Duke, I agree with your post. It definitely would be like you say as the IAM is in full control rather the TWU'ers want to admit it or not. So therefore they see how they will get treated each and every contract in the future while being represented by the IAM----Or rather asso.I should have added, speaking of health ins. "That’s expensive to the company especially since the pilots and FAs will expect that also" ALL association members would expect the same insurance as the IAM members, since we are ALL one union, unless that rhetoric doesn't apply anymore. Unless my union dues are going to go down or the association is going to cut the TWU majority members a check for $4k each, I think the TWU members are being treated as B scale association members.
Question for SWA mech, for all the AMFA contracts is there a seperate benefits package for certain mechanics? Has there ever been a contract where some members get less in benefit coverage? I know we use to have a B scale pay wise, but all unions have gotten away from that, maybe this is the new form a Bscale, unfortunately this will effect the TWU union members who have worked for the AA for 20 30 years and more, having sacrificed for the airline during the toughest of times in the airline industry only to be forced into an association that doesn't give equal representation to the TWU majority members of association.
If this treatment isn't making all association members sign an AMFA card, nothing will.
Now to your questions. No. There are no separate benefits for certain or different mechanics. Except for the Lic. prem rules. Meaning PM, FM, GSE and any other mechs not utilizing their A&P's will not get the A&P lic prem., however, they do receive certain skill level premiums attached to their job class type of mechanics.
No. There has never been a contract where some members get less in benefit coverage. The only diff in benefit coverage for any mechs is the waiting periods for vac's and time to get to fully vested---but we all had that as well when we were all new hires.
Our co. tried to get us on a A-B scale for pay. That does nothing but divide the mechs so AMFA said NO WAY. The co. then dropped it and never brought it up again after several guys that came here from other airlines made statements to the co. about how big of a NO DEAL A-B scales are.
Duke, the mere fact that this asso. is dividing the coverage amongst IAM and TWU differently is just another divisional method used by companies and I cannot fathom why in the world this asso. is agreeing to such disastrous type of language, and as we can all see this will continue for many future contracts IF the mechanics allow it to continue.
With AMFA it does not matter what type of mechanic you are, there are no different benefits to divide the mechs. Thx for that question and clarification.
I agree that this type of treatment and representation should get all mechs to sign cards, and if they don't, then they deserve the continuation of leaving it stuck up their arses for all future contracts with this asso and these two industrial unions TWU/IAM. The IAM will rule the roost on all parameters going forward and this was the biggest example you all could have been given. So take charge and get your fellow type mechs to get onboard or be stuck with what they just experienced for the past 5 years.