and difficult spring/summer not good that is what the DA Samuelson Leader of the TWU did which gave the company a chip to hold over the association. Something they can bargain away stuff we should of gotten in this contract. But I understand your frustration.
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Yes your right it is frustrating because the longer this is taking the more we are loosing every day .
And now with this world health crisis going on the situation could get ugly.
I do think AA will be ok but there is going to be and economic price with this virus BS going on and the slow down in travel
Yes your right it is frustrating because the longer this is taking the more we are loosing every day .
And now with this world health crisis going on the situation could get ugly.
I do think AA will be ok but there is going to be and economic price with this virus BS going on and the slow down in travel
Here is a thought for you.

We have had FAR more people die of Influenza here in the United States than the Coronavirus.

Do you think it is possible the CDC is blowing this out of proportion to justify denying Chinese imports to put pressure on China regarding a trade deal?
Real Tired that is a great read about the IAMPF, having each member pay a surcharge to bring the IAMPF back into good health is crazy. It's a multi-company plan with more money going out than coming in. Having one member fund another's pension is like a Pyramid scheme. Only those who get what's coming to them now get what they are supposed to get while a gamble for the rest..

But what about the children? What about me-e-e-e...........

We will strike if provoked...............
Here is a thought for you.

We have had FAR more people die of Influenza here in the United States than the Coronavirus.

Do you think it is possible the CDC is blowing this out of proportion to justify denying Chinese imports to put pressure on China regarding a trade deal?

Yes I do think it’s being overhyped for sure but I’m more inclined to think the Chinese are hyping too to harm the US economy
Don’t you work at SWA. Got kick rocks and get off of our board. You never stop posting. Know wonder everyone thinks all the AMFA organizers are retarded. Hell you make me regret signing a card.
YES I do work at Southwest Airlines. Is that a problem with you? If so WHY? Junkie??
I will never stop posting, get a clue dude.
I am NOT an AMFA organizer, where the hell did you get that??? Regret signing a card? Why? please explain how I have made YOU regret signing a card. Bring it on...
You Good old Boys take this crap to serious. If you had a life you would not have thousands of post and you would be with your families. I just come on here to have fun with all of you losers. The majority of the floor don't give a damn about TWU IAM or AMFA. All they care about is CS work or CS off. Oh and Money and Pizza.

You can give up on trying to get me too take any of this serious. Because I have more of a life than being a Aircraft Mechanic or a American Airline employee.

Now all of you can kiss my Happy AAAAAzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
So WHY are still here then, IF YOU have a valued life over us? 🙂
Honestly no I don’t believe they are still negotiating, what I do think is because there are so many groups under this on Association that putting together the final language takes time more so than what would be normal for what is usually one union.
So with that yes another reason the association needs to be gone once this is voted in.
Not that I’m defending these guys but there has been more information come out in the last month then the entire 4 years.
I think it’s possible there will be tweaks to the highlight sheet but I still think we will vote by this April.
If not then the airline better prepare for a very long difficult spring and summer
Are you kidding? You still do not believe they are still nego? Are you that clueless?? Read the update from the nego cmte member. WOW!!! You are lost sir.

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